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Mood Swings

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    Mood Swings

    decided;1454005 wrote: I was just talking about this today with a friend, I still get annoyed but it passes quickly, I don't lash out in anger as much or at all. I seem to be much better at communicating. And my anxiety has beenn limited to figiy feelings as opposed to that gut wrenching panic!
    I also find any annoyance passes so quickly and doesn't progress to feeling down and depressed......I just let it go and move on.

    If this is only 5 months sobriety and I am told it gets better then BRING IT ON!


      Mood Swings

      kuya;1454007 wrote: Too funny WF! I can offer you a discount cosmetic procedure

      How are you, my dear, we haven't bantered for a sound happy and awesome :l
      Will your discount cause a size reduction? Cause if it does no thanks. Unless it's my weight. Not that I'm not gorgeous! )

      Well there are times in life my moods are reflected by what's happening around me. Yes, I'm aware that I often have no control over things to. The difference is now I allow myself to feel my emotions instead of numb them with Ethanol ~ Poison. I also used alcohol as my voice many a time. I was subjected to "Gaslighters" in my life. I'm also guilty of this myself. I often would shut down like a beaten animal. Alcohol gave me liquid courage, a voice. Alcohol or any drug for that matter is all about changing the way we feel. It works well in all categories, ie physical, emotional, mental & spiritual ( for some ). I used it for everything!!!... Then it quit working.... Very hard to face, accept 100%. But, I have & am so happy I did!!!... ) I never could have done this without MWO!!!.... )

      It's becoming easier the longer I stay sober to have better control over my moods, emotions. Balance is returning, clarity. They are not as extreme as in the beginning of my sobriety ~ recovery journey. I understand it all takes time. I do think the Suntheanine aka L-Theanine that Fly & Turn posted about is helping. Thank you!!.... I also take a medication to help & am not ashamed & will not tolerate being berated, shamed or guilted by anyone for my choice!!!....

      I do have great news!!! Our youngest daughter had her Endo & ENT Dr's clear her with No Thyroid Cancer. The ENT Dr. is calling the Radiologist personally as he knows him. He saw another swollen lymph node on her CT scan & felt it to. Her blood work came back today diagnosing her with Hashimoto's Disease. Which swollen lymph nodes from prior illnesses can keep her lymph nodes enlarged. We still all are very relieved & thankful!!!

      Her longtime BF has been being a jerk. She called Sunday crying. She's been leaving the house calling me in parking lots, or going to the gym on days off. I or my hubs may have to fly down there & rent a u-hual & tow her SUV home. Oh shite....but, hey I have my beautiful daughter alive & that's all that matters Kuya!!!!....

      The thing is our oldest who's been our problem kid has only been out of the house 7 mo. In & out before. She's doing well now. Other girl has been on her own since 19. But, I can see the oh feck here we go again in my hubs eyes. He's just exhausted, not so great, but rarely ever complains....

      Need to know soon as to re-schedule hubs prostate biopsy. I'm trying to stay positive, but it's not always easy. Still so very thankful our 25 yr old daughter doesn't have cancer & I'm sober, plus a whole lot more!!! So, yes Kuya I'm happy hun.... Hope all is well with you & yours!!!....

      Oh & I've been being a slave to my cat & kitten... I think there finally experiencing some Nirvana now. But, he has really been nasty to her a few times & it's freaked me out. Believe me I read & did every thing very slow like all the experts recommend. Why oh why did I do this.... I've spent hours researching territorial aggression & then her medical records weren't disclosed. I was able to negotiate a new contract with them. I had to fight.

      Feck I'm tough, but also a big baby.... My poor hubs is sick of me. It's been hard the whole ordeal (parasite issue crap in beg)..... I really feel dumb, as I should have researched better. The shelter's practices have been unethical.

      I feel irresponsible about my decision making. Regrets & tired of it... My other cat yrs back loved my other kittens..... I was also younger.... It will eventually work it self out I hope. I could take her back, but things are improving.... I just don't think I could put her back in that little cage... She's super sweet. I'd get depressed for a while. Please don't laugh....

      I can't have any more dogs. They are like soul mates. Cats invite you into their world & are more independent. Yet, I forgot they are solitary creatures, unlike dogs. I've had dogs that last two decades...

      I really love animals!!!... Want & need them in my life!!.... Always have since a child.

      Remember what happened last time when I started a banter with you. Now you'll be sorry you asked. :H

      Take good care hun!!... :l

