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Army Thread 27th January

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    Army Thread 27th January

    satz123;1451657 wrote: She ain't here yet - Mr G
    Ah, ok Satz, thanks.

    Looking forward very much to hearing how she's doing when she's ready.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Army Thread 27th January

      Yo molls. Am doing the lurk-walk...


        Army Thread 27th January

        I'm here Mollers
        How'd it go ?


          Army Thread 27th January

          off to grandma's for Sunday dinner
          HI ZENNY
          check in tomorrow
          hugs to all
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Army Thread 27th January

            mollyka;1451706 wrote: Tell me a bit about reiki Satz? Is it sorta hocus-pocusy or what the hell is it?
            :H :H hocus-pocusy! :H Satzy, you a witch?!


              Army Thread 27th January

              hiya mama!


                Army Thread 27th January

                mollyka;1451706 wrote: Tell me a bit about reiki Satz? Is it sorta hocus-pocusy or what the hell is it?
                Oh Gawd !
                Well ............... it's drawing on energy from outside ourselves to heal the body and the mind. We heal ourselves given the right tools.
                I find it hard to explain to anyone - without sounding all 'new agey' - but to be honest it is almost like prayer but in a different form - without the bearded man in the sky I suppose !

                Not much help was I in explaining - wait till I'm more in tune with it ?


                  Army Thread 27th January

                  Hiya all


                    Army Thread 27th January

                    mollyka;1451725 wrote: Mmmmmm - may wait in judgement
                    :H You wait 'till April - they'll be queuing up for the 'laying on of hands':H


                      Army Thread 27th January


                      Early appointment with JimJohn in the morning



                        Army Thread 27th January

                        A wee rant

                        A wee rant

                        I wis shopping in friggingtescos
                        buying some fruit and some veg and whadayaknow -
                        I'll pick up some beer
                        (The AF kind ya hear)
                        And to the checkout to purchase i do go

                        The 'nana's and apples are beeped through
                        And the milk and the bread beep beep too
                        And the pork and the ham
                        And the cheese and the lamb
                        Everythings going through just tickety-boo

                        That is....


                        The laddie scans me bottles of beer
                        Then looks to me, says "here, here,
                        you do know with these
                        that it's alcohol free?"
                        I says "yes, now lend me your ear...

                        "I KNOW they are alcohol free
                        I aint blind, nor stupid, you see?
                        So why do you ask
                        When really your task
                        Is to shut and beep through my items for me?"

                        He says "but the bottles look so alike!"
                        I said "I know, cos it's beer you thick tike,
                        Do you ask the ladies
                        or the good gentlemen
                        Having picked brown, whether it's white bread they'd like?

                        "Do you say to buyers of butter
                        'you do know it's no butter it's another?'
                        Or to red tops of milk say
                        'You meant the green, ay?
                        Or the blue - the blue's proper milk' you utter.

                        Do you inform ladies that diet coke aint full fat?
                        Or the lasagne is Weight Watchers tat?
                        Please shut yer querying voice
                        with regards my drink of choice
                        You kid with the brain of a nat.


                          Army Thread 27th January

                          :hiya: bye bye satzuuuuuuuma sleep tight. don't let the bed bugs bite... they're real BIG.:H :H


                            Army Thread 27th January

                            Nighters all xo

                            RC- dinny let em annoy ya x

                            Molls- good to see ya again

