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Facebook Makes me Drink

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    Facebook Makes me Drink

    Hello everyone again, I know a lot of you have seen my posts.
    I was at almost a gallon of gin a day after my divorce. So now I finally meet this woman who I thought was great, said all the right things, things you want to hear, soon she started sleeping over and staying. She is a light drinker, Even when she drank I did my best to try not to drink. OK that all ended out of the blue, She was sleeping over one night and the phone would not stop, she obviously did not hear it, I tried to ignore it, but finally just started wondering who is texting her this late, she doesn't have a password on her phone, so I read all the texts even from the previous days, She has been staying with her ex boyfriend on some nights, even though I was supposed to be the one. The texts were horrible and just got me into deep depression. I confronted her and we just broke up. She is a big facebook person and shares now everything about her ex boyfriend, never even mentioned me on her page. So now my mind just tells me go look at the facebook page, I try and try and I have to , and everytime I drink even more, I really dislike facebook, its one of my triggers that makes me drink.
    Thanks for reading, I love the support I get here, even tho I am back to drinking again just not as much, over this.

    Facebook Makes me Drink

    It is advised that until your sobriety is solid to not date. Your story kinda confirms that. There isn't enough energy to quit AND date and the guy you will be sober is not the guy you are drinking.


      Facebook Makes me Drink

      NC GUY

      I agree with Kuya. I think you need to get sober for a long time, and get OK with that before worrying about women. Especially dishonest women


        Facebook Makes me Drink

        Hey Guy, good to see you again! I always appreciated your posts. Some of your posts were the most visceral descriptions of hangovers, and it was really powerful to read that and remember the feeling. I'm sorry you are hurt right now. I hope you can stick close to us and get some support, or maybe c'mon into the nest. Always room for one more, friend.
        "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
        AF 11/12/11


          Facebook Makes me Drink

          I really am trying, I was sober for a long while, the most Ive been in years, I agree with what you all are saying, just something in my head always tells me to go to facebook and look at her page, if I don't I just drink more.


            Facebook Makes me Drink

            Thanks yes I may have to come back over to the nest,ughh hangovers. Trying my best to do a taper


              Facebook Makes me Drink

              The title of this thread made me laugh as I harbor similar feelings but for different reasons. I would sign onto Facebook, get hot and bothered by something someone posted, go and drink, then come back and respond with nasty, mean-spirited posts. I canned my Facebook account thinking that it was bringing out the worst in me. In hindsight I know it was the alcohol. But I haven't done any "social media" in almost two years, nor do I miss it anymore or plan on ever going back.

              But anyway, back to your issue, anything I can say has already been said. As is was the case with me, the Facebook issue is a symptom, not the problem.


                Facebook Makes me Drink

                Facebook is a shitty time-suck. It's like high school all over again. Guy, when you feel the need to go there, come here instead. Post your feelings in the Nest and we will see you through. You don't need AL to feel better.

                And I agree with Kuya, you should lay off the ladies for a while. You need to court the sober you inside before you have something to offer anyone else.
                Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                  Facebook Makes me Drink

                  AGUYFROMNC;1451903 wrote: I really am trying, I was sober for a long while, the most Ive been in years, I agree with what you all are saying, just something in my head always tells me to go to facebook and look at her page, if I don't I just drink more.
                  Just delete and block her from your facebook account

                  Or better yet just delete FB and focus on getting clean!
                  If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.


                    Facebook Makes me Drink

                    APOLOGY TO NC GUY

                    Sorry if I sounded harsh-I didnt mean to.

                    Being sober takes so much energy sometimes. I'm sorry you had a bit of a spell and I'm sorry your trust was betrayed.

                    I'm really glad you came back and posted instead of just keeping on. I know it is hard.

                    I wish you all the strength you need to beat this thing.


                      Facebook Makes me Drink

                      Good luck Guy, proud to say I have never looked at Facebook. Never seen a reality show either. Still managed to do a lot of drinking...


                        Facebook Makes me Drink

                        martye;1452067 wrote: Just delete and block her from your facebook account

                        Or better yet just delete FB and focus on getting clean!
                        I agree with martye. Spend your time creating a happy healthy sober future using the tools on this site and leave FaceBook to the people that have nothing better to do! I'm glad you're here and hope you can get a plan together to start healing.
                        Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
               Newbies Nest
               Tool Box
               How to get a sobriety plan


                          Facebook Makes me Drink

                          Thanks for all the replies, Facebook just calls me, but I am bringing it down atleast trying to stop looking at her page, the worst part all the times we were together, she never even mentioned me in it , but would write about all this other I call it meaningless stuff. She even kept her relashionship as single when we were dating, everytime I confronted her about facebook, it was an argument, I hate the site, and she was on it checking updates every hour , now I cant get it outta my head and drink..


                            Facebook Makes me Drink

                            I use FB for business only. I'd get rid of it if sometimes I didn't get a business lead out of it. A lot of really juvenile people on it all the time. I'd block her and try to forget. I know it's hard but to stop drinking it might help to not have the temptation to see what she's doing every day.


                              Facebook Makes me Drink

                              Been there Its an obsessive compulsive cycle. The drinking amplifies its intensity by 100. You got some good advice. Try to sober up for a few days. Even if you still chick obsessivly, and it hurts for a while when your sober, you might come to accept the situation and be able to move on. Checking her status and drinking over it isint going to reverse time and make her post about you, or appreciate/ treat you they way you deserved. BUT you can treat yourself better

                              I know the pain and dissapouintment seems more than you can handle but you may be surprized at how much stronger you are than you give yourself credit for. Sober time puts sooo much into perspective...

