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making nice memories

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    making nice memories

    I watched a programme last week on people who have lost partners (mainly in their early 30's). It was quite sad and covered a range from acident/terminal illness/suicide etc. One of the things that struck me was all these nice happy memories these people had of their partners.
    It got me thinking - me & BF will have been together 7 years this Autumn & for the most part of that I have drunk - ok sometimes.....other times appaling. I have very few nice memories should anything awful (god forbid) happen to BF - hardly any social outings as he would watch how much I drank lest I should not embarrass myself in public - much easier to stay in & therfore be able to guzzle an "extra" glass of 4 when he was in the toilet or upstairs. Chritmases had started to pass in an alcoholic blur - sometimes ruining other peoples in the process.
    Spoilt birthdays as I necked too much before we left the house & was well gone by the time we got to the restaurant. Lavish meals I promised to cook & then fell asleep before being able to do so.....poor BF has had to improvise from the fridge on many Saturday evenings I had promised him nice nosh.

    I suppose my point is.....and I'm not being morbid thinking he will pop that I am proposing to devote my spare time I now feel I have to doing more with BF, my friends & family. I have the best part of 6 years to catch up on & I WANT to have nice memories to keep.


    making nice memories

    good on ya nattie


      making nice memories

      Hello Nattie,
      I think first and foremost, you should be really nice to Nattie. You should comfort her, spoil her, care for her and the pleasant memories will follow and you will even remember them.
      Hugs Lori
      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


        making nice memories

        Nattie, I agree with Lori. Hope your havin a good couple of days. : )
        Gabby :flower:


          making nice memories

          thanks -Wise words, I think you are right - that bloomin' old guilt thing coming back to haunt me......"make it up to everyone as quick as you can and you can erase over those bad years".

          Will make a concerted effort to take it slower & let the real me come back to life.



            making nice memories

            Work on yourself today~worry about others tomorrow.

            better yet.....

            Spoil yourself today! First rule of thumb in sobriety-you have to learn to be selfish. You come first-your sobriety comes first. Once you're on your way then you can work on everything else. So spoil away...
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              making nice memories

              I am one of thos people in their 30's that lost their partner suddenly. My fiance' was killed in a car accident last April. You are so right...the wonderful memories I have of him are what has kept me going this past year. For the first few months, I had horrible nightmares. I kept remembering the police coming to my door to tell me he was dead. I am finally to a spot where I can remember him and smile instead of cry constantly. Make memories, unfortunately, sometimes, it is all you have!!!!


                making nice memories


                You need to look after yourself, take some 'me' time, when you are feeling better about yourself everything else will follow naturally xx


                  making nice memories

                  toc... you have been through so much. Now I've got a big lump in my fwoat. Big big cyber hugs coming your way from Australia.

                  :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                    making nice memories

                    Nattie and TiredofCrying,
                    Yes, everyday we have with our loved ones is more valuable than we know, and Tired, I guess you know more than the rest of us just how precious those days were. Now I understand your name...

                    My daughter was in a car accident today and totaled her car, but she was not hurt. I am so blessed and thankful and I worry about her every day that she drives off. She is 16. I posted about it under the Mods thread.

                    Tired, I'm so glad you have found a place to reach out and know that everyone is here for you as you approach this next April. I've been through some untimely family tragedy as well when my little niece drowned at the age of four; my brother's little girl. It was a horrible time for our whole family and I know anniversaries can be difficult, but surround yourself with people and dont be afraid to talk about it and seek all the support and love you need!:h

                    Nattie, value each day...
                    What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                      making nice memories

                      thank you all some real words of advise.
                      Tired - so sorry to hear your sad news - I don;t know if I would be able to cope with that. THe fact you are here and doing this too is highly impressive.



                        making nice memories

                        Allie- I am so GLAD your daughter is okay. I couldn't even imagine losing one of my children. They would have to haul me to a padded room for sure.
                        Nattie- it is amazing what you can do when you have to. Life is not always fair, that is for sure. But, I have 2 beautiful children that need me as much as I need them. I buried myself in a wine bottle for a long while, but it only worsened the situation. My whole point to you was...yes, make loving, fun, happy memories.

