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Army Thread 30th January

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    Army Thread 30th January

    Howya Molls!!!

    Questy I really hate to hear you so down.:h


      Army Thread 30th January

      mollyka;1453783 wrote: Day was good Reccie. I used to hate working in HQ cos it's sorta computer and desk work which I'm not too keen on, but now and again it's grand - just sort of different to the usual meeting people - which I love in the branches.
      Joey has a rash all over him and I think he thinks he's dying - I reckon it's an allergy, and so does the Chemist, he gave him an anti-histamine anyway - so hopefully the woe's of the world will lift from his 18 yr old shoulders
      How are you doing - have you started cutting down a bit - you sound pretty bright lately??
      It's good to hear you had a good day, molls, teenage son notwithstanding! Hope the anti-histamine works pronto.

      I'm making a little progress. I've begun to look after myself better, and my home too, neither of which were happening before Christmas. I reckon they're essential precursors to making any headway with the booze. As it happens, during the past week or so, the intervals between my binges have been slightly increasing in length, and I've felt happier being sober. Today's been a good day. So there's still hope. I'll give myself until the end of the year and if there's still no life at the end of the

      That should have said light at the end of the tunnel, but perhaps life would be more accurate?


        Army Thread 30th January

        mollyka;1453806 wrote: Hi Penquin - yep, it's just horrible when work turns on you, jaysus, I spend more time with the people I work with than I do with my family!
        How are you doing anyway missus?
        I'm grand Molls - in whole scheme of things I seem to have a pretty uneventful life - and I forget to be thankful for that !

        :l for Questyknickers
        And :goodluck: to you Mr Bear with your plan - let's hope the smuggling works


          Army Thread 30th January

          Evening all,

          Quick wee check-in while i try and relax/switch-off after work.

          Hope ye all are well xo


            Army Thread 30th January

            Night molly. I'm going to call it a day too. Night satzy and anyone else who's out there lurking.


              Army Thread 30th January

              Night all xo


                Army Thread 30th January

                nite all but not before I share my........gratitude journal entry: part 2!

                I was at my choir this evening and I sang my heart out, said feck it to self conscienceness . Normally im a little self aware, sometimes alot self aware but i really am feeling way less anxious in situations and im really, really grateful for that!

                Nite all and catch you all tomorrow xxx


                  Army Thread 30th January

                  hi and niters army
                  Mama had a long day
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Army Thread 30th January

                    Midnight lurpacking will now begin.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread 30th January

                      Can I have the lurpacking on some white bread please? Thickly spread of course.


                        Army Thread 30th January

                        :bedtime: for bonzo...


                          Army Thread 30th January

                          Your wish is my command.

                          Suppose you'll want a cup of tea with that?.......................please hold.........................
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread 30th January



                              Army Thread 30th January


                              Night night Runners,hun. You can bring the plat and cup back in the morning.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread 30th January

                                JC - :h - the perfect Day 60 end to the day!

                                Right - must aff tae leaba. :hiya:

