You are the result of what you love most. You either love booze more than being sober.
Don?t beat yourself up that you have no discipline or further drown yourself in a sea of booze.
Admit that you like crappy booze more than you love being sober.
Or ask yourself this, what do you really love? Self-esteem is the reflection of self-judgment. One of the best ways to raise self-esteem is to make truly loving choices that lead to increased strength of body and mind.
At the restaurant, if you truly love yourself, you pass on the wine, and ask for some more limes for the water. Limes alkalize your body which in turn helps your bones, muscles and your ability to deal with stress.
When you are faced with difficult choices, ask yourself, in context of course, what would a loving knowledgeable expert recommend?
How to free yourself from the outdated concept of discipline:
1. Accept that all your choices are reflections of what you truly love.
2. Love is the greatest creative force of the Universe. Use it wisely.
3. Choose to love yourself more than external things.
4. Treating yourself well accelerates the growth of your self-esteem.
5. When people comment on your results and say things like ?Wow you have a lot discipline? answer ?No, I just make loving choices for myself. Reinforcing your own positive behavior will help you grow in strength.
6. What you appreciate appreciates. Whenever you make a truly loving choice, say to yourself ?Thank you for taking care of me in a loving way?. The more you talk to yourself like a loving parent, the faster you will grow.
7. Always reward behavior/effort not qualities. For example, you made a better choice, and you say to yourself, ?You are great.? There is a better approach. Instead, say to yourself: ?I am impressed with the ability to make the right choice out of love for myself.?
8. Learn how to meditate.