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Dog Health Question

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    Dog Health Question

    Thank you all! It's just beginning (the coughing only a few days ago...) but I've been expecting it because of her previous diagnosis of heart murmur. We've had Xrays, blood tests, urine samples, skin samples, etc, etc...the Vet said it would probably be her heart that gets her (she warned me about the coughing, and being aware of it). She's OK for now...I will NOT let my baby girl suffer, even though it will literally rip my heart out. LITERALLY!
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Dog Health Question

      Does your vet not own a stethoscope ? Drives me potty all the bloody up selling that frightens peeps off from getting the treatment they need cos they have been roasted already.

      Don't get me started !!!


        Dog Health Question



          Dog Health Question

          Hi, K9.

          I'm not a vet either--Kuya seems to be the only vet here--but have had a lot of experience with dogs and learned a lot, too, when I sold in the pet industry.

          One of our dogs is 15 1/2 and he has hip displaysia and some dementia. But he had a cough--not a really bad one and not constant--and I as afraid it was congestive heart failure. Turns out he has a problem with the larynx-think it has shrunk or tightened, and he coughs sometimes. Not sure if this could be the case with your sweet Sandy, but maybe the vet will find something like that. If not, I know you'll make the right decision when the time comes and until then, can take measures to make her comfortable.

          We had to have one of our dogs put to sleep in November and it was so difficult to make the decision. He had cancer of the tonsil. He'd undergone chemo and radiation--twice. He developed a kind of soft cough, and our holistic vet gave us a liquid--kind of like a syrup--to use and it helped. We sometimes use it on the old guy if he starts coughing more.

          Please let us know how you do. My heart goes out to you, and I understand how much it hurts when we face something like this.

          "One day at a time."


            Dog Health Question

            Hi K9
            I can't offer any expert advice either, but I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you.

            I've been in a similar position several times and apart from getting the appropriate vet advice, which you're already doing, all you can do is use your instinct to tell you what Sandy needs or wants from you. I know you love her enough that you'll make the right decision. I've had two older dogs that had complex medical conditions and my vet wanted to involve them in trials that might extend their life but which I thought would compromise their well being. In both cases I felt that if I chose the option that would extend their life, I'd only be selfishly doing it for me.

            With geriatric pets, I've always felt that it's best just to do whatever you can to make them as comfortable and pain free as possible and spoil them as much as you can until the time comes when you know it's time to let them go.
            There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
            You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

            I didn't come this far to only come this far.


              Dog Health Question

              K9 I'm so sorry. No advice, just know that I'm thinking about you. :l


                Dog Health Question

                Oh K9, I know only too well what you're facing. I've loved all my dogs and cats and horses much more than I ever loved my "real" family. That's probably a horrid thing to say but it's true. I'm just logging in to tell you a story about a Springer Spaniel (Genna) I had many years ago that was diagnosed with stomach cancer at age 13. Her vet said that she had 2-3 weeks left at best. He suggested putting her down immediately. I asked if she was in any pain and when he said no, I said, "Well, these next 2-3 weeks will be the best she's ever had." She loved "junk" food so I started bringing her every night to McDonalds and buying her 2 cheeseburgers and an ice cream. Well, she lived for almost 2 more years! I'm convinced it was the preservatives in those horrible cheeseburgers. I know you are very sad and fearful tonight, but I wanted to remind you that it's not just us people who are in the hands of God. Matthew 10:29-31


                  Dog Health Question

                  K9Lover;1453770 wrote: Hey everyone... quick question:
                  My beloved dog Sandy is starting to have health problems. She has had a heart murmur for years, but recently she has developed a bad cough which indicates congestive heart failure. Is this something that can get better, or should I start accepting the fact that we're heading down hill and just spoil the hell out of her and not waste money going back and forth to the vet? I always say I'd sell a kidney to keep her alive, but I know sometimes no amount of money can help. :upset: She's 14 years old and I've had her for 12 of those.
                  K9 Lover, As you can see by my profile photo I am also a dog lover.
                  I hope the poem I posted was not upsetting to you, I just wanted to share something that helped me when it was time.
                  I hope you and Sandy are doing well today.

                  rednose. :upset:
                  All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                    Dog Health Question

                    Winkie, Hippy is here and Hippy cares. How is Sandy feeling today? :l :wings::wings::wings:
                    Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
           Newbies Nest
           Tool Box
           How to get a sobriety plan


                      Dog Health Question

                      You guys are the BEST! Thank you all so much for your posts :l:l:l

                      Sandy had a bit of a hard night...coughing and her skin is getting bad again (itchy and scabs). She was up most of the night, and sound asleep when I left her tucked in my bed. I honestly can't tell if she's in any pain, she doesn't seem like it, but that doesn't mean she's not. She still has energy and likes to play, so that gives me hope. I am going to take her to the vet on Saturday!
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        Dog Health Question

                        Hugs... I'm so sorry..., it must be hard to see her suffer...
                        Alcoholic (or Ally)

                        "Only a fool knows everything.
                        A wise man knows how little he knows."

                        Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                          Dog Health Question

                          Oh K9 :l I just saw this and am praying for you and Sandy!!



                          I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                            Dog Health Question

                            k9 Lover

                            Just wanted to check in on you and your dog and see how it is all going.

                            Wishing you the best.

                            All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                              Dog Health Question

                              Hey Niner...

                              Really sorry to hear about Sandy and I hope it will work out well as per the Vet's visit on Saturday. Fingers, toes and other appendages crossed... xxx I know how hard it is... they're part of the family...

                              Best of luck Saturday... :l:l:l


                                Dog Health Question

                                Hi Everyone!

                                I guess I forgot to update everyone, and I just wanted to thank you all for the well wishes!

                                I took Sandy to the vet last Saturday. She is on the normal meds for her skin and ear infection. The doctor noticed her lymph nodes are swollen so we are going back on February 16th to see if the meds have helped and re-check the nodes. She said the swollen nodes could indicate cancer, but we'll just have to wait and see. Sandy is not a good candidate for chemo, and I would never go through that anyway. Sometimes you just have to let them go in peace. BUT...I don't have to decide that yet. Her skin is clearing up and she acts like she feels all is good for now. I was looking into getting her freeze dried after her time comes...anyone heard of that? My daughter and nephew think I am absolutely insane for even considering that. LOL
                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

