big plans for the year which need focus. Mission critical stuff. And for me not to be getting sloppy and mushy round the edges at work social stuff.
I don't miss the taste, the messy feeling of being fuzzy and off kilter or the waking up slightly seedy. Or the guilt and self loathing of waking up in the morning hating myself for caving in to the bottle again.
I love how strong and confident I can be socially, without a glass of wine. How much in control I feel. And that I am not drinking 450 - 900 empty calories a night. I really don't miss drinking at all.
Yet heading out for dinner in an hour...I am contemplating acing a couple of glasses of wine. The only thing that is stopping me is that my son will be there, and he knows I am not meant to be drinking. Why do I want to drink / when NOT drinking gives me so much, and I have do much to lose? It's almost like I am attracted to the IDEA of drinking, rather than the reality. Sigh. Give me the strength and wisdom to see the dead end on the other side of that glass. And the and clear, focused, productive path I can stay on by turning away.