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February Undies and Friends

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    February Undies and Friends

    Morning G, Techie and all Undies and Sundries! Off doing sporting fixtures...which involves lots of driving and dealing with other parents, but all doable. Hope all have a Lollygobbleblissbomb day! Or something like it...

    Where's Rags and Lilly?


      February Undies and Friends

      Hi folks. Went on my regular Friday hike this morning. Just a gorgeous day here. Lots of fun until I met some folks at the coffee shop after. I accidently pulled a Starbucks Grande Dark Roast onto my lap. If there were concentric circles on my groin area, it would've been a BULLSEYE. Shit, it WAS a BULLSEYE!!! Trust me when I tell you it was freaking HOT. It was McDonalds lawsuit hot. So, I'm back home using aloe and feeling a bit sore. Even the fricking shower was painful. I'll rest for the remainder of the day

      Anyhow a few of todays pics:

      Old Jeep Trail...

      Two of the Old Boyz...

      Have a wonderful weekend friends :l
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        February Undies and Friends

        Beautiful scenery Techie. Is that you? (The tall prickly one at the back?!)

        Got up at 230am to try and see the near-earth comet. Nothing. Checked the NASA webpage, blogs, celestial maps, back outside and still nothing. Not sure I was looking in the right place and don't think my binoculars were strong enough. Briefly considered setting up the telescope, but the call of bed won.

        Have fun at the coalface MrG and being chauffeur Happys and happy Saturday all.


          February Undies and Friends

          Arvo all

          a quick check in from me...

          great stories girls,

          lovely pics posted too..

          so glad you like your yantra mat, Tawn, and the bonuses you get with it ,is great too, I really like my one.. good idea rolling your feet on the pillow one,

          got 2 of the grandkids sleeping over this weekend,the oldest one is helping his granda in the garden,

          I better go and make myself look busy..

          have a great day all :l


            February Undies and Friends

            techie;1463029 wrote: I told you I have a weak heart
            techie;1463043 wrote: I think I wet the bed
            techie;1463508 wrote:
            There are concentric circles on my groin area
            You think that's helping your case? Sheesh. Nice pics but ...

            Arvo Underchunders,

            Blondie - a good fairy has sent me some Fine Fettle Flats to try. Brilliant.

            Lilly - have fun with the grandies. I'm Yantra foot-rolling as I type.

            In other news ... I know (?) none of you are smokers so I won't bore you with the details but I do believe the time has come. No big announcements or pronouncements or stats but I'm going to give it my best shot and whittle away at the issue. Quiet, dogged determination. Not feeling terribly confident but.

            Fantastic, funny stories yesterday, Nicey & Bridge & Bird. I just cant for the life of me figure out why those men aren't a rich and rewarding adjunct to your lives right now ... you must be too picky. Yes. that's it. Just too bloody picky.


              February Undies and Friends

              tawnyfrog;1463619 wrote: You think that's helping your case? Sheesh. Nice pics but ...

              In other news ... I know (?) none of you are smokers so I won't bore you with the details but I do believe the time has come. No big announcements or pronouncements or stats but I'm going to give it my best shot and whittle away at the issue. Quiet, dogged determination. Not feeling terribly confident but.

              Not confident. What the fornicate?

              You are going to quit. Make the decision and do it. I think that is so wonderful. SERIOUSLY Tawny :h:l:h:l
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                February Undies and Friends

                Evening all. You can do it Tawns...seriously...stick with the quiet dogged stuff and dont doubt yourself.

                Techie, OUCH! on the wedding tackle...that must seriously hurt...keep up the aloe...Active skies last night Blondie, there was a metorite shower in Russia too wasnt there? see, I do sometimes listen to news...I was trapped in the car....Lilly, enjoy the grands...

                Juggling a stevia brownie and a really rich cheesey potato bake to take to a friends for dinner...hopefully out the door in an hour...


                  February Undies and Friends

                  tawnyfrog;1463619 wrote:
                  In other news ... I know (?) none of you are smokers so I won't bore you with the details but I do believe the time has come. No big announcements or pronouncements or stats but I'm going to give it my best shot and whittle away at the issue. Quiet, dogged determination. Not feeling terribly confident but.
                  So cold turkey or the cut down?
                  Patches or yantra mats?

                  What say you?
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    February Undies and Friends

                    Cut down and see where that takes me. Taking the same approach as I did with the grog. Can I promise forever? No fusking way. All I can do is promise I'll do my best for now.

                    Going with the Ecig thing.


                      February Undies and Friends

                      tawnyfrog;1463667 wrote: Cut down and see where that takes me. Taking the same approach as I did with the grog. Can I promise forever? No fusking way. All I can do is promise I'll do my best for now.

                      Going with the Ecig thing.
                      I was going to say how did you do it with the grog. Is Ecig that electronic fakey fag?
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        February Undies and Friends

                        tawnyfrog;1463619 wrote: Y

                        In other news ... I know (?) none of you are smokers so I won't bore you with the details but I do believe the time has come. No big announcements or pronouncements or stats but I'm going to give it my best shot and whittle away at the issue. Quiet, dogged determination. Not feeling terribly confident but.
                        TF, I was clearing stuff out today and I came across my diary when I was giving up smoking. Quiet dogged determination is the way to go. Call on your inner bulldog. :l She's a winner :-)
                        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                        Harriet Beecher Stowe


                          February Undies and Friends

                          Haahahahahahhahaha the stories....busy like crazy here...Tawny I quit smoking 27 years ago using a subliminal tape, well only 1/2 was sub....back later


                            February Undies and Friends

                            Hello all Undies. Well what a surprise. I just took delivery of a yantra mat that Tawny sent me. What a sweetheart she is :l

                            I'm in Black Canyon City, AZ. Just hiked Table Mesa. Will send some picks later when I'm home and can transfer to laptop. This was an incredible and very challenging trek. I did NOT feel up to this today but its amazing what aloe, vaseline, fine fettle flats, and compression underwear can do for an injury :H

                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              February Undies and Friends

                              Morning Techie and doodyheads everywhere,

                              How many miles do these hikes go for Techie? Or how long do you spend on a hike? Loving the pics of the countryside/desert you post.

                              Giving away the fags was one of the best things i ever did Frog. It took me a few go's. Typically for me, i found when i got to around 3 months, (or 21 days to break a habit?) my mind thought about them a hell of a lot less and new NF routines took hold in me dopey heid. These days, i don't think about smoking at all. There comes a point when there is no temptation. I found a 'Quit' pamphlet at the local chemist describing what happens to the body after 1 day NF, 3 days NF, 7, 14, 21 days, to be inspiring and useful.

                              The chick presenting the Chilean news this morning is a bloody corker. Must tour there with the band.

                              Have a beaut sundee Roo's, and perhaps draw the curtains in the panel van if yer rootin.


                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                February Undies and Friends

                                Morning Roos,
                                Just read the stories and it was the best start to this Sunday. Awesome on all accounts. Maybe not so much in those moments.
                                TF, you can so do the smoking quit thing. You seem to have an incredible will. Hubs loves smoking, so much so it seeps out of his pores when he has just one. He quits for months, then he'll buy a pack to celebrate something (like becoming a father.) After one pack he needs weeks of patches, and has the grumps. He finally says he wants to quit this year. No more smokes ever.

                                Techie, I love that you're always hiking. You live in such a beautiful part of the world. Leon and I always love the pictures.

                                Got to get in the playpen with Leon, he's giving me the stare and babble bit.
                                Hope you all have lovely Sundays, I'll check back in later.

                                I left a message for Reg the other week and he text back saying he is very busy in the 3D world, and that everything is going good. Said to take care everyone. He just doesn't have time to check in.

                                Hugs from Leon to yous all!!!!

                                Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington

