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February Undies and Friends

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    February Undies and Friends

    Evening lovely people! Lilly I'd be really interested in how the yantra mat works too.

    Blondie, I love the I quit sugar link, in fact I reckon thats how I linked to Wellness Warrior. I bought both e books over the Australia Day weekend at half price and they are good. Certainly helping me keep off the white stuff. Rags that pic made me think, when I first moved in with the Lamp I used to go to the gym then come home and eat a litre of ice cream...over time that turned into a bottle of my sugar fix was still there.

    Missy, how weird, I bought sesame oil yesterday too, just for some cooking things but you've got me thinking. I really enjoy the taste of the coconut oil, I'm actually eating spoonfuls of it too. All allowed on the I quit sugar diet, honestly!

    Just back from a yoga class, got some homework to assist with and will check back in and blurt my whinges for the day...promise I'll make it short and sweet but I need some Undies common sense please.


      February Undies and Friends

      I've signed up this year to do my yoga teacher and meditation course. Haven't really told anyone in the "real" world. Because if I failed then it will just go away. Then, I got my first assignment on Friday and it had me freaking out. I thought, who the hell are you kidding? you can't do this.

      So I've been getting my head around the whys and coming up with a plan. Full support from the Lamp and the locusts. As of today I decided that over the next month I'm going to drop off some of the commitments that don't bring me joy. And decided I'd put this here so I've got to face it like I've faced being sober. Because this is the next step for me, it's not just being able to walk and not shake, its stepping up to thinking and being open to a new life.
      And I've also gotta say that Bridge has the patience of a saint putting up with my pm's...
      That's all. Sorry, its a bit of an all about me sesh... I just need accountability. Just going to hit submit now...and its out there...not so bad...


        February Undies and Friends

        Now...just off to pull some Vegemite...I hear its all the rage...


          February Undies and Friends

          myhappyplace;1456587 wrote: Righto...
          I've signed up this year to do my yoga teacher and meditation course. Haven't really told anyone in the "real" world. Because if I failed then it will just go away. Then, I got my first assignment on Friday and it had me freaking out. I thought, who the hell are you kidding? you can't do this.

          So I've been getting my head around the whys and coming up with a plan. Full support from the Lamp and the locusts. As of today I decided that over the next month I'm going to drop off some of the commitments that don't bring me joy. And decided I'd put this here so I've got to face it like I've faced being sober. Because this is the next step for me, it's not just being able to walk and not shake, its stepping up to thinking and being open to a new life.
          And I've also gotta say that Bridge has the patience of a saint putting up with my pm's...
          That's all. Sorry, its a bit of an all about me sesh... I just need accountability. Just going to hit submit now...and its out there...not so bad...
          Brilliant Saucy!

          (Does Bridget take about a week to get back to you via pm? She does with me......:H)

          Noight all, and thanks Missy, will do.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            February Undies and Friends

            [quote]tawnyfrog;1456307 wrote: [quote=A Better Me;1456298]

            No, Grinder - going to wait until fire restrictions are off. Don't want anybody seeing or smelling any unusual smoke ... makes us rurals a tad apprehensive.
            Ah yes, of course. Me from city, think with city bwaine.

            [QUOTE=Miss Behaving

            Angel - if Mr B and I ever decide to elope, you're making my going away dress!!
            You're on, we'll call it the galloping eloper!!
            Lilly, the bench seat is a winner, I'll see if I can work out posting a pic..
            HP - so happy to hear what you're doing for you.

            You all rock. No no no, YOU rock.
            I hope you all sluff bonnily tonight.
            Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


              February Undies and Friends

              Morning Undies - crap weather here today, thunder and lightening and torrential rain last night, and I had to put the lights on in the office when I arrived this morning for the first time this year :upset:

              Did the oil thing this morning Happs - thankfully the oil taste isn't too bad (it just tastes like sunflower seeds) but 10 minutes was enough for me.

              How cool is it that you are going to do the yoga and meditation teacher course!!! I can thoroughly recommend the "ditching of all things that bring no joy" strategy I've been doing quite a bit of that over the last couple of months, and I'm relaly noticing how much more I'm enjoying my free time when I dont have "things that I should be doing" haging around in the back of my mind.

              And Bridge is now going to be our IT guru ....... what a multi-talented bunch we are! :H

              have a great day undies!
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                February Undies and Friends

                Morning Missy and Roo's near and not so far,

                Bird, you might find this of interest.[/video]]Drum Talk TVâ„¢ - Tom Tom Magazine Announcement - YouTube

                Bridge in I.T! I presume you're doing an IT course? That would be a very handy qual/skill. Lot's of very well paid work for an independent contractor or small business operator if you wanted to go that way.

                You rock Cakes! Sober is the new drunk.

                Have taken me meds, meditation that is. I picked up a 2nd hand yoga book with dvd the other day. It's for beginning boofheads so will get into it this week and try some postures.

                Still must book in for skydiving whilst it's summer.

                'ave a beeewdy out there, think positive and love yerself. You are amazing and YOU can do anything.


                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  February Undies and Friends

                  Morning Missy, G & other assorted undergarments.
                  Did anyone see MKR last night. I knew those 2 girls were all talk, immaturity I guess (2 girls Indian background, mid 20's, dissed everyone else's food & last night was their turn to cook - their meal was a 3 course disaster) Humility can be a difficult lesson to learn, especially when you learn it in front of a million viewers.
                  Have a great day everyone.
                  Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


                    February Undies and Friends

                    Howdy pardners!!!

                    No posting yesty. It was my little grandson's first day at school so I was off being a Nanny.... Which I do find quite difficult. A story for another time.... He was a bit scared and his eyes were like a rabbit's in a spot light. His skinny little legs were poking out of his balloon shorts and his back pack was bigger than he was! His white tennis shoes were so bright and he had long white socks on. He was SO excited when he saw I was there. His mum is in America for a few weeks but she skyped to her hubbies mobile and saw the whole thing and talked to Nicholas. When we took the photos we just turned the phone around and she was in all the shots. He was playing with blocks (eyeing the other kiddies tentatively) as I left with lump in my throat and eyes full of tears. So precious, aren't they?


                    Love seeing everyone's news.

                    Happs - will be getting all oils ready for the pulling process on Thursday. I'm just keen to see if it whitens my teeth at all. First day of pulling Friday.

                    Hey Missy - you may or may not remember FH comes from Christchurch so I usually have a peep at what the weather is doing. His parents are coming for 2 weeks over Easter and his Mum says she is looking forward to swimming in the pool so she hopes it stays hot! She'll die if it is as hot as it has been. I have only ever been for one swim on our visits to NZ in summer. It just never gets hot enough there, and the one time I did go for a dip the river was so freezing it took my breath away! It WAS gorgie though. I was there for one of the big quakes in June whatever year that was. Man, it was terrifying. I haven't had the courage to go back yet. We got stuck because of the quake and ash cloud and I was a bit frazzled by the whole experience. I remember being dragged to the Ballantyne sale at some race ground venue and there were shakes happening the whole time we were there (waiting for hours to get in) and I was terrified that when it was finally our turn to get in that there would be a massive quake and the concrete building we were entering would crash in on us all. They kept announcing that the venue was one of the safest buildings in Christchurch so if there was an episode it was unlikely the building would collapse - very comforting....NOT.

                    Salute to Mr G! Can't you do something a little more sedate please? I'm worried you'll get over enthused and break something. Oh, and if you decide to go ahead, and have any form of dentures you need to remove them.

                    Bridge - I was banging on to my IT dudes the other day about seriously not knowing enough when I'm trying to sort out things when they go wrong. The dreadlock dude who is my fav said I shouldn't really stress too much because I've got IT dudes to do all of the hard stuff for me so I can fill my head with other stuff. Gave me a sense of comfort for a few minutes.....

                    I was surfing foxtel the other night and came across the gorgeously, delicious Nigella. This weekend I'm making her chocolate cloud cake! I'm still having beautiful dreams about her tifle too. I've now series linked her and hope I don't end up a size 4,000 by making her my bestie. Geoff Jowett and I got real close last year.....I lost over 8 kilos so he really was my bestie. I saw him on an add the other day and someone has obviously stuck a hose somewhere and pumped him up!

                    So, no skip bin last weekend. Too wet apparently, but we did get a lot done. This Friday the skip bin arrives and we'll be into it again. Yesterday between dropping off kiddies, then FH to a super bowl do and then collecting everyone again, I resealed most of the slate in the house. It looks really good. Smells a bit, but it was dry enough to walk on last night and I'll finish the process Thursday or Friday night. The area I did yesterday wasn't main thoroughfare so manageable, what is left will need proper planning and restricted access to essential areas, like kitchen for me and tv for FH. I've got a plan though!

                    I must confess, I absolutely love the baked caramel cheesecake from the CCS. I've always said I'd do anything for one of those!!!! On Strayla day I had to get a pavlova from there - special request. I paid, picked it up to leave and the box fell apart and the whole bloody thing slid down my left side! I was NOT impressed but luckily my surfer girl pants weren't permanently stained. Although they prepared another one immediately, so I didn't have to return to collect a new one, and didn't charge me it set the scene for the afternoon. I had to strip and rinse as soon as I got to the bbq and spent the rest of the get together worrying I'd curdle.....

                    So, between pulling and indulging in Nigella, new adventures start.... Lilly, perhaps I need one of those mats too? Must confess also that I'm a little more excited about Nigella than pulling!

                    Big wave to all the internationalists who pop by.

                    Big smooch to our Techie, and I'll say again - where the bloody hell is Reggie.

                    Big wink to Cori and hope life is good!

                    FH just phoned -

                    FH - Whatcha doing?
                    NICEY - Good morning! Working, you?
                    FH - That chainsaw works fine.
                    NICEY - Chainsaw?
                    FH - Yeah, the other day when I went to the shops I saw a chainsaw on a throw out pile so I stopped and picked it up.
                    NICEY - Really? Did anyone see you?
                    FH - Nuk, but I'm wonder if someone just left it there while they were cleaning up and came back to get it when they added junk to the pile and it was gone! I just put petrol in it and it goes like the clappers!
                    NICEY - Oh..... I hope no-one saw you. Your car is pretty distinctive.
                    FH - Nah, I would've noticed someone noticing me!
                    NICEY - Yes, of course you would..... (he is ex-security).
                    FH - So I'm getting a new chain on the way home we'll start dropping some of those palms at the very back of the house. You can drag them out the front and pile them up for throwing in the skip on Friday arvo.
                    NICEY - Sounds like hard work huh?
                    FH - Nah, you'll be right......
                    NICEY - Sure I will.
                    FH - OK, gotta go tell the boys. See you this arvo sweet cheeks!
                    NICEY - Yes, righto.

                    On that note, I'm off too!

                    Have a deliciously glorious day everyone!

                    It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                    Mother Theresa


                      February Undies and Friends

                      Hey Cakes - yep saw it! I hear that Telstra called them offering them jobs, because clearly they can't cook!

                      How embarrassment ...........
                      It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                      Mother Theresa


                        February Undies and Friends

                        Well, I reckon Warnie's been pulling too hard. His pearly whites make Liz's look positively beige.

                        So many Undies doing wonderful things. Blondie's studying (can't remember what), Bridge is studying IT and now Happs is going to teach yoga. Rags is constantly involved in some cunning stunt or other ... the list is endless. So good to see.


                          February Undies and Friends

                          I'm a bit behind you others, but I just had a look at this.

                          Sugar | Sarah Wilson

                          and this

                          Wellness Warrior

                          For you Mr G and Bird. Remember one of our members was in a drumming comp last year? Cn't remember who it was, but I voted for her.

                          Videos | Emmanuelle Caplette


                            February Undies and Friends

                            Rags;1456989 wrote: Remember one of our members was in a drumming comp last year? Cn't remember who it was, but I voted for her.
                            That WAS Bird. I voted too.


                              February Undies and Friends

                              Morning all! Thats the websites Rags. And I remember the drumming link for Bird being up?? but I dont think thats it? Anyway...Froglette, at this stage, learning to teach is one thing, not sure if I will be able to teach though I'm hoping to get over the nervous stuff. And Missy, yes it was the "things that I had to do" hanging in the back of my mind that were weighing me down. Ditching continues!

                              Saw the end of MKR last night pre-Revenge - it was funny. We're all still laughing at the intro to Master Chef Professional, love the snaps of Nick in the kitchen with lots of flame and Cassie in the alley with a sharp knife....truly looking like they are plotting something nasty...


                                February Undies and Friends

                                Xpost Froglette, my 'puter is slooooow or the links are??

