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February Undies and Friends

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    February Undies and Friends

    Hiya Rags, G, Bridge, & Happs. Off to smack some golf balls. See you all later!
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      February Undies and Friends

      Morning Undies,

      I actually poured myself a glass of wine last night, had a sip & poured it down the sink...didn't want/need.
      Today's a big day in the Better household folks, we settle on our house - yay! We have been living here for about 2 yrs & renting while we wait for the subdivision of the land to be completed. But after today it's ours, we will renovate the bathroom first.
      I go now to earn the money to pay for said bathroom.
      Have a good one all.
      Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


        February Undies and Friends

        Hey there Cakes. GREAT decision last night pouring that crap out :l

        Undie word of the month is THINGO
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          February Undies and Friends

          Morning Undies

          What's with all this nakedness on the eastern seaboard?! Has Spencer Tunick got youse all fired up? (Though there was a lot of public nudity in Darwin, particularly on the golf course )

          Techie - did you enjoy whacking your thingos?

          Mr G - thanks for the etiquette on roadside relieving - us gals have to go a bit farther offroad, particularly in when crossing the Nullarbor

          Rags - You do seem to have a magnetic knack of attracting all sorts!

          Bridget - took me back reading "dual carriageway"!

          Have a fun day Undies and Ovaries.


            February Undies and Friends

            blondie;1458308 wrote:

            Techie - did you enjoy whacking your thingos?
            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


              February Undies and Friends

              Naked cricket .
              Hope they used plenty of suntan lotion.

              Me and my computer: Chapter 97

              So I trundle to the computer shop with my huge and heavy tower.
              The boys search for the missing files.
              Two hopurs later I go back...
              "We'll have to do a full recovery. You have a lot of files so it will be a long process"

              "Eff" I think to myself.

              Aloud I say
              "Well lets talk about you getting me a new computer, and btw can you slip my pirate copy of photoshop across too please"

              Half an hour later I walk out with a price.

              About 1/3 what my (now old) computer cost, and with stuff not invented 5 years'll have 16gig ram, lots of a spedy graphics card, super duper thingies of a technical nature,a zillagig of motherboard, and twin carbies
              So, in about 10 days I'll have a new computer.
              And. I. will. back. up. once. a. week.


                February Undies and Friends

                Rags;1458375 wrote: Naked cricket .
                Hope they used plenty of suntan lotion.

                Me and my computer: Chapter 97

                So I trundle to the computer shop with my huge and heavy tower.
                The boys search for the missing files.
                Two hopurs later I go back...
                "We'll have to do a full recovery. You have a lot of files so it will be a long process"

                "Eff" I think to myself.

                Aloud I say
                "Well lets talk about you getting me a new computer, and btw can you slip my pirate copy of photoshop across too please"

                Half an hour later I walk out with a price.

                About 1/3 what my (now old) computer cost, and with stuff not invented 5 years'll have 16gig ram, lots of a spedy graphics card, super duper thingies of a technical nature,a zillagig of motherboard, and twin carbies
                So, in about 10 days I'll have a new computer.
                And. I. will. back. up. once. a. week.
                sounds wonderful :h
                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                  February Undies and Friends

                  Evening all you lovelies!

                  I've been busier than a six armed paper hanger!

                  Mr G - I will add my words of wisdom (yikes) first thing in the morning. Sorry! I've composed my response in my head but connectivity issues at work have prevented me from actually getting it to you!!!! And, I haven't had an opportunity to spend enough alone grown up time to do it here either......

                  Bridge - you said you'd never tell about the cricket match.......

                  Sweet dreams y'all.

                  There are some caramelo koalas in the bench - PLEASE share nicely but make sure they are ALL gone by morning. Oh, once you've had one, clean your teeth (and don't forget to floss), turn off all lights and put the wrappers in the bin, then into bed.....please.....actually put the wrappers in the bin before you turn off the lights......prolly best.

                  It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                  Mother Theresa


                    February Undies and Friends

                    nicelife;1458474 wrote: Bridge - you said you'd never tell about the cricket match.......
                    I know, but now I'm having bad dreams so I couldn't help it:H

                    Actually I'm quite serious. I've always been a one to have stupid, weird frustrating dreams. It's now getting to the point that they are interrupting sleep and pissing me off no end.
                    I know we can't dictate what we dream about (can we?) but I am highly dissatisfied with mine:H
                    I suppose the alcohol used to take care of the dream rememberage.

                    I wonder what can be done? Anyone else have this problem?
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      February Undies and Friends

                      Morning all!

                      Bridge, I dont know what you can do about it...I for one have dream consistently about the same thing and wake up with the shudders. Its about having a drink but I didnt choose to, someone has given me something by accident or its supposed to be a mocktail and something else is in it. Which pisses me off no end, both in the dream and real life. The real life me thinks this is such a bloody cop out....oh, someone made me do it, so I'm not to blame....worse than pre school....

                      where was I?....guess what?? I got my PASSPORT piccies yesty...I could even stand still to have it taken...yay!! and its all part of the plan to chuck a Ragsy this year....


                        February Undies and Friends

                        Bridge I reckon it's too much sugar before bed....for me anyway.
                        It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                        Mother Theresa


                          February Undies and Friends

                          Mr G - here’s my 2 bobs worth….

                          Because your manager immediately tried to weasel out of her mistake, or shift it to another, it does say a lot about her management style. Manager or not, in my view if you stuff up just say so – we’re only human. I’m guessing she hasn’t/isn’t going to take kindly to you pointing out her slip so I’d be a bit wary of her response to pushing this a little further. I love the words you use – constructive, positive dialogue, win win outcomes, reflect, together…… All the words that a decent manager should put into practice. I do like the idea of inviting an external person to help facilitate the process. Sometimes as managers we don’t see the woods for the trees – or whatever that saying is…..

                          This is the perfect time of year to call a group pow wow. You could present it as a way for you to set the scene for your ‘career year’ and how that will tie into your new lifestyle now you’ve moved, becoming fit etc etc. Put it out there as a really passionate positive thing that YOU hope to benefit from, hence you’ll be perform better, deliver better outcomes, have more constructive relationship in the workplace. BUT, YOU need THEM (Managers) to be accountable also, as YOU do look to them for guidance/direction/support. You should then say that this initiative isn’t something that will work with only YOU putting in a new focussed effort/energy. Let the group know it is something that has to be wanted by everyone and you hope that a commitment is agreed to certain wants/goals/issues raised at the pow wow.

                          As a manager, I would welcome this with open arms! It makes everyone accountable and it also shows who is really committed to the cause and who is just coasting and not that interested in, or worthy of further development.

                          Some managers HATE this type of initiative because it makes them much more visible and if they themselves are just coasting it becomes quite evident! Not a good look for them really.

                          So, these are my suggestions, but I’m kinda getting the feeling that your manager isn’t going to like it. If you were to get others on side to support your cause, your manager may even see it as a mutiny type scenario and take offence at that too. If a pow wow is thought to be a good idea by others – I’d encourage them to say so.

                          It also sounds to me like she may be quite threatened by your ability and your performance, so picks on the pissy little things just because she can. It’s, also letting you know that she is in charge of your work cage and can rattle it whenever she feels like it. Lots of managers have huge egos and at times that needs to be the nature of the beast, especially in huge empires. No-one likes to get an ego poke that is for sure.

                          I reckon give it a gentle push using all your loveliness and your inclusive respectful wording and see how you go.

                          I wouldn’t bow down to her in anyway though. You have rights and if you feel she isn’t doing the right thing by you get someone to take it in another direction.

                          Best of luck buddy!
                          It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                          Mother Theresa


                            February Undies and Friends

                            Words of wisdom Nicey.
                            Bridge I get the crazy dreams too, noticed much more when sluffing sober. I understand how they can ruffle the feathers, I wake up feeling a little off sometimes. It's hard to tell if there's a specific cause like diet. The crazy dreams have actually been much better during Feb (no booze for lots of days in a row) have you tried meditating or writing the days thoughts down before bed? I do that, the writing is great.
                            Incidentally I'm loving this not being hungover/anxious/stressy feeling that the no al brings. Mr Cakes is too (in himself) we definitely want to make this a lifestyle thing...not just for Feb. I still can't get my head around no alcohol again ever, it's so ingrained in me it's silly, but I'm understanding how my life is so much better with a grip on the al consumption, and that it takes work to get & maintain a grip on things. And like most things in life, if you have to work for it, you appreciate it more & usually it's the harder path that's the right one for me.
                            Geez, turned into quite the brain vomit.
                            Happy Friday night beautiful people.
                            Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


                              February Undies and Friends

                              Its a very positive brain vomit though Cakes

                              And I've found it gets easier over time. Not saying there arent "moments" but...


                                February Undies and Friends

                                and here you go.... Attached files [img]/converted_files/2049898=7405-attachment.jpg[/img]

