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February Undies and Friends

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    February Undies and Friends

    techie;1460590 wrote: AAP Breaking News: Woman Obsessed With Health & Fitness Arrested In Roid Rage Incident

    A woman authorities Identified only as Saucy is being held without bail in a bizarre incident pending further investigation. While on a mix of illegal steroids, Tibetan herbs, & lemon drizzle cake she was behaving irrationally as police made the arrest. Lead investigator told AAP they found Saucy under a 1988 Ford Taurus trying to ?pull oil? from its engine block. Police report that a full psychological examination will proceed on Tuesday.



      February Undies and Friends

      Morning Undies

      Nice to see everyone. I think the celestial activities this week might be having some affect - Comet Lemmon visible on Thurs/Fri and the Near Earth Asteroid on Saturday Astroblog for details

      Hot day here. Trying to rectify the unrectifiable having sent stuff I shouldn't have to those who shouldn't know about it. Bugger.

      Lovely pic of Leon!


        February Undies and Friends

        Goodnight all you beautiful people. Off to watch a movie and then bed. I need to be up at 4AM. Going to play golf with some old business associates in Sedona. They are there for a business conference on Tues & Wed. BTW, I've decided NOT to take that new employment contract offer. Too much travel and too little span of control.

        Tawny I wish the best for your friend Nigel. I know it is his decision but if it were me I have the chemo. I believe life is a never ending battle and one needs to fight like hell to the end. I personally do not like quitters, but I do truly respect individual choice.

        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          February Undies and Friends

          blondie;1460598 wrote: Morning Undies

          Nice to see everyone. I think the celestial activities this week might be having some affect - Comet Lemmon visible on Thurs/Fri and the Near Earth Asteroid on Saturday Astroblog for details

          Hot day here. Trying to rectify the unrectifiable having sent stuff I shouldn't have to those who shouldn't know about it. Bugger.

          Lovely pic of Leon!
          Hey blondie you need to read this. I nearly feel down howling at this stupidity :H

          CNN Anchor Asks Bill Nye If Global Warming Had Anything To Do With A Near-Earth Asteroid | Mediaite
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            February Undies and Friends

            techie;1460602 wrote: I personally do not like quitters ...
            Ooops ... As a Viet Vet., I suspect Maj.(Ret) Nigel might take offense at that comment so I won't pass on your sentiments. :H :H :H Good golfing and thanks for the pics.

            Blondie - I saw your post on the Fuckity thread. Fusk. :upset:


              February Undies and Friends

              Thanks for that laugh Techie!

              Fusk, indeed, Tawny. Have you got yourself a new project yet (in your spare time )?

              Oh, which reminds me, did anyone see prog on Sat night, ABC, about a UK antique dealer? Some fantastic finds there; might buy me a van and comb the stately homes of Perth (will check with my new financial planners first :upset


                February Undies and Friends

                techie;1460590 wrote: AAP Breaking News: Woman Obsessed With Health & Fitness Arrested In Roid Rage Incident

                A woman authorities Identified only as Saucy is being held without bail in a bizarre incident pending further investigation. While on a mix of illegal steroids, Tibetan herbs, & lemon drizzle cake she was behaving irrationally as police made the arrest. Lead investigator told AAP they found Saucy under a 1988 Ford Taurus trying to ?pull oil? from its engine block. Police report that a full psychological examination will proceed on Tuesday.

                Oil gives u big boobs...just saying...:H


                  February Undies and Friends

                  Hi Undies....just wanted to drop by and give hugs. :l

                  I just throb Leon. Sunny, your post was wonderful.

                  I've been having bad dreams too. Work nightmares. Ugghhhh

                  I need to quit my Diet Coke habit.

                  I just started yoga and I throb it. Did I see that someone is teaching it? I need to read back

                  Techie was just in my airport. I thought I saw him fly over.

                  :waving: (I got to use throb twice )
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    February Undies and Friends

                    techie;1460527 wrote: Maybe this new course is in part responsible for the sleep issues. I remember you saying it was an IT course. I'm only a PM away if you have any ?, need advice or suggestions. Oh yeah, there is always Skype too. Relax sweetie, you'll get through all this just fine.
                    Thanks for that.:l

                    Here's an interesting thing.
                    Today we had a relief teacher (for IT) who has just arrived from the great state of Texas, coincidentally.
                    He assessed our pace of study as ridiculous and said we'd got nowhere near enough prep for what was expected of us. He said we were 'spinning our wheels' and 'burning daylight' if we did not have a good background concept. He sounded exactly like Dr Phil. :H:H:H
                    I felt somewhat justified actually.

                    He was a bloody good teacher too. Very engaging y'all.

                    Whizzing through. Back laters.
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      February Undies and Friends

                      byebyebridgetjones;1460633 wrote: He said we were 'spinning our wheels' and 'burning daylight' if we did not have a good background concept.
                      So how's that working for y'all?


                        February Undies and Friends

                        Yikes! I think they've all been pulled into an oily vortex ...

                        Happy Tuesday Undies and Internationalists. Have a good one.


                          February Undies and Friends

                          Morning y'all,

                          Well, i'm buggered, but enlightened. Just off the concord back from a bit of a whirlwind trip to the Vatican, via Rio. The carnivale in Rio was as kooky and as rivetting as ever. I was there with Beyonce, the Hoff, and Nicola Roxon. There was yer nudity, there was yer glitter and gold, there was enough love to go round to nourish our bro's and sis's around the world doing it tough, and there was yer oil pulling. Fair dinkum, i tells ya, there were people under moving vehicles with a spanner just itching for a mouthful. Struth it was scary. I've seen the future Undies!

                          Anyway, the time came to blow that popsicle stand and orf to see Benny boy in Rome (No ginger beer on the Concord, only ginger ale....hopeless). We were up all night chatting about this retirement lark and what he'd do with himself. I said look, Ben, just calm down. Right, let's have a look at this. You've been the pope for 8 years right? 'Si'. You've done a lot of travelling right? 'Si'. Then you know where the fish are biting don't ya? 'Si, Si! Oh Senor Gregorio, 'grazie, grazie!' Alright, alright, settle down Benny. You've still gotta run all this past the clowns in admin. Let me know how you go mate. 'Si, Si Senor G' 'Grazie, grazie'.

                          Have a good one out there Roo's.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            February Undies and Friends

                            Guitarista;1461029 wrote:
                            Anyway, the time came to blow that popsicle stand and orf to see Benny boy in Rome (No ginger beer on the Concord, only ginger ale....hopeless). We were up all night chatting about this retirement lark and what he'd do with himself. I said look, Ben, just calm down. Right, let's have a look at this. You've been the pope for 8 years right? 'Si'. You've done a lot of travelling right? 'Si'. Then you know where the fish are biting don't ya? 'Si, Si! Oh Senor Gregorio, 'grazie, grazie!' Alright, alright, settle down Benny. You've still gotta run all this past the clowns in admin. Let me know how you go mate. 'Si, Si Senor G' 'Grazie, grazie'.

                            Have a good one out there Roo's.
                            Would you look at that? Another innernashnull crisis averted thanks to the Gsters practicality - good work mate.
                            Has anyone got any EBG? I've had mild embuggerances with the manager at work & I'm all out (it's been a while since I needed to use it) It's raining here & I'm hoping I won't be needed at work so I can go see's like the honeymoon period all over again. My glutes are sore after every visit.
                            I love covering books too.
                            Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


                              February Undies and Friends

                              Happy Tuesday you lovely peeps!

                              I reckon me hormones are mucking the fuck outta me!!!! Pardon....BUT

                              I can't stop crying, I feel like the whole world is in crisis and I just can't manage to fix even one little thing. The key broke off in the garage door when I was leaving for work yesty and I almost had a complete break down.....In fact I reckon the neighbours think I did. I kicked and screamed and carried on like a pork chop - at 6.30am........

                              FH keeps looking at me outta the side of his eyeballs.

                              I cried last night because I notice how old my little Dharmsie dog is getting. Then I thought about Happs and her chookies and I completely bawled me eyes.... In fact I'm crying now....

                              FFS - I'm usually so capable and level headed..... I've now been an alien for a few months in a row.......

                              Anyway, just thought I'd bitch and moan and let you know I've seriously lost the fusking plot!!!

                              Gotta laugh though huh? :upset::H:l:h
                              It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                              Mother Theresa


                                February Undies and Friends

                                You DO have to laugh Nicey....remember what you say, this too shall pass. :l

                                I seem to have a huge stock of EBG at the mo so will distribute to any and all who need it. Has oily fingerprints but....

                                Havent got rid of the boys - roosters - yet...I figure I'll wait until I'm really shitty with them and then they can go....

                                I'm on for my first stand in's for yoga teaching tonight, yes its me Nora! not sure what the go is yet but will talk my way through it...bit petrified really...that could work for me in balances...

