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February Undies and Friends

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    February Undies and Friends

    Did it have newspaper cut out words instead of hand writing????? (You know, like, in a murder or ransome letter....)
    It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
    Mother Theresa


      February Undies and Friends

      Yeah - spill frog :H:H

      Nicey - that story had me roling aorund laughin with everyon in the office wanting to know the joke.

      I got a Valentines Day IOU :H:H Done even think I would have got that if hadn't given Mr B the New Leonard Cohn biography over breakfast. I'm way up on brownie points at the moment and plan to save them up for a really big ask some time in the next couple of weeks
      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

      Harriet Beecher Stowe


        February Undies and Friends

        Happy Valentines Day To All

        I did'nt get a valentines card :upset:, spose after 42 years of marraige could be expecting a bit much.

        Nicey, you had me in stitches with that story..

        Missy hope all goes well in your new venture..

        Interested in the dry brushing too Happy..

        Mr G spose I would'nt be in line for being pope, am nae a catholic, but son in law is, would that count, altho he's not a practising one

        Have a fantastic day all:l


          February Undies and Friends

          Morning all! I scored flowers by default...middle locust purchased roses last SUNDAY for his girlfriend....then went out and bought more at twice the price last night. So I got the droopy ones....story of my life...

          Missy, I'm all up for storing brownie points...just hope that the asking comes off for you. Nicey, your story made me laugh.

          Do ya reckon Techie sent the card??


            February Undies and Friends

            X-post Lilly, heres a big Valentines :h for you...I got nothing except a speech on commercialism....


              February Undies and Friends

              Thanks Happy heres one back :h,
              dont you hate when hubbies give you a speach.. i tell mine if I wanted a bloody sermon I go to church

              am off to sons, catch yous all tonight


                February Undies and Friends

                Hi folks. Well I'm back from the lake. It was cold, windy, and very wet :H BTW, this morning I asked Emma if she wanted to go out to dinner with me tomorrow. She is not currently dating anyone. Her response was, "you can't be serious.' Sadly, I was :H:H

                Nicey your posts had me LMAO!

                Oh yeah, I almost forgot...

                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                  February Undies and Friends

                  Hi Undies and Techie

                  Happy Valentines; no flowers, droopy or otherwise, for me, but I'm the one who gives the commercialism sermons! Techie, have a virtual undies Valentine's dinner, with a pic of your favourite frog at the table.

                  How're the Yantra mats going Lily and TF? They look interesting. Just checking your nightmare links, Lily - someone was leaning over my bed smiling at me again last night!!

                  Well, pleased to report no Zero purchased today and none stashed anywhere (I've looked. Twice!)

                  I seem to be the only one watching My Kitchen Rules (Ragsy wised up, I think!). Last night they had a great super veg called kale which they reckoned not many people knew about!! And some of them hadn't heard of it. Oh dear.

                  Have a fun day everyone.


                    February Undies and Friends

                    Hi all...a quick check in...I bought some oil today so will start the swish tomorrow, which is Valentines here...I don't expect anything, the kids can't stand me half the time hahaha....youngest busy trying to shine her band shoes, very cute for a 14 year old...Happs , the male chooks tails are different, thats how ya know whos who...old guy at work asked me if I wanted to go out of town with him next weekend, while my kids are gone on band trip...he reeks of cat piss and cigs and lame sex jokes...oh yeah, and he is married...whats the world coming too , huh???


                      February Undies and Friends

                      bird;1462388 wrote: ...old guy at work asked me if I wanted to go out of town with him next weekend, while my kids are gone on band trip...he reeks of cat piss and cigs and lame sex jokes...oh yeah, and he is married...whats the world coming too , huh???
                      Ah Birdy - looks like you've still got it!!!! Sounds like a pretty good offer - NOT!!! I hope you turned around to see if anyone was standing behind you when he asked.....and, I hope you said "who me", when you saw there was noone there!

                      THEN, I hope you said "ARE YOU S.E.R.I.O.U.S??"

                      AND THEN, I hope you laughed until you peed your pants - while he wondered what was soooo funny....

             carried away - I was SO insulted on your behalf....who does HE think he is????

                      Oh - Happy V day to you!!!!!
                      It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                      Mother Theresa


                        February Undies and Friends


                        Get back here NOW!!!!!
                        It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                        Mother Theresa


                          February Undies and Friends

                          Well, it is worse than that...he is a nudist and always trying to get the females to join him at the nudist camp about an hour down the road...been asking for years and no takers yet that I know of. He never invites the guys. I should ask him why. hahahahaha


                            February Undies and Friends

                            Geez Bird ... how did you find the strength to resist him?

                            Look, you lot - how am I supposed to know who sent the bloody card? It wasn't signed. It was spiked on the top run of barb wire at the front fence.


                              February Undies and Friends

                              Oh.............that's it then?

                              Humph - alrighty.........:l:h
                              It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                              Mother Theresa


                                February Undies and Friends

                                bird;1462451 wrote: Well, it is worse than that...he is a nudist and always trying to get the females to join him at the nudist camp about an hour down the road...been asking for years and no takers yet that I know of. He never invites the guys. I should ask him why. hahahahaha
                                Oh!!! In that case, I woulda def gone.........
                                It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                                Mother Theresa

