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One Step at a Time - February 2013

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    One Step at a Time - February 2013

    In answer to a couple of questions:

    Yes, I'm the only caretaker of my parents, even though I have 3 siblings, one of which works only 5 minutes from my mother's asst'd living residence. She visits her maybe twice a month. The other two are only 4 hours away, but very busy.

    Yes, I'm going with Campral because that's what my dr immediately went for due to lessened side effects. He snickered at my suggestion of Baclofen, and said no to AB as he said I'd get deathly ill. I guess he doesn't trust me. I only get 15 minutes with him, so I didn't get a chance to question him further. He said I could go off of Lexapro, which started this whole mess. I don't think now's the time to stop Lexapro (caretaking), and I doubt he does either. If Campral doesn't work I'll order AB online.

    I expect to find my father dead on the floor each day that I go there. No one else visits. That will be a weird experience, but it's going to happen. I know what do. I prefer that to his killing someone while driving.

    I'm taking off work tomorrow, and you all are the only peeps I plan to talk to.:h
    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


      One Step at a Time - February 2013

      sounds like a plan Juja
      I take Paxil (AD) and have for years
      campral did not phase me
      Bac and Topa made me ill
      AB gave me horrible headaches was ME that made it work.....and the family I have here and at home
      I am, by no means, out of the woods. I know that. I would love to drink at times. But, all I am trying to say, is it has has to come from inside. I was DESPERATE for the meds to help....they just didn't work for me.
      On a brighter note, it payday Friday!!!! Gotta love that!!
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        One Step at a Time - February 2013

        I know it ultimately has come from me, Mama, and that's what scares me--that I don't have it in me. So, I'm hoping for a bit of help from the meds. I have so many things to work on re my health, and no time to do it. I'm constantly pulled this way and that.

        Took off for a "me" day today, but ended up in bed with a bad, bad cold. Hubs didn't even check on me when he came home for lunch. That hurt.

        Feeling fragile, but not self-pitying. Tomorrow will be better--then I can get force myself to get groceries!:H Life goes on.

        Love you all.
        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey

