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One Step at a Time - February 2013

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    One Step at a Time - February 2013

    Today at work has been INSANE. No really...INSANE!!!!

    I'll catch up later and post from my new toy (iPad).

    Love ya'll! :h
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      One Step at a Time - February 2013

      Finally home. Chilling out.

      Glass - CONGRATULATIONS ON DAY 1!!!!:l

      Don't have much to say. Think I'm going to read for a bit. If something fascinating comes to mind, I'll be back to post. ROTFL
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        One Step at a Time - February 2013

        Hi all. Checking in. It's been busy. Flu boy is better and back in school. I'm still healthy, yay! I'm playing for a voice recital tomorrow evening in a very posh private setting. The singer is very good. It's great to be playing again. Rehearsals for my upcoming show Gypsy are four nights a week and Sunday afternoons. It's nice to be out so much and BUSY! I couldn't possibly drink and do all I'm doing right now. It's all good.
        Ooh, I got an email that my Fitbit One has shipped. I thought I deserved a new toy and if it helps me get moving more well good on me. Does anyone here have one?
        we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


          One Step at a Time - February 2013

          Thanks Nora and Mama Bear - I've made it half way through Day two. I'm finding it pretty hard at times, but I'm hanging in there. I knew it was never going to be easy.

          Nurdl - what instrument do you play and what is your role in the show?

          I solved the cross-stitch problem. I bought a kit to make a cushion cover and instead of the dainty little things I used to do, the stitches are so big you can see them from space!
          There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
          You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

          I didn't come this far to only come this far.


            One Step at a Time - February 2013

            Nurdl - have fun!! I was looking at a fitbit too but needed too many essentials to splurge on that right now.

            Glass - Way to go!! You keep on going. Nope - it's not always easy. But, it does get easier. Funny about the big stitches. I need new glasses so bad! That's on my list of things to do. Also, the dentist, painting the inside of the house and on & on & on. Oh well - one day it will all be done and then the list will start over again. :H
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              One Step at a Time - February 2013

              Glass Half Empty;1455307 wrote: Thanks Nora and Mama Bear - I've made it half way through Day two. I'm finding it pretty hard at times, but I'm hanging in there. I knew it was never going to be easy.

              Nurdl - what instrument do you play and what is your role in the show?

              I solved the cross-stitch problem. I bought a kit to make a cushion cover and instead of the dainty little things I used to do, the stitches are so big you can see them from space!
              Glass how are you doing? The first few days are the hardest. Get through them and it will get easier.


                One Step at a Time - February 2013

                nurdl;1455304 wrote: Hi all. Checking in. It's been busy. Flu boy is better and back in school. I'm still healthy, yay! I'm playing for a voice recital tomorrow evening in a very posh private setting. The singer is very good. It's great to be playing again. Rehearsals for my upcoming show Gypsy are four nights a week and Sunday afternoons. It's nice to be out so much and BUSY! I couldn't possibly drink and do all I'm doing right now. It's all good.
                Ooh, I got an email that my Fitbit One has shipped. I thought I deserved a new toy and if it helps me get moving more well good on me. Does anyone here have one?
                Nurdl you sound so busy! Just curious, what was your life like when you were drinking? Were you still playing? It is amazing to me the slow transformations that our bodies undergo once we quit drinking. I'm coming up on a year and I still notice slow improvements. Your energy levels must be so much higher now. Glad to hear Flu Boy is better.


                  One Step at a Time - February 2013

                  Oops! Forgot about the Fitbit. I don't have one, but was thinking about getting one. Is this something that you wear all day long and it calculates how much you've walked and how many calories you've burned? Or do you just wear it during exercise? I'll be looking forward to hearing how you like it. I know a few people who have devices like the Fitbit. I've been on the fence over getting one.

                  Hello to Nora, Mama, K9, Sunbeam, Ally, and the rest.

                  K9 thinking of you and Sandy today. I pray that you get good news at the vet's office. :l


                    One Step at a Time - February 2013

                    what's a fitbit??
                    crap nght's sleep so sipping coffee and feeling grumpy
                    Fly, I am so glad you are here with us. It's inspiring to have friends like you a K9 that have been sober a year or so
                    I was at six months, but drank over the holidays
                    Glass- I don't think about it as much. If I can't sleep, drinking pops into my head and pops right out. I have to admit that a lovely dinner out with my family and some wine appeals to me, but I know my addit brain is romanticizing the AL. It does get easier with time
                    K9 - is today the vet visit?? Keep us posted ok?
                    off to find coffee
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      One Step at a Time - February 2013

                      nurdl;1455304 wrote:
                      Ooh, I got an email that my Fitbit One has shipped. I thought I deserved a new toy and if it helps me get moving more well good on me. Does anyone here have one?
                      Hi nurdl
                      Yes, I've got a fitbit & love it! I've had one for about 2 years, about a year ago I got the new model that tracks stairs; which I love because I live in a 3 story house & I'm up and down those stairs all day. One thing to remember: don't get it wet! My first one went through the washing machine & never recovered. One little tip is to ALWAYS check where your fitbit is when you start a load of laundry. If you have any questions, I'm more than happy to try to help you out.
                      AF 6 years
                      NF 7 years

                      A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                        One Step at a Time - February 2013

                        Hi Friends,
                        Nurdl and FA, thank for mentioning Fitbit, i had never heard of it but read the reviews at Amazon. I'm not planning to buy one but it is interesting technology.

                        Glass, I'm glad you are doing well. I enjoy knitting, which is pretty easy to learn. There are so many interesting yarns out now, you don't need a pattern to make a scarf. It does not require good eyes like stitching does. Those long thin woven scarves are more "in" but I love my knitted scarves and I also have several silk scarves. Silk feels so luxurious and the colors are so saturated.

                        I worked last night on organizing my gardening magazines. Now I have a better storage system. I have a stack I will skim through then give away at my next gardening presentation. A large pile will go straight to recycling.

                        K9, we await the report on your furry aging family member.

                        Mama, you have racked up more than a year's worth of AF days. It is not the same as a solid year, but still counts toward progress.

                        Nora, I'm glad you are still being successful. Thanks for taking the time to find an inspiring graphic each month that matches our theme here.
                        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                          One Step at a Time - February 2013

                          couple more things about the fitbit:

                          As I said in my last post, keep your fitbit dry! If you do get moisture in it, place it in a jar with uncooked rice for several days. That will absorb the moisture. Many people on the fitbit forum have had luck doing that. Unfortunately, many others haven't... like me.
                          I have read where some people put their fitbit in a small plastic ziploc bag when they wash their vehicles or are going out in the rain.

                          The other problem that happens so often, is that it gets lost. The #1 best thing to do is tether it. What I have found to work the best is use a thick elastic ponytail band, and then safety-pin it to my waistband... tuck into pocket if there is one. Many women clip it to the center of their bra. The other thing to do is put some kind of identification on it. Either a phone number or an email address. There's some pretty cool stories on their forum about how lost fitbits have been reunited with their owners.

                          The sleep feature is really cool too. It tells you how long you have slept, how long it took you to fall asleep, and how many times you woke up during the night.
                          AF 6 years
                          NF 7 years

                          A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                            One Step at a Time - February 2013

                            Thanks Fallen. I was waiting for the new colors on the UP bracelet to come out but they have no release date yet. Then I started looking at the Fitbit One and it seems the upgrades are better than the UP. Good advice about checking for it before washing clothes. Hw do I find the Fitbit Forum?

                            Mama, the Fitbit is a device you wear that tracks your movement throughout the day. It's like a smart pedometer. You can wear it while you sleep to track how often you are awake at night. It also syncs with MyFitnessPal so you can keep track of what you eat. I'm looking for motivation to eat less and keep moving! Plus I thought I deserved a present from me.
                            we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                              One Step at a Time - February 2013

                              nurdl;1455498 wrote: Hw do I find the Fitbit Forum?
                              Go to & click on "sign up" on the upper right hand corner of your screen.
                              AF 6 years
                              NF 7 years

                              A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                                One Step at a Time - February 2013

                                Happy Saturday to everyone.....or it might be Sunday for Glass.

                                Went & talked to my psych today. I'm stopping one pill - just hard to afford it. I'll see how it goes and can always go back on it if necessary. I'm really, really thinking about drinking lately. I'm still taking the AB so it's not an option. But, I have not reached a point where I can say that I don't want to drink for the rest of my life. I have been trying to not think past today. But, my mind keeps going forward to a few months from now.....a year from now. On & on. Oh well, I guess this is just part of it. I am not drinking today. So there.

                                I'm back to going thru loads of papers. Oh my gosh - I just can't believe the stuff that got kept. I'm really glad that I'm doing this and it makes me feel better. Like I'm taking control in one area of my life. I'm looking forward to when it's all done & I am clutter free.

                                Sun - thanks for the compliment on the monthly picture to start us off. I like to find inspirational quotes/pics. And it helps to remind us of what we are doing here.

                                Well - back to my pile of papers. Once I get thru the house, I have a garage full of boxes to go thru. :H
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

