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One Step at a Time - February 2013

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    One Step at a Time - February 2013

    mama bear;1469785 wrote: I have been fighting tears all day....
    It is very sad Mama, especially knowing Nora has always had great love and respect for her father, which actually may make it easier for her some ways.
    Psalms 119:45

    ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

    St. Francis of Assisi

    I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



      One Step at a Time - February 2013

      I want to thank you all for being here with me. My heart hurts so bad....

      Mom, my brother & I were with Dad. We told him that we would take care of Mom and that he could go. The pastor came in & prayed with us. Dad was suffering so. He just couldn't breath and had several heart attacks. He told me a couple days ago that he was just beaten down.

      I am going to miss him so much. But, I know how very blessed I am to have such a loving family. My Dad loved us so much and told us often. He was a wonderful man.

      Thank you all for your kind words & support. I am not even going to try to respond to everyone or the PM's right now. Just trying to get thru the day today. Mom is resting. She is so overcome with grief. But, she is strong. We will be there for her to help her.

      I love you all......I can't even tell you how much it means to me to be supported with all of your loving energy. :h
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        One Step at a Time - February 2013

        I love you Nora
        call if you want to talk
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          One Step at a Time - February 2013

          I'm so sorry Nora. I'll keep you and your family close to my heart as I pray. God bless...John xx
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            One Step at a Time - February 2013

            Dear Nora - I am so sorry about your dad - please know that I am sending you loving thoughts and prayers. I know how much you loved your dad and I really feel for you. I am glad that you were there with him. No worries about responding to Pm's - you have enough going on right now. Just know that I love you and will keep your family in my prayers.

            Much love and many hugs, Sun XXX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              One Step at a Time - February 2013

              What a wonderful man your dad was Nora...remember the good times. I'll be thinking of you and your family. Give your mom a big hug for all of us!
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                One Step at a Time - February 2013

                Dearest Nora,

                I am so sorry about your father, but I'm glad he is no longer suffering.

                He must have been a wonderful man to have raised a daughter like you. You were blessed, and will continue to be.

                My loving condolences to your family.

                "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                  One Step at a Time - February 2013

                  Oh Nora.....I'm so sorry for your loss ......
                  It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                  Mother Theresa


                    One Step at a Time - February 2013

                    What very sad news for you and your family Nora.
                    We're thinking of you.
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      One Step at a Time - February 2013

                      I'm really sorry to hear about your father Nora... :l:l:l

                      He's in a better place now sweetie and he's not in pain any longer...

                      Sending up a prayer for you all... and wishing you strength to get through the next few days.

                      My condolences to your Mom, brother and the rest of the family... XXX


                        One Step at a Time - February 2013

                        Oh my sweet Nora. :l. Your journey has taken so many twists and turns and how wonderful he was with you along the way and you with him.
                        Please give your mom and brothers hugs and condolences from me.

                        Love you sweet woman. :h
                        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
               tool box
               newbie nest


                          One Step at a Time - February 2013

                          So sorry for your family's loss Nora.
                          AF with a few speed bumps during 2014 & 2015 but will succeed.
                          As of 4/12/2014 I have not smoked at all and feel great.


                            One Step at a Time - February 2013

                            Morning all
                            I texted Nora to see if she wanted to talk, but she did not respond, which I completely understand.
                            Nothing new here, just work and family.
                            Hubs has a medical procedure tomorrow and is terrified, which in some evil way, tickles me.
                            better get going at work...
                            xo to all
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              One Step at a Time - February 2013

                              Nora, I have not been around for a while, but just read through the thread and am so very sorry about your Dad. You, your Dad and your family are in my prayers.
                              February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                              When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                                One Step at a Time - February 2013

                                Mama - You are BAD! LOL

                                Nora - I hope you're doing ok. I know you have a long road ahead of you with getting over your grief, but please know how many friends you have here, and how much we love and care about you.

                                Waggie is back!!! YAY. We missed you!! :h:h

                                I am off at 12 today (furlough...ugh). I plan to go to the gym, then most important = NAP!! These naps at my desk are just not working for me. LOL

                                Hope you're all well!

                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

