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ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

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    ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

    Fine then... seems like I've been dumped.

    *blusters of in a huff*


      ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

      Only joking... still here... but need to go off and do some prep work for a bit :hallo:


        ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

        Hello army

        Just a quick fly by - not really got owt to say.............

        Hope we are all well
        Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


          ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

          You ok Questydrawers ???:l


            ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

            I just read over last night’s thread. Thanks for the waitress job guys (that went down the toilet abruptly thereafter… didn’t even have time to get me uniform on). I’m thinking yiz are going to need a good business plan for whatever venture yiz take on (based on the rocket-fast rise and fall of yer empire there) and for a rate of a squidillion an hour I hereby accept the position (that you have not offered) of Manager. Thank you. I’d like to be rich, if it’s not too much to ask, so can yiz sink a load of cash into it?

            True story alert! When I ran away from home at the tender age of 16 I scored a waitress job at the ice rink in Inverness. A rowdy group of guys from France came in and I told them where to go (and it wasn’t back to France). Then when I got admonished for my outspoken behavior I told the guy that ran the rink where to go (wasn’t France either). I really didn’t have the whole “people skills” thing down pat! Shortest job evah… think I lasted all of 2 nights before they sacked me. And, you know what, I can’t remember if the bastards paid me. LOL!

            I don’t know if that’s about a poor wee bairn trying to make a go of it in the big bad world… or if it’s about the mix of alcohol, speed and whatever came along that I was probably on. Either way, I’d have been better off at home… except that my mother was nutso at the time. All this feckin soul-searching and digging up the past for the last 5 weeks is giving me dyspepsia! I’m surprised at the crap that has been lying dormant in my noggin.

            *Tucks the blankies up around Moller's chin* Are you feeling better?

            Orf for a read back of THIS thread now…


              ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

              RunningCourage;1454776 wrote:
              SweetPea - you wrote re about the thinking drinking and your time off this coming week that "It will not enhance my time off" ABSOLUTELY (well, for me anyhows)... WHY OH WHY do we think that to spend 50% of our time off ill, guilt ridden, incapacitated is a GOOD way to spend time off?!
              Ummmm.... good feckin question!!! 50% being a conservative estimate.

              Here's what came up last night. Addiction is not the problem... it's a by-product of the problem. There are things we have to recognize and digest about ourselves so we can cope with life. That's the REAL problem. What we do to deal with it to avoid facing it head on is the addiction. Alcohol, heroin, roxys... they just numb it according to what I heard last night.

              I was gob-smacked to be honest. The whole time I was in therapy I never heard that. But I "get" it and it seems as obvious as can be now.

              It left me wondering about the meds and stuff. I doubt you all know but I've been on all the meds bar antabuse at some point or another. I know Tipps had a great result with Bac, but me taking Bac was me fielding the issues perhaps?

              I think maybe there are different types of addicts. Some of us are chemically addicted and some of us are using to numb things. I'm just throwing it out there as I really don't know... I'm just batting it around at the moment. Thoughts really welcome!


                ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

                Ach yer not being moany! I have a bit of the blahs today too... me feckin body aches from going to the gym and I reckon Arthur may be visiting my knees. We've had a fair innings... only normal we'd have some aches and pains really! :l (As hard as it is to admit I'm not a teenager anymore!) :H


                  ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

                  See what you were saying about the addiction... I'm starting to wonder if it's like clinical depression -v- situational depression? You know...

                  But... big BUT... if this shit was easy everyone would be doing it. And the medical profession does NOT have a handle on addiction. (Which leaves us with the therapists I guess...)

                  It's a puzzle, for sure. And I reckon all of us need different pieces to complete it.

                  Gosh, I'm so......................... vague!!!!! :H :new:


                    ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

                    pissed off .com!

                    going out for a stomp, see you all later


                      ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

                      Hello What's up LimeyLoo?


                        ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

                        Ruminating.... interesting that your rehab was anti-meds Molls. My one had them on all kinds of crap. It was a bit of a joke cos they had all my supps under lock & key and I would go and get "my box" and stick all my supps in a pill thingy each morning and pooter off... meanwhile the rest were on suboxone and all sorts.

                        Honestly, nothing is perfect. There IS no perfect fit rehab. Or perfect AA group. We take what we need and leave the rest.

                        Re drawing the line in the sand... I did that... totally. And they think it may have been premature. The way I see it... like the story about the ice rink... I can dig that stuff up now and laugh about it. Hey! It was my life. So.... what's not to like about getting a giggle out of it?!


                          ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

                          Interesting reading guys
                          Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                            ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

                            Zenstyle;1454980 wrote: See what you were saying about the addiction... I'm starting to wonder if it's like clinical depression -v- situational depression? You know...

                            But... big BUT... if this shit was easy everyone would be doing it. And the medical profession does NOT have a handle on addiction. (Which leaves us with the therapists I guess...)

                            It's a puzzle, for sure. And I reckon all of us need different pieces to complete it.

                            Gosh, I'm so......................... vague!!!!! :H :new:
                            Oh. Now that is a really good thought/question re clinical and situational depression.

                            Can I stick me wee arsey ore in?


                            The way I am beginning to see it is that, as you have alluded to already Zennypops, that addiction is simply hugely complex. There appear to be peeps who are addicted in part due to some chemical thing going on in them, others who appear to be addicted because over time their bodies have needed it more and more - no matter what the original reason for drinking, and others still that drink shit loads to deal with shit loads of shit but once the shit load of shit has been shat, they no longer drink shit loads. ANYWAY... as for my ore, I don't always buy the us-and-them when it comes to addicts and non-addicts. I think there are those who less predisposed to addictions who become addicts, and many who have so-called addictive personalities who have no need for treatment for addictions per se (drugs, alcohol, sex, smokes, gambling) because despite their "addictive personality" none of these they do to a level deemed unhealthy. Some may even not do them at all.

                            What we can agree on is that for peeps here - there was a reason for them ending up here - as Tess2 so eloquently posted on the NN (and Byrdie just pinged up in the Tool Box) - and that reason was that we knew we had an issue with drinking. That we were in some way or form "addicted" to it. That to a lesser or greater degree, it was slowly/quickly killing us or sabotaging our lives. But how we qualify our individual addictions is going to be as diverse and varied as the people on MWO themselves.

                            So I think there are those who are more predisposed to drinking - whether there is a drinking gene as it were I dont know...not up on me doctor stuff (unless it's dressing up ) And as such perhaps are more "clinical" addicts... And then there are those who have become addicts over time - habit / as a means to deal with hidden issues / situation rather than genetic. YET, I still believe that there are those who can have the so-called addictive gene (I repeat, NOT a doc here), but don't utilise it destructively...

                            There's a book I;ve never read (But I'm going to write about as if i had :H) about the difference between extrovert and introverts: It says that despite common belief that extroverts are out-going and introverts and shy, that that is not the case. It is that extroverts look for highs out of life beyond the everyday, whereas introverts more often get their highs from the everyday - thus don't need to go sky-diving and/or drink a bottle of Jack while dressing up as a Doc as part of an orgy.

                            And that, dearest Zenmeister, didn't answer anything, and probably repeated a lot of what you and Molls have just said. Apologies for wasting valuable air :H


                              ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

                              :hallo: Army

                              Had a lekker late afternoon nanna nap, despite the heat. It was 36C at one point. The eldest cub has gone off to a16th b'day larty. The rest of us are just lounging around. I think I need to have a dip in the pool - feeling ever so slightly sticky. I made the cubs some MaccieC as a treat after their camping trip, so we'll just have leftovers for dinner.

                              Mum is happy to be back home and is looking much better. Just back on anti-b'sfor a vit of a bladder infection. Just hoping it won't give rise to other ailments again.

                              In other news: the varsity is back in full swing. Have been feeling sorry for the 1st years being put through their paces. The AL abuse amongst the students is just an absolute shocker. The uni has draw a line in the sand though - last year's rag was cancelled because the SRC didn't do enough to proactively curb abuse.

                              As far as the discussion about meds, rehab, the nature of addiction and all of that is concerned: just do whatever it takes to be free. In my case, it was meds and psychotherapy. The former to rid me of addiction, the latter to set me free from the reasons I started abusing in the 1st place. I do think we tend to blame external factors for having become alcoholics, but in the end its just that: addiction.
                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009


                                ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

                                Just a quick wave............

                      [/video]]Polite Bear Waves Hello - a waving bear - YouTube

                                while I digest the thread.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

