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ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

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    ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

    satz123;1455143 wrote: ok orf I go so ! :sulk:
    we not good enough??:H


      ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013


      Just in... doing the rounds. Y'all alright?

      Satzy - that's a hard one re your younger Satz. I think JC's advice was spot on, but yeah, I'm thinking of you. *thinks hard*

      Hey WeePea - love that word "banjaxed" adding that to my vocab FOR SURE (as hippyman would say :H)


        ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

        limers;1455144 wrote: we not good enough??:H
        Obviously not. I shall now sob into me pillow all night.

        Yo Runners.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

          Just back from a quiz night at work to raise money for young 'un doing good work out in Africa.

          Oor team came second. Prize? 1 bottle of red and 1 bottle of white :H :H :H Ah well... Oor team put 'em up in the office to share among staff. I'll be having a Ribena. The winners won - yup, you guessed it - more bottles of booze. And it was my flatmates in the winning team - so those bottles will end up back here...

          Really, right now, I don't care - in that good way as i'm kinda like, yeah whatever.


            ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

            Yo JC :hallo:


              ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

              Well done you on both counts,

              Funny thing is when I first gave up drinking and we still used to still Pub quiz. Mr JC didn't drink at all when we were out to support me. One of his mates sidled up to me and asked if he why he wasn't having his usual couple of pints and was he OK.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

                That's a tad bonkers. Apart from those i used to regulalry be seen drinking with, no one really mentions my drinking from work. I've even said to a few peeps, "oh, i'm not drinking right now" and they hardly bat an eyelid. Part of me is like "WTF?! Don't you know how hard this is at times?!" But then, don't think anyone REALLY knew the extent of what I was doing.


                  ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

                  I know. Crikey they used to just about carry me home every Tuesday and once I'd said I wasn't drinking at the moment they were fine. I've never made big statements about I'm never going to drink again.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

                    hiya army
                    just home from work and eating leftovers
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

                      :hallo: hallo mama bear. I'm so tired now that i read your post and thought you said "just home from work and eating flowers" :H

                      Orf to the leaba - see youse on the flipside. Night JC.


                        ARMY THREAD 01/02/2013

                        Nighty night, Hun.

                        I'm orff meself. See you in the morning.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009

