Really glad to see the back of January, as its quite a dreary month. February seems like a much more hopeful month in the great scheme of things

I had a very stressful day at work yesterday and was also not feeling the best. I kept having thoughts of popping a few pills just to get through, take the edge off etc. Not had strong feelings like that for a while. Thankfully I didnt act on them. Feel as if I have overcome a bit of hurdle there. Its all too easy just to say fuck it with this isnt it.
Its Friday too, so lots to be grateful for and also I spent the evening with some lovely friends that I havent seen for a while. They was 6 of us and 2 glasses of wine were consumed over the whole evening. Innerestin, back in the day I certainly wouldnt have been happy or comfortable with "Just the one"
Sobriety aint for wimps but it sure is the way to go