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    Hey everyone, I am now in the process of taking Kudzu with L-glut and not seeing too much of a change as of yet. I bought the Kudzu on line with a different company so I was hoping they would work like MWO you think that MWO is maybe stronger?? If so, I will purchase theirs. Also, I am thinking of buying the CD's...not really liking spending 100.00 but will if they really are worth it. Anyone out there please give me some feedback on how the CD's are helping you in your alcohol addiction?



    hey, I need help too....I don't know which ones to buy !??!!
    BTW Shitzulover, the CD's were originally 300 clams! RJ is really trying to give
    us a break. still a hundred clams is nothing to sneeze at.
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)



      Hi Shitzu, YES, YES, YES!!!! There is no comparison to RJs kudzu. Much more potent and about the same price as health food stores. I tried some other kudzu and there was no comparison. My cravings are really decreased with MWO's kudzu (and the l-glut).

      I just started the CDs a couple of weeks ago and I cannot explain it except to say that alcohol is no longer a focal point in my day every day. AF days are much easier for me and when I do drink it is MUCH less than before. I also find they help me sleep better.

      Hope that helps.....

      D, are you asking which CDs to get? I think there is a total abstinence set if that is what you are looking for.....
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



        There is no Kudzu like the MWO Kudzu and yes the CDs are great if you are like me and get anxious at night. I listened to them every night and day for the first entire month. I need to get back to listening to them again. They are a great stress reliever...for now the GABA is my stress reliever.
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.



          thanks everyone for your feedback. I will take your advice and buy the MWO kudzu from now on...also going to purchase CDs. I have been slipping and see now what control it has over my life. I have strong cravings on weekends. I HAVE come to realization that I have to abstain forever from alcohol. very scary but reality for me. This is not fun.



            Shitzu, the CD's are the best investment! I bought the basic 4 pack, and have the mothers set & social drinker set on order. I'm going to bed a bit earlier each night (when I'd normally still be drinking) and doing one of the hypno sessions, which I find really helps set me up in the right frame of mind for the next day.

            Maybe you could count how much you've been saving on the demon drink by abs/mods and when you've saved what you would have normally spent, reward yourself with the order. The CD's do work for me, probably moreso than the supps.

            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:



              I have not had a drink in 66 days. I am taking no supplements or medication but listen to the CDs religiously. When I was taking Topa and not listening, I was still drinking like a moderate drinker who was kidding herself. I can not emphasize the value of these enough.

              I am right now going back and form between a self esteem set and the my way out set. I've gone to a hypnotist in the past and it did not work. The key to the CDs I think is that you are doing it every day in one format or another is you are using it as suggested. When you go to a hypnotist, you go once a week max unless you are very wealthy - it wears off after a day or two. The constant repetition is the key.

              I would rather reprogram my mind than pop a pill. Kudzu never really helped me because my cravings are 99% mental, but I know many people swear by it.

              Another thing to keep in mind is that by buying products from the Health Store, you are supporting RJ financially. She does so much for free on this website - why not give something back to her to help her with the expense? I have gained more from this community that I have from any other website community - all free. You are buying a better product for a reasonable price and you are helping to fund this community. What could be better??

