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Day 2

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    Day 2

    I am on day 2 I believe now for the third time of trying to stay AF. I had a rough go yesterday, but managed to not give in. I honestly thought about it yesterday during the afternoon and convinced myself that I need to stay away from it.

    I read in one of the posts that when we first go off of it we don't feel happiness. That really made sense to me because everytime I have given in is because I am feeling down and unhappy. This is a good thing to be aware of.

    Day 2

    Hi Jacy, I'm glad you are back, and congratulations on day 2.... Keep on coming back here, each time you do you will find you get that little bit stronger...

    You're right, you don't feel happiness at first, but you have to get through that time to what lays beyond... It takes time and a certain amount of commitment, but its really worth it..

    Are you taking any of the supps to help with the cravings???

    I wish you well, and don't forget, keep coming back and post as much as you can..

    Love, Louise xx
    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life


      Day 2

      :thanks: Irishlady,

      It is up and down like a rollercoaster. I am not taking any supps, they only thing I am taking is vitamins.

      I am really grateful for all the advice and support I am getting.


        Day 2

        Hi Jacy,
        It does get like that sometimes, but it gets so much better.
        Keep it up. You'll be glad you did.


          Day 2

          The supps help tremendously and I highly recommend them. If it is a matter of cost at least order the Kudzu.
          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


            Day 2

            Jacy, the kudzu and l-glut can really help with the cravings so you do not feel you are white knuckling it so much. Here's to day 3 for you!!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Day 2

              Jacy, I feel better after about day 4 when I go there are exceptions! I also take enough supplements to keep GNC in biz nicely!
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Day 2

                and Lush is right the MWO products are SUPER.

                Lush, should I start with the classic 4-pack of CD's? maybe I should just get them all...?
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Day 2

                  Jacy, Me again, I can't recommend the KUDZU highly enough, if you take nothing else do try to get some of that, you will be amazed at the difference it will make.... That was one of the BIG guns in my armoury against alcohol, and it worked..
                  A F F L..
                  Alcohol Free For Life


                    Day 2

                    I have the original CDs, D, and I love them. I think they are all basically the same with a little "tweaking" on the wording, so you really cannot go wrong with any of them. Except I do not think you would get much out of the Mom's CDs. I could be wrong though.............
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      Day 2

                      Hi Jacy,
                      Pat on the back for you 2 days AF. You have to start somewhere. The first time I tried I did it without any supps. This time I finally gave in and ordered the Kudzu and it seemed to have made a big difference. It's so ok if you start over again a few times, it gets easier each time and you also know what to expect. It is a learning process and just keep doing it.
                      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                        Day 2

                        I'm with Determinator... Day 3 is great and I have a spring in my step, day 4 is awesome!

                        Stick with it Jay. The feeling is worth those few evenings of angst!
                        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                          Day 2

                          Hi Jacy
                          Every day in the beginning is hard, but every day makes the next day easier. You start out dragging your feet, then begin to walk, then get a little hop in your step, and end up dancing. All of these things depend on one thing - one foot in front of the other - one step at a time.
                          You are taking those steps. Let's hear it for your success so far and your progress!
                          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                            Day 2

                            Today is a little better..

                            Hi everyone,

                            I am having a better day today. I don't know what the problem was last night I felt quite ill later in the evening.

                            I woke up this morning feeling a little sick to the stomach and a headache like I was hungover. I felt almost the same as if I went on a bender. I had to remind myself that I made it past day 2 and that I have only a touch of the flu.

                            Many people have mentioned getting the Kudzu? I am not able to right now due to financial reasons. I do plan to in the future.

                            I am working on Day 3.:woot:



                              Day 2

                              Well done 2 is sure an achievement. i found getting past day one a nightmare,,,before I found this site...guess what I am on day 31 and just off to out for a meal. great feeling to go out and come back damage done!!

                              Good Luck... maybe plan some tasks, fun, activites, makeovers whatever, clean the cupboards whatever it takes to get through "bewitching hour" . I found i even went to bed with a book to keep out of the way of the booze cupboard.

                              I hope it gets to the point i can moderate but not ready to try that yet...cant believe i sit and watch Tv with a wine rack full of booze for last 30 days. My hubby is doing this with me and thats my greatest this site, another drinking friend is on board too.Then there is Faith , hope and a lot of praying for some changes in my attitude to booze, life.

                              good luck on your journey through this difficult time. BUT YOU ARE ON THE WAY TO CHANGES THAT CAN ONLY MAKE LIFE BETTER..HOPE DAY 2 GOES WELL FOR YOU.

                              Regards Cassy

