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What did everyone do this weekend instead of drink?

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    What did everyone do this weekend instead of drink?

    I'm not an (American) football fan, so not taking part in any SuperBowl revelry was effortless. I exercised a lot - ran about 4 miles (approx 6.5km) Saturday, and lifted weights and spent 20 minutes on that instrument of torture known as a Stairclimber today.

    Revised, updated and edited a research article I wrote 10 years ago as a graduate student and wrote two sets of program notes for upcoming musical performances.

    Went grocery shopping for ingredients for a bean and barley soup, which my wife made today. The house still smells amazing. Incidentally, I took a saunter down the beer and wine aisle and even checked out a craft beer display (I used to be a brewer), then kept going and didn't look back. Pretty easy when you understand the pleasure of an alcoholic haze is an illusion.

    Oh, having visited Kennedy Space Center on Monday, I was inspired to sit through all 3+ hours of the movie "The Right Stuff," which covers approximately the 15 year span from the breaking of the sound barrier to the end of Project Mercury.

    Beats being passed out on the couch for sure.

    What did everyone do this weekend instead of drink?

    You sure had a more productive weekend than I did. :goodjob:

    But, I did do some productive things. I went to my psychiatrist. I went to Trader Joe's. I worked on my continuing project of decluttering and simplifying my life. Managed to get rid of another couple boxes of old papers/bills. I had a long talk with a girlfriend. I organized my meds for the week and cooked some chili.

    So - nothing earth shattering......but a wonderful sober weekend.
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      What did everyone do this weekend instead of drink?

      Sounds good

      Productive weekends! I had one too.

      And Nora I am right there with you on the simplifying. It is great!


        What did everyone do this weekend instead of drink?

        Yesterday was Jiu jitsu from 8-9 and then krav maga from 9-10 (at the same place). This makes me tired, so I sat my butt on the couch and watched TV most of the rest of the day. I did some laundry and made a lovely almond chicken curry and peas from scratch with home-made naan. I ran this morning and then went grocery shopping. I came home and made fresh salsa (a pain but worth it) and a veggie stromboli from scratch as well. We are so busy during the week that I like to really make a lot of fresh healthy meals on the weekends.
        Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


          What did everyone do this weekend instead of drink?

          Yesterday I had a garage sale, then came home and did yard work. Today I was lazy all day. I have no interest in the Super Bowl. I finally got up and vacuumed the house and colored my hair. Now I'm back on the couch until bed time. Lol.
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            What did everyone do this weekend instead of drink?

            Went to a hiking trail, and a closed down mental hospital(my current avatar) with my trusty camera, snapped a few billion pix. Finally got uncheap enough to buy a soda stream to make my own seltzer water. Started the cycle on the new saltwater reef tank.......oh yeah, and spent wayyyyyyyyyyyy tooo daym much money.....:H
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              What did everyone do this weekend instead of drink?

              Nelz, I share your fascination with shuttered 19th century mental hospitals. Let me know how you like the soda stream. I'm contemplating buying one myself.


                What did everyone do this weekend instead of drink?

                I went to the local pub and celebrated the final karaoke show and today the bowling league banquet/Superbowl/final day open and didn't drink ether night. Sat. I got a 3dsxl and a few games.
                I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                  What did everyone do this weekend instead of drink?

                  I worked both days of the weekend, made a fantastic vegetarian pasta dish to last me a couple days, got my meds set up for another week, light housework, tried out a new recipe for organic, gluten-free, vegetarian oatmeal raisin cookies (delicious!), got offered a new job, napped, took care of the chickens...overall very productive but I still feel like I should have done more. I did not drink and I was an advocate for myself and stood up to a man who was sexually harassing me; however I am late on turning in an archaeology paper on prehistoric Greece. I would LOVE some encouragement on that front, and some nagging/getting on my case to get it done!
                  Oh, so I totally caved after 39 days of being soda free and had a soda. Have to say I haven't missed it, similar to AL I think...not missing it. Ciao!
                  :earth: Tree23


                    What did everyone do this weekend instead of drink?

                    Hi Tree, consider yourself nagged to get your paper done The best paper is a DONE paper, to paraphrase my grad school dissertation advisor


                      What did everyone do this weekend instead of drink?

                      Tree - always looking for vegetarian receipes. Would love to have your vegetarina pasta dish. :thanks:
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        What did everyone do this weekend instead of drink?

                        aihflvt;1456467 wrote: Nelz, I share your fascination with shuttered 19th century mental hospitals. Let me know how you like the soda stream. I'm contemplating buying one myself.
                        Ill get it set up today sometime, Im just kind of tired of buying out an entire shelf of plastic bottles of water, and dragging them home. That, and running out of water, because at this point I cant hardly stand tap water.........blech.

                        On two different occasions, I was standing in front of the soda stream display, and two different times, two strangers saw me, and told me it was a great thing to have

                        EDIT: So far so good, I only plan on using it for the carbed water, and it tastes fine. It came with a few sample packs of flavor, tried the lemon and weeeeeeech, a bit too sweet.

                        Only takes seconds to make
                        Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                        DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                          What did everyone do this weekend instead of drink?

                          Hi Nora, I've been largely a vegetarian for about a year and a half. If you have a slow cooker, here's a link to the bean and barley soup my wife made yesterday. It could be vegan if you skip the grated parm. It turned out great:

                          Slow-Cooker Bean and Barley Soup Recipe : Food Network Kitchens : Recipes : Food Network

                          Nelz, thanks for the info - do you use regular tap water in the soda stream?


                            What did everyone do this weekend instead of drink?

                            Yeah, so far, just water straight from the tap
                            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                            DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                              What did everyone do this weekend instead of drink?

                              Thanks for posting the bean and barley recipe. I am always looking for new ideas for dinner! I also made some gluten free organic oatmeal raisin cookies with soy flour that are to die for! (I used an egg, but I raise chickens so I feel about eating an egg from them occasionally the same as I do about consuming game meat, although I cannot eat mammal flesh very easily.)
                              :earth: Tree23

