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The Power that Alcohol Has Over the Alcoholic Who Lives with Alcoholism

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    The Power that Alcohol Has Over the Alcoholic Who Lives with Alcoholism

    Alcohol is a substance that has the power to overtake your life, if you're an alcoholic.

    Loss Of Control

    The main symptom to an alcoholic is loss of control. Alcohol has the power to make you not care about anything else but, getting drunk. An alcoholic always drinks to get drunk. To an alcoholic, there's no other reason to drink; than to get drunk.


    A blackout is a sign of alcoholism. When you blackout; you have no control of your behavior. You may wake up in a strange place or with strange people and have no idea of what you did the night before or how you got to where you are now.

    The Power That Alcohol Has

    The power that alcohol has over us who struggle with alcoholism is like a double-edged sword; once it's in our system, we're damned at everything we do.

    Alcohol Always Leads To Poor Choices

    Not only does alcohol cause us alcoholics to make poor choices, it prevents us from living a normal life. When the alcoholic is under the influence of alcohol, all normal forms of reasoning seem to go out the window. We seem to be stuck with the typical alcoholic behavior, which is, me, me, me. At this stage, the only thing that matters is getting drunk and we have no regard for our health or the health and safety of the people around us. The selfishness of alcoholism never leads to a road of glory, ever.

    The Impossible

    In all my years of drinking, I've never heard somebody say," gosh, I got so drunk last night that I had a blast." You will never hear this statement because to an alcoholic, this is impossible.

    The Alcoholic

    The alcoholic simply cannot drink alcohol, period.

    Stages In Addiction

    An alcoholic will go through many stages in their addiction. The first one is denial. They'll deny being an alcoholic and insist that they can control their drinking. They'll even do things to prove it to themselves that, they; are not an alcoholic.

    The Achievement

    The alcoholic might open a beer, have a few sips, and intentionally set it down, and not touch it until the next day. Having made this achievement; if you can call it, that, is proof to the alcoholic that he, is not an alcoholic.

    Old Patterns

    Then, the alcoholic will eventually go back to their old patterns of drinking.

    The Power That Alcohol Has Over Us

    Knowing the power that alcohol has over us, we know that we can never be around alcohol because being around alcohol has a good possibility of leading to relapse.

    Playing With Fire

    For the alcoholic, being around alcohol, is like playing with fire; you'll eventually get burned. It's not a matter of if you'll drink alcohol; it's a matter of when you'll drink alcohol. And, when you do drink alcohol, you'll wind up worse off than you were when you quit drinking alcohol the first time.

    In Our Hearts

    For many of us sober alcoholics, the thought of going back out again and drinking alcohol, is something we dread. In our hearts, we know that it's the same old, same old, out there. Always has, and always will be, for the alcoholic who suffers from alcoholism.

    In A Body Bag

    Alcoholics know that if they ever went out again, that the only way they would ever come back, would be in a body bag.

    Life Or Death

    For us alcoholics, it is a matter of life or death. We can choose to go the way of life. Or we can go the way of drinking alcohol again that always leads to death much faster than expected.

    I Choose Life

    For me, I choose life, not hanging out with some people at a bar somewhere who don't give a damn whether I live or die.

    The Choice Is Yours

    Life, or death.

    What do you choose?
    If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.

    The Power that Alcohol Has Over the Alcoholic Who Lives with Alcoholism

    Martye, on point, here is my journal post from earlier tonight:

    ...One of the things that has really helped me over the last couple of days is just reading random threads: people who came here for a day, a week, a few months and left their stories about things they've done while wasted; they shared of people they've hurt; children, spouses, family they've devastated...I don't mean to use their misfortune as a 'help' per se, but holy crap, I am one drink (because 1 leads to ? for me) away from THAT fate! It TERRIFIES me! I've already allowed that mother-F'r to rob me of years and experiences that I can never get back! For me, I can no longer trivialize, or justify or persuade myself that I can ever navigate through it again without potential catastrophic consequences. It feels like life or death to more binge and who knows where it could land me...I can't risk it and I hope none of you do either...It's not romantic and it's not a loving, caring friend. It's a lying, thieving bastard that ONLY TAKES FROM US. Sure, it's in disguise as a warm, comforting, mind-numbing bubble that we can safely escape within. All the while its sapping the life force out of us! While reading and writing this I sat there weeping. I HAVE to hold onto this very serious reality, it's imperative to my sobriety. It makes me very grateful that I still have the opportunity to make this choice.

    Interesting that we are on exactly the same page today, kinda cool :h

    Cheers to another poison free day...:l
    "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


      The Power that Alcohol Has Over the Alcoholic Who Lives with Alcoholism

      Persephone1;1457743 wrote: Martye, on point, here is my journal post from earlier tonight:

      It's not romantic and it's not a loving, caring friend. It's a lying, thieving bastard that ONLY TAKES FROM US. Sure, it's in disguise as a warm, comforting, mind-numbing bubble that we can safely escape within. All the while its sapping the life force out of us! While reading and writing this I sat there weeping. l
      Love it
      If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.


        The Power that Alcohol Has Over the Alcoholic Who Lives with Alcoholism

        Persephone1;1457743 wrote: Martye, on point, here is my journal post from earlier tonight:

        ...One of the things that has really helped me over the last couple of days is just reading random threads: people who came here for a day, a week, a few months and left their stories about things they've done while wasted; they shared of people they've hurt; children, spouses, family they've devastated...I don't mean to use their misfortune as a 'help' per se, but holy crap, I am one drink (because 1 leads to ? for me) away from THAT fate! It TERRIFIES me! I've already allowed that mother-F'r to rob me of years and experiences that I can never get back! For me, I can no longer trivialize, or justify or persuade myself that I can ever navigate through it again without potential catastrophic consequences. It feels like life or death to more binge and who knows where it could land me...I can't risk it and I hope none of you do either...It's not romantic and it's not a loving, caring friend. It's a lying, thieving bastard that ONLY TAKES FROM US. Sure, it's in disguise as a warm, comforting, mind-numbing bubble that we can safely escape within. All the while its sapping the life force out of us! While reading and writing this I sat there weeping. I HAVE to hold onto this very serious reality, it's imperative to my sobriety. It makes me very grateful that I still have the opportunity to make this choice.

        Interesting that we are on exactly the same page today, kinda cool :h

        Cheers to another poison free day...:l
        Congratulations, Perse! I do believe you've surrendered & found acceptance! Welcome to life!.... It won't be lollipops & rainbows 100% of the time, but you know that! But, it's going to be a 1000 times better then living in constant fear & wondering if you might even have a life. Well done, your on your way up from here! Yee Haw! ) As my friend 199 says, "Sober is the new rebel ~ cool".

        martye;1457746 wrote:
        Love it
        Me to Martye. I love that post! :thanks:

