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Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

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    Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

    My plan was so simple it sounds stupid. Every night when I finished work I made myself eat a cheese sandwich cos hunger was my trigger and I am slightly allergic to wheat and cheese so it made me sleepy.

    Sounds fecking crazy but that was nearly six months ago.

    You gotta work out what your tripwire is Questy.....everyone is different


      Army Thread Wednesday 6th February will get there..each and every one of us has at one stage thought fuck it whats the have to get past that thinking you do it is really immaterial whether to look deep and hard at yourself and life, use any means whatever to neutralise that al trigger, whether meds, af drinks etc.
      I hate preaching so not getting into that..but the stark reality is that there is a massive risk of doing yourself injury through al and shortening your life..and there isnt any re-run.I know its easy to say, but help yourself,we will all support you.Every single one of us want you to succeed..and you will..get yourself a plan, and include in it what to do when times are crap and you want to drink..put something in place for those times

      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

        I am a single mum so no accountability was my problem, really though I ate and slept myself sober and my daughter was told ...... Sorry I am tired, chips again love.

        She got her mum back so a few weeks of chips was worth it


          Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

          mollyka;1457891 wrote: You put it a lot better than me
          Ky's right Questy --- it has to become the MOST important thing in your life for a while, more important even than husband kids house job -- they'll all benefit so much that they'll be happy to take second stage for a while -- YOU need to sort YOU out --- and really really MAKE yourself want it. And honestly hun. you are young now (well shedloads younger than me anyhows) but it would have been round your age that I knew SOMETHING would have to happen - and I trolled along for another 10 yrs thinking 'tomorrow' --- grab it by the bollix now - cos - if you drink anything like I did at my worst - you will die - I would be dead now with 100 percent positivity on that - if I had continued drinking as I was 5 yrs ago - and it will only get worse - Whereas I was drinking somewhat problematically at 40-45 - I was drinking 2-3 times more by the time I was 50
          Jazus - you were a right 'ol dipso Molls LOL :H:H
          Seriously - great posts from you & KY.
          Questy - will you try the AB ? Saved my sorry arse !
          :welcome: to Skiverville one & all !!!


            Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

            Mick;1457900 wrote: when times are crap and you want to drink..put something in place for those times

            This is where the AB has been invaluable. Any hint I might want a nice glass of red wine - out it comes


              Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

              I know you're right guys, and I'm trying, I really am. I'm gonna change my name to "Quest for day 4" - but in all seriousness, I'm trying all the natural things - change of diet (weightwatchers), more exercise (joines the gym) and I've even tried to get an appointment to see a doctor, cos I know I'm majorly depressed too.

              Feckin doctors just said "no appointments - ring back tomorrow". I'm sat here with tears rolling down me cheeks cos I know I need to speak to someone, and I can't get anyone to see me. It's like, having that realisation that you need help and no-one will. I know you guys are awesome, but I think it's time for physical intervention. I'm holding me hand out, and nobody will grab it............

              Don't get me wrong, (Shit me keys are wet) I'm not "at it" every day More like every 3rd), and I am getting many an AF day under me belt, I'm trying sooooo hard - then the "feck it" voices start and off I go again -

              oooooooo a bit deep for a hump day
              Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

                satz123;1457913 wrote: This is where the AB has been invaluable. Any hint I might want a nice glass of red wine - out it comes
                Gotta use what works Satzy ..... We are fighting for our lives here.

                It's nice having mates here but as Mick and I say.....this ain't Facebook and we didn't join for a chat.

                Anyway tis 2am here, got a late start tomorrow but best get some shut eye.

                Questy ..... Hope you get some plan going, wanna see you safe

                Night night army


                  Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

                  Quest for the key;1457916 wrote: I know you're right guys, and I'm trying, I really am. I'm gonna change my name to "Quest for day 4" - but in all seriousness, I'm trying all the natural things - change of diet (weightwatchers), more exercise (joines the gym) and I've even tried to get an appointment to see a doctor, cos I know I'm majorly depressed too.

                  Feckin doctors just said "no appointments - ring back tomorrow". I'm sat here with tears rolling down me cheeks cos I know I need to speak to someone, and I can't get anyone to see me. It's like, having that realisation that you need help and no-one will. I know you guys are awesome, but I think it's time for physical intervention. I'm holding me hand out, and nobody will grab it............

                  Don't get me wrong, (Shit me keys are wet) I'm not "at it" every day More like every 3rd), and I am getting many an AF day under me belt, I'm trying sooooo hard - then the "feck it" voices start and off I go again -

                  oooooooo a bit deep for a hump day
                  Sorry Questy xpost

                  Listen the fact you know you need more is good, but you know with the NHS you gotta SCREAM and it sounds like screaming time is here.

                  I seen you trying and trying and it does sound like depression is a part so SCREAM louder cos if you don't they won't do anything.

                  Ring them again NOW

                  Gotta sleep....sorry


                    Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

           just gave me an idea....why dont you change your name every day that you do not drink..start at questy 1..and change it every night you dont drink..I know its just a little thing ...but it may help motivate you..
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

                      Sorry Molls et al !
             is here behind me

                      His wife is due a baby ( Noseyholejunior) last Sunday week so I will have the place to myself any day now


                        Army Thread Wednesday 6th February


                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

                            Better still ask him if he is looking forward to the triplets!!!! He ll wish he had read a book instead! :H:H:H:H
                            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                              Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

                              Phew !!!
                              He's gone to Noseyholecollege !

                              So what's happening in Skiverville without me ?

                              Questy :l:l:l It's all I can do.:h
                              Need to let the long timers advise here as I am hardly out of the woods myself !


                                Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

                                :wavin: Mick & Tippers and Floosey on the futon :H

