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Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

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    Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

    Look what I found :

    Buy Molly Sofa Bed - Teal. at Your Online Shop for .


      Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

      Quest for the key;1457916 wrote: I know you're right guys, and I'm trying, I really am. I'm gonna change my name to "Quest for day 4" - but in all seriousness, I'm trying all the natural things - change of diet (weightwatchers), more exercise (joines the gym) and I've even tried to get an appointment to see a doctor, cos I know I'm majorly depressed too.
      Don't get me wrong, (Shit me keys are wet) I'm not "at it" every day More like every 3rd), and I am getting many an AF day under me belt, I'm trying sooooo hard - then the "feck it" voices start and off I go again -

      oooooooo a bit deep for a hump day

      Yes Questy - deep- and that's why we are all here ! Not just for the craic - but to help the wounded soldiers that fall among us - as Mrsa calls us.

      You are doing great
      tbh to get to day 3/4 - it's the beginning of more to come I'm sure of it - so stop bashing yourself over the head when you fall ! Just start again. Eventually you WILL get there :l
      And all those days add up - just 'cos they are not sequental doesn't matter now - thay are AF days Questy ! Fu*k it !:teeter:
      The little yellow fella will eventually win on the see saw


        Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

        OK this is my 5th post in a row - I think I've done my bit for Skiverville today
        Will have to do some 'work' if this empty barracks syndrome continues :egad:


          Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

          mollyka;1458000 wrote: She appears for 5 mins and expects us all to jump to her tune - I've important things to do you know - find summat on the tele - fix the duvet cosy - make tea and find bikkies - c'mon - some of us achully DO have to work:H
          Roight ! I'm on the motorway you !!!
          Gonna pull that duvet offa you and lick all a your bikkies so's you can't eat them :H

          Can I get into The Brig without a passport ?
          Heard the rothweilers have to go 'round in two's over there :egad:


            Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

            mollyka;1458016 wrote: :H:H You nearly sound like a southsider:H

            Meant to ask you - did you ever discuss your 'confrontation' on the hols with your daughter? Or hubby?
            NO Molls I can't. :upset:
            Ye see ........ how can I explain it
            #1 - I'd be too morto to admit that I have a problem to anyone other than yous lot - even that took time Molls. Prolly if things ever get too much for me I WOULD admit it to someone in same boat - such as AA or summit but only at a push .........
            #2 - I want to fix myself - not be someone who has to be pitied & fixed. I will not let DD look at me with pity & poor Mam etc etc. and discussing between them & with friends. I would rather DIE tbh.
            I have always fixed myself & that's how I intend to work this . The confrontation was a timing issue tbh - I had already taken myself in hand at that stage with your help & that of the whole Army :l

            Does that make any sense on any level ???


              Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

              mollyka;1458024 wrote: Makes complete sense at every level. As a result of ending up in rehab I've had to endure the pity and condescension - mainly from Adam and at the beginning a wee bit from Joe - that has more or less passed now - but I HATED IT! I was always the strong and in control person - humility was not a natural for me at all. So yep, if I could have done this quietly and in a dignified way through mwo or aa or whatever - I would have - but i missed the boat on that one
              Ah but it's all good Molls :l
              You have Joe's support always - and that is a great advantage in the 'fight'


                Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

                hiya Army...checking in from work. The past two days have been too busy
                HUGE HUGS to you Quest and I think the AB is a brilliant idea....
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

                  mollyka;1458028 wrote: ah yeah - it's all grand now - half the time I think they forget I'm an alkie - Adam's details to me on Mon night about his epic hangover........ I really think he thought I'd never had one:H And on balance - it's way better that Joe is with me 100 percent - cos besides the alcohol we had a lot of problems in our marriage - and all that has been addressed in the last year - so overall - yep, it worked out brilliantly - but I do see where you are coming from - and you're doing a great job - just need to get the hols sorted - do you hope/plan to do Greece AF?
                  :wavin: Mama Mia !

                  Molly I have it in my head that yes I will. I don't want the constant battle - will I have a beer now when I want one or will I have to wait until THEY are having one. Will I have to ask permission to have a beer ? Tiresome to say the least.

                  God - getting back to the quare place - I would LOVE 4 weeks down there. Jesus it must be like a renewal ?
                  And the fact that everything is laid bare is 'BRILL !


                    Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

                    mollyka;1458031 wrote: Hi Momma Mia!! How are you keeping?

                    By the way - where's Sweetie today? Don't think she checked in ---- Sweetie --- Arsey has pancakes:H I may be wrong - mebbe I did see her this morn.
                    Also AWOL : :quoted:
                    PANNO !!!


                      Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

                      mollyka;1458038 wrote: Yeah - have to say I used to find all that a bit exhausting on hols. I was s'posed to drink WITH Joe and at his pace - he was always very bossy bout booze, his Dad was an alcoholic - so I think it was his own way of being disciplined for himself - and it extended to me - so more often than not the lovely cold beer at lunchtime was 'out' - and he wanted to have a few scoops starting about 10pm - and I used to want to be in my bed by then
                      THAT is exactly how it will be Molls - was a bit like that before - "what you want a drink at LUNCHTIME ? You won't be able to drink tonight" .
                      But now after OZgate & bottlegate it would be even worse .

                      No - the brat in me has surfaced and I will do my own thing I think for a change ! Piss them all off :H


                        Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

                        whats wrong with Questie , did she drink yesterday?


                          Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

                          limers;1458043 wrote: whats wrong with Questie , did she drink yesterday?
                          Yes Limers & she's beating herself up :upset:


                            Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

                            ah poor Questie, good God , its a poxi place to be


                              Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

                              are you two skiving???


                                Army Thread Wednesday 6th February

                                yes Mollers, what choice do I have? Im helping him look for a job till next september.

