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Saw The Shrink

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    Saw The Shrink

    I saw the shrink this week. I was stressing over nothing. A really nice young lady who was amazed at my story. Didn't know how someone could go through what I did and still keep it together except for the wine. She had read the whole file on me and had a pretty good handle on it. Was concerned that I wasn't concerned about the PTSD. Also found my way of coping with it a little strange. She said she didn't think I was an alcoholic just a really heavy drinker who could become an alcoholic. That was the same thoughts the last shrink had. I told her let's pretend I am and treat my therapy like I am one. We put together a plan which I'm still digesting. We talked about more meds but I don't want to go that route unless I really need to. I'm feeling great and still don't think about having or wanting a drink. It's history for now as far as I'm concerned. Wants to see me once a month.

    Saw The Shrink

    Good for you starting down this road.

    I drank through PTSD but I know I no longer want to drink. Now I have stopped I neither want nor need alcohol.

    Since I loved to get drunk I would never be a social drinker, and I never needed alcohol to socialise.


      Saw The Shrink

      Kuya, My problem was I never got drunk. Just " sipped" all day. Waste of time. I feel so good I can't imagine I was doing that to myself. I could socially drink because I had to drive and one thing I always was a stickler for was not drinking and driving. When out ,depending how long I was out ,2-3 drinks max. Right up until I quit I'd have days where I'd go 12-15 hours and not drink. I can't ever say I'll not have another drink in my life but have no want or need so why bother. Plenty of other thinks to drink and a lot healthier.


        Saw The Shrink

        Good for you on choosing to treat it as an alchoholic would. This way you cover your bases! Congrats on all your progress


          Saw The Shrink

          that's a great way of looking at it....let' pretend I am an about proactive!!
          Good Job!!
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Saw The Shrink

            The operative words were" I don't think your an alcoholic." It makes sense to look at it like that. I'm certainly not embarrassed about quitting drinking. Best thing for me at this time in my life.


              Saw The Shrink

              IMO...if you think you are, then maybe you are....
              whatever works for you, right
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem

