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Army Thread Saturday 9th February

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    Army Thread Saturday 9th February

    Been meaning to ask you ladies how the Argan oil was, if I do manage to get to meet up we do a lurvley shampoo & conditioner now, too much to post though
    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


      Army Thread Saturday 9th February

      Nice to meet you to Panno :hallo:


        Army Thread Saturday 9th February

        Hows your dinner doing, hope the oven is doing a good job
        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


          Army Thread Saturday 9th February

          Panno;1459840 wrote: Been meaning to ask you ladies how the Argan oil was, if I do manage to get to meet up we do a lurvley shampoo & conditioner now, too much to post though
          Just love it. Still got some left as I use it very carefully and a got a load of No 7 stuff for Chrimbo. Was great for me tan last year (sun bed acquired) not sunny climes.

          Yo Mushypea.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread Saturday 9th February

            Panno;1459842 wrote: Hows your dinner doing, hope the oven is doing a good job
            Smellin good and just about ready Gonna nip off now and feed, maybe see ya's later

            Yo Jacks :wavin:


              Army Thread Saturday 9th February

              JackieClaire;1459843 wrote: Just love it. Still got some left as I use it very carefully and a got a load of No 7 stuff for Chrimbo. Was great for me tan last year (sun bed acquired) not sunny climes.

              Yo Mushypea.
              Good to hear JC, I'm sure I'll top you up soon, the shampoo & conditioner is lovely it leaves the hair really glossy and shiney, no good for me though sadly my hair is too fine :upset: but we use it on Cerys and its gorgeous. The oil has been great on her appendix scar from last year
              Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                Army Thread Saturday 9th February

                sweetpea29;1459859 wrote: Smellin good and just about ready Gonna nip off now and feed, maybe see ya's later

                Yo Jacks :wavin:
                Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                  Army Thread Saturday 9th February

                  Panno;1459860 wrote: Good to hear JC, I'm sure I'll top you up soon, the shampoo & conditioner is lovely it leaves the hair really glossy and shiney, no good for me though sadly my hair is too fine :upset: but we use it on Cerys and its gorgeous. The oil has been great on her appendix scar from last year
                  Oooh ta. I'm into all things smelling of coconut at the moment. Reminds me of Ibiza about 300 years ago.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread Saturday 9th February

                    Me too but have to confess my hair shampoo and conditioner is Alberto balsam Coconut & lychees .. ?1 each bargain :H
                    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                      Army Thread Saturday 9th February

                      Panno;1459840 wrote: Been meaning to ask you ladies how the Argan oil was, if I do manage to get to meet up we do a lurvley shampoo & conditioner now, too much to post though
                      T'was 'brill Panno - I have it mixed with body lotion and it was great - left lovely sheen on legs & arms and scraggy neck :H


                        Army Thread Saturday 9th February

                        Telly is SHITE !!!
                        Just don't think I can bring myself to watch Dirty Dancing AGAIN !
                        Have watched that film to death over the years


                          Army Thread Saturday 9th February

                          I'm sick of the tv too I have never watched so much of it this past 4 weeks ... I even watched daytime tv the other day, heaven help it :upset:
                          Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                            Army Thread Saturday 9th February

                            Hey Molls :wavin:

                            Boxin on tv here, me Da is seein to it that ive got a running commentary, wouldn't mind so much only the sound is on full blast so im gettin his and the real commentators in me ears!

                            My Aunt gave me a wee bottle of argon oil for me hair last yr, didnt realise ye could use it on yer skin. Is it any good for wrinkles and bags and stretch marks? Freckles?:H

                            Dinner was shite btw Dunno wots up but food just aint 'pleasing' me lately


                              Army Thread Saturday 9th February

                              Evening Army......was gonna pop in last night, but by the time I had caught up I was exhausted and went to sleep! :H:H

                              Boy you lot can gab!

                              Well done you Questy! You will get through this I reckon. Hang tough


                                Army Thread Saturday 9th February

                                Hi Kuya, how are ya?

