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Army Thread 11th February

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    Army Thread 11th February

    anon;1460685 wrote: It sounds doable. I will be driving from Merseyside on Saturday evening or perhaps Sunday morning then drive back after the race. My drive is only 2+ hours. I did it last year and the legs were fine until I had to get out of the car after the drive.:H

    It is described as brutally hard but I thought it was easier than the London Marathon

    Legs are fine today Molly in fact off for a little recovery run!

    Hi again everyone and well done Questie:l:
    Thanks mrsa... I'm doing a race up here two weeks before - half marathon called Heaven and Hell as it's a race up and over the Sidlaw hills... I'm also trying to do a short hill run each week near where I live... so hopefully these will help train for it if I decide to do it...

    IF I DECIDE... :H Was it you Molls who was speaking about decision/indecision in another thread? Bloody curse it is! Shall I? Shant I? Shall I? Shant I?!?!? Fecking stressful it is!

    Here's an analogy: If running a race it is like deciding to be AF. The decision whether to run it or not is me looking at every other option to NOT do it just in case there is a better a get out clause. The decision to run takes away the "shall i"/"shant I" stress. I commit to running. Running will be hard, but ultimately hugely satisfying. And no guilt for not having done it. It's healthy too. And fun in a weird kinda way.

    Now... deciding to be AF... or to be one who mods (I'm not considering modding, but as an analogy, it works for me). The decision whether to AF or mod is me looking at every other option for why not to AF... like a get out clause... The decision to be AF takes away the stress of "can I have a drink?"/"can I have a second drink?"/"OH but i WANT a second drink!" I commit to AF. Being AF may be hard, but ultimately hugely satisfying. And no guilt for not having done it. It's healthy too. And fun in a weird kinda way.


      Army Thread 11th February

      anon;1460699 wrote: Are you drinking enough water? High fibre breakfast cereals?
      prob not enough water and too much of the diet drinks


        Army Thread 11th February

        Good morning army

        Happy Monday to ye all x


          Army Thread 11th February

          mollyka;1460686 wrote: Aahh Sweetheart! Was wondering where you were! Love to see you signature btw:l
          Why are you feeling shite? Is it the anti-depressants?
          If de doc doesn't sort me out proper I'll sort him out proper --- so there
          Me heads just a mess tbh - was picking up over the weekend - then wollop - back down again last night. Think it's the thought of being here that's doing it.

          I can't seem to get me head right :-(
          Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


            Army Thread 11th February

            Quest for the key;1460708 wrote: Me heads just a mess tbh - was picking up over the weekend - then wollop - back down again last night. Think it's the thought of being here that's doing it.

            I can't seem to get me head right :-(
            Well done on getting through the weekend Questy:l
            Would you be able to get some time off from work until you feel yer heads in a better place?


              Army Thread 11th February

              Good morning Starteroo, Mollymoo, Mariooo, Tipperooo,Micleodeon, Runners, Soooooooty, Our Whizzy, Limeyloo, Questy, Sweetypea,

              Polishes halo.......never really drunk added sweetener drinks, neither have the kids (they may do now) basically because I always thought I thought they tasted odd. Nowt to do with health reasons. Not sure about why the low fat stuff though.

              Questy, hang in there. Takes a while for your body to adjust.

              Could not get to blooming sleep last night. 4.30am . Sffering from a wee biy of anxiety. Luckily I know what it is. Mr JC's off to the horsepital for his pre-op checks this morning and it's suddenly hit me that the hip replacement is going to happen.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread 11th February

                sweetpea29;1460715 wrote: Well done on getting through the weekend Questy:l
                Would you be able to get some time off from work until you feel yer heads in a better place?
                Hiya sweety - I had Thursday and Friday off and the guilt was horrific ! And then the fear and dread of coming in this morning - I can't begin to explain

                I just don't know what's up with me tbh - I feel like I'm drowning .....
                Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                  Army Thread 11th February

                  Quest for the key;1460717 wrote: Hiya sweety - I had Thursday and Friday off and the guilt was horrific ! And then the fear and dread of coming in this morning - I can't begin to explain

                  I just don't know what's up with me tbh - I feel like I'm drowning .....
                  Ah Questy:l:l

                  Im not qualified in any way to say whats up, and im sure one of the others here will advise you much better, but your body and mind are adjusting to being AF no1, plus the ADs no 2, trying to process all that alone is exhausting and draining without then having the added stress which work can bring.

                  Did your GP offer additional support apart from the ADs?


                    Army Thread 11th February

                    JackieClaire;1460716 wrote: Good morning Starteroo, Mollymoo, Mariooo, Tipperooo,Micleodeon, Runners, Soooooooty, Our Whizzy, Limeyloo, Questy, Sweetypea,

                    Polishes halo.......never really drunk added sweetener drinks, neither have the kids (they may do now) basically because I always thought I thought they tasted odd. Nowt to do with health reasons. Not sure about why the low fat stuff though.

                    Questy, hang in there. Takes a while for your body to adjust.

                    Could not get to blooming sleep last night. 4.30am . Sffering from a wee biy of anxiety. Luckily I know what it is. Mr JC's off to the horsepital for his pre-op checks this morning and it's suddenly hit me that the hip replacement is going to happen.
                    :l:l for you too Jackie, its natural for you to feel anxious about this. Hope all goes well at the horsepital for MR JC x


                      Army Thread 11th February

                      sweetpea29;1460722 wrote: Ah Questy:l:l

                      Im not qualified in any way to say whats up, and im sure one of the others here will advise you much better, but your body and mind are adjusting to being AF no1, plus the ADs no 2, trying to process all that alone is exhausting and draining without then having the added stress which work can bring.

                      Did your GP offer additional support apart from the ADs?
                      You're spot on.

                      Has you GP made any follow up appointments, Questy?
                      Once the AD's have settled in it would be an excellent time to start counselling. There's masses of help out there. Most GP's have counsellors attached to their surgeries .If he/she hasn't you'll have to have a google day in skiverville.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread 11th February

                        Quest for the key;1460717 wrote: Hiya sweety - I had Thursday and Friday off and the guilt was horrific ! And then the fear and dread of coming in this morning - I can't begin to explain

                        I just don't know what's up with me tbh - I feel like I'm drowning .....
                        WHOA! Hold yer horses there Questyroo! ChickPea's right - takes time. Your emotions and your body chemicals are gonna be a bit haywire for a few days at least. I'd give it at least a full week... AD's in and AL out and your body's a bit like...


                        IT TAKES A FEW DAYS... maybes a week or so methinks (I aint not expert at all with this... just reading and chatting to folks about it, that's all)... and reading about the boards... well, it seems the AF journey is a hilly one... but ultimately it ends on a high.

                        You're doing SO well :l Keep trucking and keep coming here to tell us how it is - good, bad and ugly bits please


                          Army Thread 11th February

                          .....Good morning...

                          I don't know what's WRONG with me. I don't feel good doing THIS... I don't feel good doing THAT... Quite frankly I'm behaving like a spoilt brat.

                          Fucking harrumph.

                          I think I've over-analysed myself and everything. Yep, its a new experience... I've never put myself in this position where I'm *out there* with all my secrets for the world to see... and I have a lot of new people in my life that are holding me accountable... and I honestly feel like shutting the phone off and telling everyone to feck off and leave me alone... but I won't. Because this is growth and I will deal with it.

                          So, anyway, I'm going to throttle back and take it as it needs to be done... one feckin step at a time... and stop thinking so much.

                          Sorry about the ridiculousness... time to learn to live in my own skin. I've gotten overwhelmed and, really, there is no need. I DO control my life and I need to maybe make less changes and not so many all at once.

                          OK... normal transmission resumed. Sorry to have been an idiot. If I wasn't going back to bed I'd tell yiz a joke! Really. Feckin nonsense the lot of it. One has to have time to BREATHE in between the self-improvement assault!


                            Army Thread 11th February

                            JackieClaire;1460724 wrote: You're spot on.

                            Has you GP made any follow up appointments, Questy?
                            Once the AD's have settled in it would be an excellent time to start counselling. There's masses of help out there. Most GP's have counsellors attached to their surgeries .If he/she hasn't you'll have to have a google day in skiverville.
                            i agree.


                              Army Thread 11th February

                              Zenstyle;1460726 wrote: .....Good morning...

                              I don't know what's WRONG with me. I don't feel good doing THIS... I don't feel good doing THAT... Quite frankly I'm behaving like a spoilt brat.

                              Fucking harrumph.

                              I think I've over-analysed myself and everything. Yep, its a new experience... I've never put myself in this position where I'm *out there* with all my secrets for the world to see... and I have a lot of new people in my life that are holding me accountable... and I honestly feel like shutting the phone off and telling everyone to feck off and leave me alone... but I won't. Because this is growth and I will deal with it.

                              So, anyway, I'm going to throttle back and take it as it needs to be done... one feckin step at a time... and stop thinking so much.

                              Sorry about the ridiculousness... time to learn to live in my own skin. I've gotten overwhelmed and, really, there is no need. I DO control my life and I need to maybe make less changes and not so many all at once.

                              OK... normal transmission resumed. Sorry to have been an idiot. If I wasn't going back to bed I'd tell yiz a joke! Really. Feckin nonsense the lot of it. One has to have time to BREATHE in between the self-improvement assault!
                              Breath! Abso-fecking-lootely. And it's hard learning to live in ones own skin. I'm still learning. Indeed I'm a total fecking newbie to it :H

                              Lovely to see you Zennifer. :hallo:


                                Army Thread 11th February

                                JC :hallo: hey - big hugerroos for you (and a man-hug for Mr JC too *does punching jest to right arm, beats chest*)... hope it aint stressful at the horsepital. :l

