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Giving up Alcohol for Lent
Giving up Alcohol for Lent
Is anyone else trying to give up alcohol for Lent? I am not a super religious person...more spiritual. I thought I would try to quit my two day a week binge sessions and go af for Lent. I've tried before but never made it. Optimism springs eternalI have already been invited to a wine and chocolate tasting tomorrow (not going) and am going to a food and wine pairing dinner with 3 other couples for Valentines day. I can be the designated driver. I live in a small town so it's hard to avoid my triggers. Any suggestions welcome...
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Giving up Alcohol for Lent
Cleo, today is my day 1. I feel more confident I will do it because of the Lenten promise.
The designated driver always comes home happier and healthier than the passengers! So looking forward to getting back to living sober!IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!
Giving up Alcohol for Lent
Please correct me if I am wrong but as a lapsed catholic communion is all about consuming the body and blood ( red wine) of christ, not to dwell on the cannibalistic and vampiristic aspects of this ritual , what do you do for lent? , sorry no wine today father but Ill take the body. very confusing? Keep it simple. Why not just give up Alcohol for your health and well being? Everyday of the year.