However I started getting alarmingly many questions about whether I had eaten garlic or if I had some decaying teeth. My dental hygiene is impeccable almost to the degree of obsessive compulsive, so I the only reason for this foul stench must be the Antabuse.
I cut my doses in half, and I am not getting as many remarks about smell, but that could be because all the people I interact with already have commented on it.
I take a zinc supplement and eat lots of gum and tic tacs, but the stench seems to come from the body and not only from the mouth.
(I of course brush, scrape, floss, wash and everything else.)
Any tips on how not to smell like a walking garlic farm? And how does this vile stank fluctuate with the dose of Antabus? E.i. can I expect it to be better now that I have cut my doses in half?
