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Can Problem Drinkers Keep Drinking

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    Can Problem Drinkers Keep Drinking

    Hi ~
    Yesterday I saw the CBS Early Morning News preview to it but unfortunately had to leave. Remembered this morning & looked it up. Thought I'd pass it on.

    Worth a look. I'm still very comfortable in my AF skin but for those who might want to try mods it tells you that if you exceed your mod limit-mods might not be for you and to do the 30 days AF before trying it. Sadly a study shows only 5-10% of truly addicted people can successfully do it.

    Here's the Link:

    Can Some Problem Drinkers Keep Drinking?, A New Movement Says Moderation Is the Key For Some People Rather Abstinence - CBS News
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    Can Problem Drinkers Keep Drinking

    Sea, I am a problem drinker and if I drink again, I have the same problem again. It took me a while to resign myself to that, but thats a fact for me.
    Thanks for the link.
    *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


      Can Problem Drinkers Keep Drinking

      I still believe that a moderation program is the key for alot of problems drinkers. I for one have exceeded my mod limit at times, but I would never have had any limits if there was no programs like these. This week I had one beer on Sunday and two on Monday nothing yesterday and during the previous week nothing wed, thurs, friday or saturday and that is huge for me cause it was St. Pattys weekend. I did go AF for about 15 days before I started moderating. I still have goals to reach and I still might quit someday but I sometimes think those news shows miss the point for alot of people like me.



        Can Problem Drinkers Keep Drinking

        Dr. Willenbring in the article is the same doctor that shared some insight on the HBO special recently. Interesting.
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Can Problem Drinkers Keep Drinking

          How do you define a "problem drinker"?

          How do you define an alcoholic?

          I went through a stage when I though I could control my drinking and that thought always seems to grow the longer I abstain.. but I've got to knock it on the head as I rapidly fall into my alcoholic patterns....

          There are people out there that can learn to control their drinking behaviour however I for one recognise that I will never - for the forseeable future at least - be able to have one drink.

          And that's a good thing!



            Can Problem Drinkers Keep Drinking

            I just can't stop at one drink and don't want to try again!

            I think it depedns on what other medical issues you have as well - I have bipolar I and alcohol does not hel me manage my illness one iota.

            Some people drink becuase of an underlying depressive illness, and are basically self-medicating (I think this is quite common). I think that the word "alcoholic" is too strong for most of us because of the stigma attached to it.


            "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


              Can Problem Drinkers Keep Drinking

              CashRegister - I would suggest that if you can't stop at one drink that would be crossing into the "alcoholic" type territory.....

              What stigma? I've come to be proud of the fact that I can admit that I'm an alcoholic after many years of denying it.

              It is a huge relief.


                Can Problem Drinkers Keep Drinking

                Hey Giles - ever been in hospital for this "problem"? I had my driver's licence taken away from me on the grounds that I was drinking too much (more than 3 nights a week - and I was drinking about a bottle of wine), even though I had no withdrawal symptoms. Proud you may be, but don't mention it to certain people( especially in the public health system)...cause you will be treated like a leper...and often the causes of your problems will not be identified as you are labelled with a specific illness if you have the alcoholic "diagnosis" from the medical perspective.

                I don't think you can ignore the stigma - in media reporting, in society. You can be strong and voice that yourself, but many people cannot and it STOPS them seeking the help they need.

                There are so many reasons people abuse alcohol - and they can be hidden if alchohol is percieved as the only problem.

                I could not stop at one drink cause one drink didn't relax me - I was so uptight that i just wanted to be comatose!

                I abused it, i have now stopped abusing it. Where's the denial???

                And please don't try and diagnose and label me by a comment I made on a website. Be proud of it if you want to, shout it to the world. I truly believe society needs more people with alcoholism to do that.

                But I am not an alcoholic, I have a very serious mental illness that has gone undiagnosed for years (until about 2 months ago to be precise)- I drank because I was highly agitated - and now that I am on a medication regime that is right for me I have stopped drinking completely cause I don't need to. I had no withdrawal and no cravings.

                My mother on the other hand was diagnosed as an alcoholic for 30 years. Now, with doctors becoming a little more knowledgeable about depression, she has been put on medication which has made a hudge dent in her drinking. Her "diagnosis" put her in the wrong box for years. Perhaps if she'd been treated for the cause of her drinking our family might have been alot better off.

                Sorry to rant but too close for comfort having someone try and tell me what's wrong with me over one sentence.

                "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                  Can Problem Drinkers Keep Drinking


                  Congratulations on your abs....

                  I'm not sure I agree with problem drinkers always problem drinkers. I was abs 90 days the beginning of last year and I was miserable.. Then I decided after a job I hated I would only drink when I didn't work the 7am-3 shift. That didn't work, then I just laid off the alcohol a few days in between and started using the drink tracker, and I thought I lost the battle, but the difference is I wasn't drinking to the point of being DRUNK AND STUPID DOING THINGS THAT I WOULDN'T REMEMBER ON A BET!

                  Wonderful success!


                    Can Problem Drinkers Keep Drinking

                    I don't think you can lump everyone into one category. We all have different circumstances and reasons for drinking.
                    Colorado Chick!
                    Your support means the world to me...:h


                      Can Problem Drinkers Keep Drinking

                      Perhaps my reply earlier was a little callous and I apoligise for that. After all I see this site as being a supportive mechanism for people with a drinking problem (whether they be alcoholics, problem drinkers or whatever..) and I certainly don't want to add any conflict here.

                      I guess I've just heard a lot from people who admit they have a drinking problem but don't want to go as far as admitting they are alcoholics as such.. And I was certainly like that once.

                      I didn't mean to seem that I was diagnosing you CashRegister and I'm sorry if I've caused offence.

                      I too suffer from ongoing depression and have been on various ad's for the past 9 years. I have also matured to the point where I can see that even though the depression greatly contributed to the drinking, I can also isolate the drinking and recognise that I am also an alcoholic. To me, that helps as recognising that, enables me to realise that I can never have another drink - I know what happens when I do.

                      I certainly didn't mean to direct that at yourself and realise everyones circumstances are different.



                        Can Problem Drinkers Keep Drinking

                        That's cool Giles,

                        I am like the opposite, I never realised why I was drinking, and now I do it's been so easy to stop, think and then not drink. There is no way of isolating the drinking - it was happening at such specific times in relation to my mood swings!

                        I have not been drinking for years and not in huge amounts, but really did abuse it quite alot during and after my first manic episode in the middle of last year. With my adoptive mother having been an "alcoholic" since I was six, I panicked and thought that was the path I was taking because that was what I had grown up with - to some extent true - I did have it modelled for me as a "coping mechanism" for years - but i'm just so pleased it didn't get a "grip" before my diagnosis became clearer.

                        It is tough though when you are honest sometimes and get labelled by medical professionals, specially when they are wrong


                        "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                          Can Problem Drinkers Keep Drinking

                          I have found it is easier to abstain than to try and moderate, so far anyway. Some day maybe, who knows.


                            Can Problem Drinkers Keep Drinking

                            That's why we're here-to share. What works for one person may not work for others but may for another. Just like some people can take Topa/take supps/ others are allergic or decide not to take that route, we all adjust our journey and share and help each other.
                            I passed this on as it had to do with alcohol (moderation). I, for one, am almost at 100 days and like TOC find abstaining being much more stress-free then moderating. Someday-maybe?

                            We all wish each other luck in each other's success.
                            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                              Can Problem Drinkers Keep Drinking

                              How do you define a "problem drinker"?
                              How do you define an alcoholic?

                              I am reading an intersting book right now called "Rational Recovery". This very issue is addressed early in it's pages. It's an easy read, and if anyone is serious about abstinence, I highly suggest it.

                              Hugs to all, :l

                              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008

