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Army Thread 15th February
Army Thread 15th February
RunningCourage;1463392 wrote:
Zen - DAMN FECKING RIGHT ON THE DRINK/DRIVE FRONT... Me? I was one LUCKY fucking bastard that I never got caught. I was insane. I still remember the first time I cracked open a can of lager on the motorway (think i was frustrated with a girl i was seeing at the time) and drank it right handed while driving left handed and thinking - get this right - thinking "Ooh yeah... I'm just like Kerouac! Gonna drive me across these grand lands from coast to coast, beer in my hand, wind in my hair and fully leaded petroleum farting out my rear!" Apart from beer in hand, the rest was imaginary. But yeah - fecking insane... I literally used to drink and drive. NOT good.
It was the petrol farting out the rear that broke me down into sniggers.... :H
Ach, I used to do it too. I started out with wee water bottles with mixed drinks in them (like vodka and soda... clear looking loike), or a can of Coke with summat in it... and eventually graduated to using insulated mugs and putting ice in there... the whole ten yards.... vodka and ORANGE, maybe a rum PUNCH... this is the GOOD life! A few years into my driving shennanigans I rear ended a car at a stop light and decided maybe drinking and driving (literally) wasn't such a great idea. I didn't hurt anyone (thank God) and I got a real good scare and I played it safe after that. (Oh, and NO, I did not get a DUI for running into the car... for reasons that I will discuss only in PM!) :H
Army Thread 15th February
sweetpea29;1463405 wrote: Yo Arsey, Zen, Questy and all :hallo:
Totally get ya on the bollixedness Arsey, at least ye have a reason i.e. studying. Ive just dosed past few hrs on sofa and still feel wrecked
Did ya enjoy yer week off? Dont they just fly(
I got this weekend and then back... oh dear. oh dear oh dear oh dear... :upset: :stomper: :upset:
There he goes again... the moany wee shoite...
Army Thread 15th February
RunningCourage;1463415 wrote: FLY?!?! The week went by quicker than it took Felix to fall to earth. I mean, WTF?!?!
I got this weekend and then back... oh dear. oh dear oh dear oh dear... :upset: :stomper: :upset:
There he goes again... the moany wee shoite...
Do ya feel rested tho?
Army Thread 15th February
I'll just add my feckity fecks, Limers. Next time no to the champers and run like the wind to us OK.
And general good evenings,wavings and yooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooos to the rest of yous.
Did I see GG there............***** big waves*****
Mmmmmmmmmm the bollixedness. Love to say it's just a phase but I get it from time to time. Mebbees it's our bodies telling us to slow down.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Army Thread 15th February
JackieClaire;1463420 wrote: I'll just add my feckity fecks, Limers. Next time no to the champers and run like the wind to us OK.
And general good evenings,wavings and yooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooos to the rest of yous.
Did I see GG there............***** big waves*****
Mmmmmmmmmm the bollixedness. Love to say it's just a phase but I get it from time to time. Mebbees it's our bodies telling us to slow down.
Army Thread 15th February
I'm feckin bollixed and I haven't even done the half of the list that I set out to do today. Dammit! All I want to do is go to bed quite frankly. It's been raining for two days and I would love to just give in and watch fillums in bed. I'm going to take the car in to get it rewashed (stupid feckers gave me a 48hr no rain ticket) and go to the supermarket and come back home and bloody well slob. I can't even reach my bed... piles of clothes I'm sorting through on it. Anyone say "suuuuuuuucks"?!