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Beautiful day: dreadful Evening

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    Beautiful day: dreadful Evening

    Hi all, I am ready to scream this morning!! My Daughter came over yesterday to pick up her son. 1st time she was been here since Dec.20th. She literally had to lie to her husband about were she was going. She told her Husband that she met me half way to pick up the boy, because for some reason he does not want her at our house. I think because it would be easy for her to stay, plenty of room and comfortable. My grandson wanted to stay and was crying I so hate that. My new GYN gave me bith control pills so happy.have only taken 3 get a call from the pharmacist saying those pills could really raise your blood pressure. I have high blood pressure. No wonder I have a head ache. so I said that's OK I have a regular Dr. appt. tomorrow I'll check with him. then one of the dogs jumps on the sofa beside me I noticed he has chewed his leg down to the muscle again.2nd time in 3 months. I s it dementia? he's 11. So I have to cancel my dr. and get him to the yet. and add to this, sister in law called needed 175.00 wired -not mailed- wired to her for her car insurance, forgot to pay it. How the hell do you forget to pay car insurance when your being sued for accient you had in Dec. Woulnd't all things car be on your mind? Also Daughter told me she wants to leave her husband but is afraid to because he has been physical; But says he will take the baby and leave. His father was in foreign service and he was lived all over the world so I guess it's possible. He could very easily get a passport for the baby.My Granson told me "I need a new man parent"
    Have I gave you enough drama for the day?
    I had 3 instead of my regular 2 glasses of wine last night. another letdown.
    tanks for letting me vent

    Beautiful day: dreadful Evening

    Hi Mary

    Yup, there's drama there. your poor doggie. still, don't worry about one extra glass of wine for pity's sake.

    Have had a few interesting days myself. Sat down to explain our new "domestic situation" to the polish aupair (prematurely wise 19 yr old) who nodded and said - imagine guttural polish accent here

    "Kate, life is brutal"

    keep smiling. keep venting.

    kate x


      Beautiful day: dreadful Evening

      Wow Mary,
      You have a lot on your plate so take care of yourself. I cant imagine the protectiveness you must feel for your grandson. I didnt realize he had been living with you since December! You are truly a young grandmother to be on birth control pills... lol. You had children young like me. I told my oldest who just turned 20 that I will "sue" him if he has kids before he is 35! :H Actually, I would be just like you... adoring them, but I wont tell them that. Sounds like you need to take care of yourself first right now instead of the other adults who should know better right now! But I know the heart tugs...

      Thinking of you...
      What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


        Beautiful day: dreadful Evening

        I'm sorry Allie didn't type that right. my grandson live with us the 1st 3 years of his life. I now get him only when my Daughter husband gives his OK. But He and I are extremly close. I have a 15 month Grandaughter,but hardly ever see her because my daughters current husband is the Dad. I have never been alone with her; such a difference. I am a fairly young Grandma @45. I had my daughter at 17. (I missed the after school special about teen pregnancy) I should have known when 3 previous GYN wouldn't give me the pill that something was up when this one did without me even asking. But what the hell a thought a little more spontaneous sex would be worth it. Thanks for listening
        Just being me


          Beautiful day: dreadful Evening

          Hi, I'm Simeybear and I'd like to buy a break for a $1000.....

          Sorry to hear things are so up and down for you, especially when related to grandkids. My son was one of the major reasons I found and joined this site - I cannot for one minute imagine not being able to wake up each day, lay on the couch together, and have breakfast.

          Stay strong for them and for your daughter. Sounds like she is in a difficult situation as well. There are agencies that can help shield people from domestic abuse, but that might mean even more limited contact with them. I'm sure you've been over it a thousand times with your daughter, but if he can be physical with her he can also be physical with the children.

          Good thoughts heading your way!

          P.S. What IS spontaneous sex - I think I've forgotten! :H
          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


            Beautiful day: dreadful Evening

            I had one less glass of wine last night, so between the two of us, we evened out to "just right". Don't beat yourself up about it. Stay focused on what is important, YOU, your health, and your family. There is so much going on that I am sending you cyber hugs and strength this morning. Here's an extra cup of coffee too...just in case! xo
            Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


              Beautiful day: dreadful Evening

              Thanks guys, AA, I would gladly give 1000. for that break.Just got back from the vet, Mr. Coker got a shot and a topical ointment. So we'll try this. Again. For thoses who listened to me last week about my Mother In law; an update . Nothing on her house situation has changed, she just stated no way will she ever live in an apartment. My husband invited her and her husband to come for a weekend in April. He told me last night. I would just like 1 week with no drama.


                Beautiful day: dreadful Evening

                :l Awww Mary, There's a hug.

                Yes drama, for sure! It's everywhere. I think you did well stopping at only one extra glass of wine. :goodjob:

                :bat It's normal to want to protect your own baby and your baby's baby!

                Hang tough! Sounds like you are handling things like a real trooper! :wd:

                Sending support your way,

                "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                  Beautiful day: dreadful Evening

                  Bear, you need to pull out your bear claws and you did the right thing and vent here. I hope your day gets better. Thinking of you.



                    Beautiful day: dreadful Evening

                    simeybear...dang girl, you're getting hit huh? sorry times are tough, but it will get better. chin up!!!


                      Beautiful day: dreadful Evening

                      AA, I am glad you sound like you are a man hater of domestic abuse. So many act like Duh in that area. I like you AA. : )
                      Gabby :flower:


                        Beautiful day: dreadful Evening

                        Spontaneous Sex--Is what I'm not having AA.!!( tried to change that,oh well) Thank you all for caring about Noelle (my daughter) You know, she is a RN and see's this all the time. I really think she is scared. But Mama can only do so much, she lives 75 miles away not next door. I am trying my best. This will be the 2nd bad marriage she has chosen. She's her Mother's daughter


                          Beautiful day: dreadful Evening

                          HI Mary..big hugs to you! I understand about the kids, the money and the grand children...all hard hard stuff. what you can for you first and start cutting your apron strings to those who are not your's the hardest thing to do, it keeps us all entangled and makes it easy for us not to take care of ourselves. I had the hardest time with my daughter, now 31..she had four kids, one after the other with a good for nothing man..I took care of the babies when she went to training, and bonded with them. The more I helped the less she could trust herself. I started drinking after 16-17 being alcohol free because of that kind of thing. I had to learn how to take care of myself..and she has becoming much more confident in taking care of herself by watching me. My therapist really helped me to know that the best thing I could do for her is to help her create a vision for her life and a plan to make that happen...I stay with that now when she needs help..I ask her what her vision is and what she is planning to do to get there (could help with your sister too), big hugs to you today! I'm feelin' ya! :0)


                            Beautiful day: dreadful Evening

                            Simey, Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you as well, and you have really been through the ringer. Your daughter needs to leave that man.
                            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                              Beautiful day: dreadful Evening

                              Wow simeybear...sounds like you are the center & take care of everybody are so lucky to have that grandson....wish I did...hang in...take care of yourself too

