Hi Simey,
I am going to be sending global thoughts of good wishes tomorrow. Dang - you could get a second career as a juggler!! I am sorry to hear about all the worries you must have - especially about daughter. That must be so tough. I guess I would chime in that is worthwhile to be careful and planful, but if she is so unhappy then she should start planning maybe? Start documenting the poor treatment etc. I know very little about these aspects since I have not been married or divorced, but I am sure that there are VERY savvy ladies on here who could provide info on how to proceed cautiously, without endangering your daughter or your grandchildren. Sounds like this guy is not someone to piss off.
Glad your doggy got some treatment. My cat did that once. The vet called it "barbering." He gave her a steroid shot. Not really sure what caused it, but it go away, only to come back it again. Sort of went away and came back - but it was not serious, just chronic. I hope that is what your baby has - a pain in the butt, but not serious.
Will be thinking of you and hoping that the drama settles down ...