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Army Thread Saturday 16th February

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    Army Thread Saturday 16th February

    It's a lot of mind games Satzy. Seriously. I'm not trying to be dramatic but they pick you the feck apart! And some of them are good, and some I should be sitting in their seat and they should be in mine. So I'm like a sponge at the mo... soaking every little thing up... argh!

    But, yeah, I don't spend too much time on here now. I have done in the past. But who the fuck cares?! Jaysus... Sue me for being on a support forum for alkies... GAH!


      Army Thread Saturday 16th February

      Ya snuck in Mollers! Two ticks and I'll be back. (The cats are whinging for food...)


        Army Thread Saturday 16th February

        Anyhoo - GO TO SLEEP Ms Zenners - we'll be here when you wake - and we love when you post - you MAD bint :l:l
        It's SATURDAY!!! and we are all chilled ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :goodjob:

        Have to go soon for my 'run' / walk :H
        Drag these aching limbs around a track FULL of mud - JAZUS! :egad:


          Army Thread Saturday 16th February

          Mollers... I totally get the Aftercare thing. I'll be going on to that after IOP by the way. And, yep, you REALLY learn about people when you all share your feelings and fears etc. in the group. And, yeah, there are things I have to do that are very time consuming. And I'm, like, the odd man out as I'm not court mandated or anything... and sometimes I think "Why the FUCK am I doing this?". I did this... no family members or friends or nowt asked... it's just me doing it for me. And... well... it's all good really, at the end of the day.

          And... naw... I'm not doing it Gangham style! ) Naw... if that was the case I wouldn't have spent 30 days in the pen. ) But I can see how you would think that. However, it turns out there is another side to me... the sober Sheila is a bit different... :l


            Army Thread Saturday 16th February

            satz123;1463677 wrote: Anyhoo - GO TO SLEEP Ms Zenners - we'll be here when you wake - and we love when you post - you MAD bint :l:l
            It's SATURDAY!!! and we are all chilled ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :goodjob:

            Have to go soon for my 'run' / walk :H
            Drag these aching limbs around a track FULL of mud - JAZUS! :egad:
            Ommmmmmmmmmmmmm yerself! I'll buy some organic veggies in your namesake. I'll be looking for deformed carrots or cucumbers with male like protuberances and I'll say to self... "self... ya buy this for Satz"... :H


              Army Thread Saturday 16th February

              Good morning Tipperoooooo, Starterooooo, Mushypea,Zennifer, Our Whizzy, Marioooooo, Satzuma, Mollymoo.

              Tips, I'll give your eldest cub the challenge of his life. Teach me to play chess. I have seen many people weep in frustration trying.

              Now then our Zennifer, listen to Molls. MWO is another tool in the box. I sometimes get a raised eyebrow when I talk about my 'online forum' to one or two AAers but honestly the rest are just say whatever works. There's a chap comes into work who thinks he's cheating in his sobriety because he's taking antebuse. Ermmmmmmmmm noooooooooooooo.

              Using me favourite broken leg analogy. You're in early recovery. If you'd broken your leg you'd be having fierce PT at the beginning and you'd hate it. Later on you'd realise it's because the physios want you up and walking.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                mollyka;1463679 wrote: Mornin Benjy!! Just wanted to catch the mad bint before she finally DID fall asleep!!!:l
                If you ran as much as you talk about running - jaysus, you'd be like mrsa --------- running towards the bonfire:H:H
                :H:H I KNOW !
                I haven't really embraced the whole exercise thing have I.

                Trouble is I am naturally a lazy cow - I don't enjoy it like Ms A!
                And deffo not at the moment with my 'achy body' syndrome.

                Best get going - :egad:

                Later gater


                  Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                  mollyka;1463678 wrote: Oh Zennie!!!! That was exactly the expression I used about myself --- I was/am a fucking sponge ---- everything now I take on board - but as time goes on now, I find I trust my judgement a weeeee bit better - and I can decide 'yep, that's right, and I'm not doing this that or the other' --- or 'no, that may be right for some, but this is good for me' ---- but that took the guts of a year - for the first year - I just believed and trusted them on everything --- cos fuck it - lets face it - they were the ones in longterm recovery and I was the recent drunk ---- no brainer really!!!
                  I cannot tell you how happy I am to hear you talking like this --- and carry on like this and you'll make it - you really will!!!!!
                  Yeah... trust the process. I'm doing it and ya know what it can't be harmful even when it's annoying. And they do, for the most part, know what is best. And it's not a bad thing to make new acquaintances that are in the same boat. Thank you hon... xxx I feel better now!


                    Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                    JackieClaire;1463685 wrote: Good morning Tipperoooooo, Starterooooo, Mushypea,Zennifer, Our Whizzy, Marioooooo, Satzuma, Mollymoo.

                    Tips, I'll give your eldest cub the challenge of his life. Teach me to play chess. I have seen many people weep in frustration trying.

                    Now then our Zennifer, listen to Molls. MWO is another tool in the box. I sometimes get a raised eyebrow when I talk about my 'online forum' to one or two AAers but honestly the rest are just say whatever works. There's a chap comes into work who thinks he's cheating in his sobriety because he's taking antebuse. Ermmmmmmmmm noooooooooooooo.

                    Using me favourite broken leg analogy. You're in early recovery. If you'd broken your leg you'd be having fierce PT at the beginning and you'd hate it. Later on you'd realise it's because the physios want you up and walking.
                    Yeah and one last thing - we talk pure shite here most of the time - just general day to day stuff. AL is rarely mentioned - only if we have an injured soldier and then the force of the Army can be seen as we zoom in to rescue them !!! DRAMA !

                    We can switch from shite to serious in a heartbeat.

                    I think imho that CONTINUALLY talking about AL on some threads is counterproductive.
                    My inspiration comes from seeing the Tippers, Ms A, Molls & JCs ( just a sample ) of this world getting on with a normal life without AL but not always talking about it .

                    The End


                      Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                      Good marnin Jacks! Youz ladies are the best... ) Yep to the raised eyebrows... the other "inmates" look at me like I'm bonkers. But fuck it, this place has been a huge support and I met all of youz so it is all good and I am going to stop worrying about it. I'm the odd man out at rehab and IOP... no real consequences from my drinking, just a lack of "self". But I reckon it's time to take that seriously. No need to be living on the streets... I caught it before that. Amen.


                        Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                        I'm thinking about it and laughing now... On my phone I have numbers for druggies, prostitutes, strippers and all feckin sorts... they are some of the folk I've met in the last two months. And we all share a common bond... addiction. And we're all trying to make it right. The ones that aren't following the programme got kicked into touch.

                        I've been lending a hand driving some of them as they're in half way houses without cars. And it feels pretty good quite frankly. I actually think I need to do more "service" and I probably will...


                          Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                          mollyka;1463696 wrote:
                          And be grateful for that --- my last vestiges of the old 'proud' me were when I would say/think --- I haven't done this that or the other --- the answer to that in rehab was ---- 'not yet'

                          Not YET!!!


                            Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                            There is a whole load of jargon surrounding rehabs and recovery... it would appear you share the same thing over there Mollers. )

                            OK, I have to get my head down or else I won't be fit to find rude vegetables at the farmers market.


                              Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                              Zenstyle;1463697 wrote: I'm thinking about it and laughing now... On my phone I have numbers for druggies, prostitutes, strippers and all feckin sorts... they are some of the folk I've met in the last two months. And we all share a common bond... addiction. And we're all trying to make it right. The ones that aren't following the programme got kicked into touch.

                              I've been lending a hand driving some of them as they're in half way houses without cars. And it feels pretty good quite frankly. I actually think I need to do more "service" and I probably will...
                              So is mine.:H
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                                Nighters Zen :hallo:

                                Morning Troops :hallo:

                                Been up since silly o'clock and did me Sunday morning run this morning... so, tomorrow i get to do SWEET F.A. :yay:

                                Only problem is I'm suppose to be studying and I am well and truly bolixed :H Still, wanna get some reading down before my flatmate awakes and sniffs, coughs and smokes his way into the day (none of which I find offensive, only that his room is next to mine and the wall that partitions our rooms is skinnier than the gable end of a five pound note).

