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Army Thread Saturday 16th February

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    Army Thread Saturday 16th February

    Ok orf to frigginshops
    Later Gaters :wavin:


      Army Thread Saturday 16th February


      Where did Saturday go? It was fairly productive, at least. Apart from ferrying young and old around, I cleaned the pool filter, enlisted Mrs. T's help to get a new desk into the youngest's room and repotted a few plants that had outgrown their current accommodation. Oh, and treated the house and pets for fleas. They're particularly pesky at this time of the year.

      Just woken up after a nanna nap. Feeling a bit dofkop, though. It's very hot today (32C), which doesn't make for refreshing sleep. Considering suggesting that we go out for dinner tonight. Mum has been with us for a year this week. Still feels unreal at times...
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Army Thread Saturday 16th February

        When does Lent start, Mollers?
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army Thread Saturday 16th February

          tiptronic_ct;1463825 wrote: When does Lent start, Mollers?
          Ash Wednesday (last wednesday) Unless you are Greek then in a few weeks I think Stirly told us that.

          Speaking of your 32 degrees We are at 2 degrees here and it seems tropical

          Hi Molly I loved your fire:h But glad it was not my garden.


            Army Thread Saturday 16th February

            mollyka;1463826 wrote: :H:H:H cheeky bugger!!! That wasn't really a 'moan' - more a litany of complaints - a very different kettle of fish imvho:H
            Can't believe your Mum is with you that long already --- bloody hell, forget 'where did Saturday go' - what about 'where did the last year go'
            Sorry missed the irony in Tips Lent comment:new:


              Army Thread Saturday 16th February

              LMAO @ litany of complaints :H

              :hallo: Whizzie :l
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                anon;1463830 wrote: Sorry missed the irony in Tips Lent comment:new:
                Och... we all have a "JC moment" every now and again :H
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                  tiptronic_ct;1463833 wrote: Och... we all have a "JC moment" every now and again :H
                  :H :H


                    Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                    tiptronic_ct;1463833 wrote: Och... we all have a "JC moment" every now and again :H
                    :H :H


                      Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                      tiptronic_ct;1463833 wrote: Och... we all have a "JC moment" every now and again :H
                      God I hope she doesn't read back.:H


                        Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                        anon;1463846 wrote: God I hope she doesn't read back.:H
                        I rather think she will!


                          Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                          Hi Reccie How is it going? Molly you may enjoy a night out with Joe. I fancy a night out-- Can I go in your place?
                          Mind you I have to be up early tomorrow for a race in Wales. My legs are tired so I hope they are OK for a half marathon


                            Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                            anon;1463871 wrote: Hi Reccie How is it going? Molly you may enjoy a night out with Joe. I fancy a night out-- Can I go in your place?
                            Mind you I have to be up early tomorrow for a race in Wales. My legs are tired so I hope they are OK for a half marathon
                            Legs tired? My whole body has just decided it never wants to move again! But then getting up on a whim at 5.30am to go running prolly really pissed of my body :H

                            Do you run everyday mrsa?

                            You could have your own TV programme "Mrs A's Runs"

                            Achully... that sounds a bit dodgy :H


                              Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                              RunningCourage;1463874 wrote: Legs tired? My whole body has just decided it never wants to move again! But then getting up on a whim at 5.30am to go running prolly really pissed of my body :H

                              Do you run everyday mrsa?

                              You could have your own TV programme "Mrs A's Runs"

                              Achully... that sounds a bit dodgy :H
                              No I do not run every day. I always try to do parkrun on a Saturday but proper races are on a Sunday. My family feel I am getting to old and ask "when are you going to stop running?"
                              Guess my answer?
                              I used to do the 5.30 thing.Madness!


                                Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                                anon;1463875 wrote: No I do not run every day. I always try to do parkrun on a Saturday but proper races are on a Sunday. My family feel I am getting to old and ask "when are you going to stop running?"
                                Guess my answer?
                                I used to do the 5.30 thing.Madness!
                                I was beginning to think I was being lazy!

                                I don't run every morning - and definitely wont be tomorrow after today's run (longest since the marathon way back in Sep)...

                                Don't think you should stop running if you love it so much. One of the things I love about running and running races is that at the start line - EVERYONE is there. Old, young, fit, fat, skinny, big nose, dwarves, giants, posh peeps, poor peeps, slow peeps and fast peeps, fun runners and serious runners. Feel quite at home among the throng.

                                Oi - I heard you all sniggering - I said throng. Not thong. OK?!

