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Army Thread Saturday 16th February

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    Army Thread Saturday 16th February

    Too not to! Too late to edit

    I had not run since Wednesday BTW.

    I love it that there is a throng!


      Army Thread Saturday 16th February

      Oh no... A friend of mine is in the news as he's gone missing... :no:


        Army Thread Saturday 16th February

        A throng in thongs is something I woul prefer not to contemplate...

        See you laters, folksies. We're off to try a new seafood restaurant in town.
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army Thread Saturday 16th February

          RunningCourage;1463883 wrote: Oh no... A friend of mine is in the news as he's gone missing... :no:
          See the danger in getting lost in a throng?

          Jokes aside, I hope they find him and that he's alright.
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            Army Thread Saturday 16th February

            tiptronic_ct;1463833 wrote: Och... we all have a "JC moment" every now and again :H
            Ohhhhh Tippers - you're "on fire" today :H:H


              Army Thread Saturday 16th February

              tiptronic_ct;1463833 wrote: Och... we all have a "JC moment" every now and again :H:H Although I still may kill you unless you bring me daily treats of the chocolate kind.

              anon;1463846 wrote: God I hope she doesn't read back.:H
              I always do.

              Recluse;1463848 wrote:
              I rather think she will!
              You know me so well.

              And I still :h the lot of yous.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                Runners, just been over to FB. I hope they find your friend safe and well.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                  hello all, feeling bCk in business today, had a busy day training and loving it and im back on track. Going to watch tv. Hopefully a good movie and order an indian and chill the bean and wake up early and refreshed and readu for action tomorrow. Im not going back to that bullshit, no way!

                  Arsy, what happened to your pal?


                    Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                    limers;1463925 wrote: hello all, feeling bCk in business today, had a busy day training and loving it and im back on track. Going to watch tv. Hopefully a good movie and order an indian and chill the bean and wake up early and refreshed and readu for action tomorrow. Im not going back to that bullshit, no way!

                    Arsy, what happened to your pal?
                    Hi Limeyarse - telly is SHITE


                      Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                      casualty is on it!


                        Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                        Jesus lads this barracks is very feckin' quiet these nights :huh:


                          Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                          Hello :hiya:I'm here, how are we all?


                            Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                            Hello - no one knows what happened to him. He was at a Casino on Thursday night, was seen leaving and then - nothing since then. Hasn't been at his home, hasn't been to his folks, hasn't been seen anywhere. He's on meds (not sure for what, but I think he was on AD's or something similar). But this is so not in his nature... lots of peeps worried obviously.

                            His folks especially. I stayed with them for a few weeks when he and I were working together some time back... then he stayed with me when he was working for me... man, his family must be so stressed right now...

                            I suppose it's kinda added to the worry the fact that a student at my work went missing a month ago and still hasn't been found. Had the search divers here cos my work is set in the grounds of a wee loch... The worst things do start bearing down in your mind when these things happen.


                              Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                              Sorry for this news matey :l


                                Army Thread Saturday 16th February

                                mollyka;1463949 wrote: xpost there our boy! Shit, he's missing since Thurs?? That's horrendous for his family - I can't even imagine what they're going thro. If it's any consolation, a friend of my nieces went missing just before christmas and turned up after a week - just had a brainstorm - no one's quite sure what happened to him, but he seems to be ok now - you must be up the wall?!:l
                                His family will be up the wall. I'm more just stunned and fearing the worst.

                                I had a flash of a half thought after posting that... about fate... I'm not a supporter of fate personally... but recently there seem to be a number of peeps around - young 'uns - going missing, or sadly dying... and it just seems to be a like a little flickering flash of realisation in my noggins about how precious life is. And how we (I!) can get so lost in out own little scenarios, our own little worlds of fear and control that we fail to really embrace life. We fail to let go. Funny - i was speaking to a wise old friend today (61, HIV, emphysema, gammy hips, smokes like a chimney, can drink like a fish) who I feel bad for not phoning more, (but am always saying to myself i cant be arsed - like WTF?) and he was talking about letting go - letting go of trying to control our lives; to be accepting of ourselves. And I'm thinking - absolutely! But it's so fucking hard! ... And even earlier today, Molly and Zen speaking about rehab - that struck chords too... and then I hear about my friend... and all of a sudden I'm thinking, really, is it worth the hassle trying to keep control?

                                Achully that's nada to do with fate - but just one of those moments today when you go - ah! is that a flicker of light going on in my noggins? is that me trying to flick the switch?!

