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How do you test for Liver Damage?

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    How do you test for Liver Damage?

    Good morning everyone, Its no doubt different for everyone, but I would like to know how much damage I have done to my Liver through heavy drinking. I have a Liver Function Tests twice a year as I am a Type 1 diabetic and it allways checks out OK. But I am not sure whether a LF test tells all. Are there other tests that can be taken that give the true picture Thanks Guys.Hope u are all doing well:thanks::thanks:

    How do you test for Liver Damage?

    I'd trust the liver function test (that's the one where they test the levels of liver enzymes - right?). The most revealing test would be a biopsy, but your doc probably wouldn't prescribe an invasive procedure unless there was a solid, concrete reason for it. Perhaps a second opinion would set your mind at ease?


      How do you test for Liver Damage?

      Hello -- I have a liver condition that's genetic, called Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, and so see a gastro every year to monitor things (another reason it was incredibly stupid of me to become a heavy drinker). Aih is right -- a biopsy is the most reliable way of detecting liver damage. Because a person can live with only a small portion of the liver functioning, blood panel tests will only show begin to show results indicating damage when a LOT of damage has been done and often when it's too late. I've not had biopsies (I also never told my doctors about my drinking problem), but I have had ultrasounds and CT's of my liver, which are still not as reliable as a biopsy but are quite a bit more sensitive than the blood tests. Some tissue damage and scarring will show up on these scans.

      Also, I've read a lot of posts about how resilient the liver is with regard to healing, but I've gotta tell you that's not what I've been told by my doctors, who've been clear that any kind of liver damage is usually permanent, regardless of the cause. What a person with liver damage CAN do is to take very good care of their damaged liver so that the remaining portion that is functioning can be optimized -- and sort of "amp" up its efficiency.

      I hope that helps - if you're very concerned, you might consider requesting an ultrasound or other scan.

      Take care -



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