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Army Thread Monday 18th February

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    Army Thread Monday 18th February

    KTAB;1464947 wrote: Hello again, day off work today and back from the nursery, just on my way out the door again but wanted to share a quick thought. Reading over the boards recently I came across a quote from SKendall "My alcohol counsellor who is tough finally asked me not to use the word 'slip' and replace it with 'a planned drunk'." Now that resonates with me, slip, who am I kidding?
    So Tabbers ! Do you plan to taper off. Less intense than STOP NOW !! invho
    That's what I did and it worked out ok mostly.
    So far so good !
    The thought of 'never again' ?? - I can't think about that - it freaks me out.
    I just truck along ODAAT
    Well actually - it's now '1 week at a time'. I take an AB maybe once a week on Friday & that's me sorted - I wouldn't risk AL for 7 days after it. :no:
    Great tool !


      Army Thread Monday 18th February

      Oookaaaaaaay !
      I'm logging orf as no point yakking to myself :wavin:

      Later gaters


        Army Thread Monday 18th February


        Quite a busy day for the T family. Mum supervised the new gardener and fretted about inconsequential things in between. Youngest decided to join her school's social responsibility week and was at the local SPCA helping to look after the puppies. Eldest had a session with a personal trianer to show him the ropes now that he's joined the gym.

        Mrs. T had a bad / traumatic day: one of her bezzie mates was admitted to hospital with very high bp and a suspected mild stroke. She'll pop down to the hospital later. She was also approached for help by someone at work who had been recently robbed at knifepoint. Turns out she was raped too. A counsellor has been arranged, in additionto medical tests for STDs & HIV. The woman was too ashamed to go to the police and be put through that wringer - there is hardly any victim support worth mentioning. As I've mentioned before: a woman is raped every 4 minutes in South Africa. Yet the government minister in charge of women's affairs is only in the news because she flouted the rules when spending millions on refurbishing her offices. She was nowhere to be seen during any of the high-profile incidents over the past few weeks. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhh!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! :upset:

        As for myself... trying to find my mojo.
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army Thread Monday 18th February

          Well, I got the errands done double quick time. Where the hell is the rest of the population? I had no idea Presidents Day was such a big holiday. (I can only surmise I was tits up for most of them...) Ya know what... they always fall on a Monday... :H I prolly feckin WAS!!!!

          I know this is roilly ROILLY wrong, but I'm going to the noon AA meeting with one of my rehab mates and then I am coming home and slobbing again today. :wow: I have the house to myself till tomorrow and, feck it, I hardly get any time alone anymore. Got room for one more in Skiverville this arvo Satz?


            Army Thread Monday 18th February

            :wavin: Zennie
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Army Thread Monday 18th February

              tiptronic_ct;1464976 wrote: :hallo:

              Quite a busy day for the T family. Mum supervised the new gardener and fretted about inconsequential things in between. Youngest decided to join her school's social responsibility week and was at the local SPCA helping to look after the puppies. Eldest had a session with a personal trianer to show him the ropes now that he's joined the gym.

              Mrs. T had a bad / traumatic day: one of her bezzie mates was admitted to hospital with very high bp and a suspected mild stroke. She'll pop down to the hospital later. She was also approached for help by someone at work who had been recently robbed at knifepoint. Turns out she was raped too. A counsellor has been arranged, in additionto medical tests for STDs & HIV. The woman was too ashamed to go to the police and be put through that wringer - there is hardly any victim support worth mentioning. As I've mentioned before: a woman is raped every 4 minutes in South Africa. Yet the government minister in charge of women's affairs is only in the news because she flouted the rules when spending millions on refurbishing her offices. She was nowhere to be seen during any of the high-profile incidents over the past few weeks. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhh!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! :upset:

              As for myself... trying to find my mojo.
              OMG.... :upset: That poor woman. It makes my fucking blood boil. I know where I stand when it comes to flight or fight and "stand" would be the operative word. I'd chop his feckin... OK... I won't go there. ( Every 4 minutes? That is insane. I saw something on the Web recently about rape in SA but I had no idea it was that bad. A lot of them are children too. (

              Is there any point in the women carrying personal alarms or would nobody take notice of the noise?

              No wonder yer mojo is missing Tipps. What a day... :l


                Army Thread Monday 18th February

                I've got to get out of here as I'm picking my mate up and taking her to the meeting. But I vill be baaack! I am really looking forward to chilling on the laptop in peace and quiet... it's been ages since I managed to do that. I even have leftovers from yesterday so I don't have to cook dinner. HEYALL.... YEAH!!! :H



                  Army Thread Monday 18th February

                  Zennie - the situation is horrific. Beyond horrific. Personal alarms will do very little to turn the tide around. We're an extremely violent society. FFS - the murder rate is higher than Colombia's. Not to mention armed robberies and car hijackings. As much as I love my country, the situation is really bad. The government and their cronies are on the take and don't give a damn that things are falling apart, as long as they can keep on lining their pockets. Next year marks 20 years of democracy, and what do we have to show???
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Army Thread Monday 18th February

                    Laters, Zenmeister.

                    And I'll try to stop venting here.... it doesn't change a thing.
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army Thread Monday 18th February

                      I checked back on the way past the "office" (bedroom)! ;o) Tipps... that is an awful bloody situation and it's no wonder there is "unrest". It's totally unbalanced. Vent away... I have big ears! I never went to SA... been to EA (Kenya) though. And even there I saw the discrepancies. People get sick the feck up of not being treated right and having no support from the government... and it's only to be expected that the bad people will use those discrepancies in their favour to prey on the good. It's just, simply, all wrong and it would take a HUGE clean up. And unless the government is on board... well........ (


                        Army Thread Monday 18th February

                        OK... got to run... but I'll check back in a wee while. Eeeee! Feel like a kid with a toy. I've been really strict on myself this year... lol... pitiful isn't it?! ;o)


                          Army Thread Monday 18th February

                          God, have a read of this: Shocking stats on femicide - Crime & Courts | IOL News |

                          Sorry, I just could not shut up. It makes me want to weep
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            Army Thread Monday 18th February

                            Zenstyle;1464993 wrote: OK... got to run... but I'll check back in a wee while. Eeeee! Feel like a kid with a toy. I've been really strict on myself this year... lol... pitiful isn't it?! ;o)
                            I'm back ! Before I go again -
                            Zenners you deserve a 'doss' day - all to yourself :goodjob:
                            It's good for the soul to DO NOTHING for at least 48 hours :H
                            No-one asking for or getting anything - love it !


                              Army Thread Monday 18th February

                              tiptronic_ct;1464998 wrote: God, have a read of this: Shocking stats on femicide - Crime & Courts | IOL News |

                              Sorry, I just could not shut up. It makes me want to weep
                              You are ok Mr Tips :l Rant away - don't let it upset you too much - try to focus on it getting better soon ?
                              The fact it is now getting exposure worldwide - with the latest 'celeb' murder - has to be a good thing ?


                                Army Thread Monday 18th February

                                Tippers, love, vent away. You and many Saffas showed your support for the victims of violence on Friday. It's a start. Keep the momentum going. You know how much I abhor violence of any kind not just against women but all people.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

