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Army Thread Monday 18th February

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    Army Thread Monday 18th February

    Gawd that reminds when I worked in the bank. Lots and lots of people thought we worked from 9.30am and went home at 3.30pm. Duh!!!
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army Thread Monday 18th February

      Wot Molls said, KT.
      Kuya did a bit of research and found those who check in daily have a bigger chance of success. Interesting.

      There were teeny weeny branches in the bank that could do that, but I actually came to rely on my overtime.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Monday 18th February

        I THOUGHT I heard me name mentioned ! :H:H


          Army Thread Monday 18th February

          kuya;1464858 wrote: I THOUGHT I heard me name mentioned ! :H:H
          And there she was

          mollyka;1464855 wrote:
          Yes, I saw where she said that - interesting indeed! I'm guessing tho that that must be also the people who share their daily trials in the early days?

          god I never got overtime in the bank - if we didn't balance our cash that was just tough shit - often spent 3-4 hours looking for an errant tenner
          The only time I DID get overtime was after a strike - made shedloads of money there - got me my deposit on my first house!!
          Never got that far, but over December I could make enough to pay my credit card off in January. Not surprised we never balanced most of our lunch hours were spent in the local boozer. That's not safety glass for the staff it was to stop the customers being overcome by beer fumes.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread Monday 18th February

            mollyka;1464860 wrote: bloody hell - wot's you - like a million miles away:H:H How's things? And tell us more about your 'findings' on the regular postings? Does the 'quality' of the posting count as opposed to just 'checking in'?
            It was very much about being involved here during the quitting process. Being very open about the day to day feelings in the early days......even if they had been coming for years.But the biggest thing I noticed was it was the people that posted to support others .......supporting others seems to cement the information in the posters OWN brain as much as anything else.

            Fascinating and a huge waste of my valuable time probably :H:H


              Army Thread Monday 18th February

              Right orf to bed......nighty night Barmies


                Army Thread Monday 18th February

                mollyka;1464866 wrote: Actually IS very interesting. And funnily enough it's the basis of a lot of the AA thing as well - I used to look at the 30+ year longtermers and think WTF do they still go??? But for precisely the reasons you outline above - it's giving support that as you say 'cements the information' in them - had a good chat about it with a lovely man one day - makes sense!
                Now must away
                Makes sense to me too.

                Gawd I've only got 3 hours before I leave to see Mr :h the dentist. What to wear, what to wear. Ach it'll have to be the leather skirt and fishnets again.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread Monday 18th February

                  Even though I feel I contribute little to this forum I need to check in each day.
                  I love reading the supportive posts by so many of you and they often just hit the spot:l

                  I also have so much respect for the non judgmental attitude that prevails here


                    Army Thread Monday 18th February

                    Crikey, Mrs A. Don't do your self down. Just be your lovely self.:l
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread Monday 18th February

                      Morning army slept in till 11am today as i stayed up late watching tv and then couldn't get off asleep. Well on your review tabbers and the raise. I've had too many slips lately time to get real and stick to a plan and back to AA. Not mad about AA or the steps but i like to listen to people and just be around people in the same boat as me and the long termers who much advice to offer. As one member said to me take what you need from AA and don't worry about the steps sponsers etc but i would to find a sponser not easy to find. Nice morning here with sunny spells. How many here go to AA? I know Molly does and Pingu and Pinky used too. Just curious. Still in me bed so better get up soon and get some thing done. Have a marvoules monday.


                        Army Thread Monday 18th February

                        Morning Foxy,
                        I used to go to AA, but now I'm at work I get to talk to other addicts there. It's something like have 2 alcoholics in the same room and you've got a meeting.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread Monday 18th February

                          Well I've squeezed into me big girls pants and I'm orff to the dentist. Wonder if he can get at my toofers past the heart in my mouth.
                          Stoopid thing is I know I'll be fine.

                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Monday 18th February

                            Marnin'/arvo brats! Congrats on the permanent position Tabbers... that must be a relief... personally I'm not keen on having something like that hanging over me and I'm sure you weren't either.

                            Did everyone have a good weekend? Mine was pretty uneventful, which is just what I needed. I didn't even get out of my PJs or out of the house yesterday... apart from a text or two I took the whole day orf and cooked, ate and watched fillums. Me arse was pretty much glued to the couch.

                            I'm AA Lite myself Foxy... kinda like Mollers. I went once a day in rehab and that was too much for me... a couple of times a week works fine. But I'm in IOP at the mo, and that (as the "intensive" part of the term would infer) is intensive. Maybe I'll go more after that's finished. I need to get a sponsor... it's part of the IOP programme... and the sponsor hunt is on for real this week. I'm going to a Woman's Meeting today and I hope to bag one there...

                            I've decided to have a wee dinner party on Friday... a "rehab reunion" of sorts. I've asked 6 of the peeps I was closest to. Well 7 but one is out of town. My eclectic guest list is comprised of alkies, heroin addicts, a benzo addict and a roxy user. LMAO! It won't be boring, that's for sure! Oh and a gay feller... forgot about that. Defo have me bases covered! Both my room mates are coming and one of them may stay overnight (if the half way house manager agrees).

                            What else? Oh, it's a holiday here today... Presidents Day.

                            Right, got to get myself organized and out the door.

                            Good luck at the dentist Jacks!

                            Will catch youz later gaters... xxx


                              Army Thread Monday 18th February

                              Howyiz !!
                              Skiverville - Open for business inkele:


                                Army Thread Monday 18th February

                                Hello again, day off work today and back from the nursery, just on my way out the door again but wanted to share a quick thought. Reading over the boards recently I came across a quote from SKendall "My alcohol counsellor who is tough finally asked me not to use the word 'slip' and replace it with 'a planned drunk'." Now that resonates with me, slip, who am I kidding?
                                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?

