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Army Thread Monday 18th February

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    Army Thread Monday 18th February

    Zenstyle;1465103 wrote: I haven't seen that part. Is the rockhopper swearing?
    :H:H Well yeah, but Dr Who keeps talking over her...


      Army Thread Monday 18th February

      I love the emperors.....

      I'm ok zen, up and down Yknow but generally going ok, day 7 no diet Pepsi competed... And sleeping a bit better, related or not I dunno..
      I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

      They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


        Army Thread Monday 18th February

        Yo Molls, grab a pew... we're all looking at Satzy and her pals on tv


          Army Thread Monday 18th February

          Bloomin' Dr Who talking over Satz... that's outrageous!!! :damn: Call up the BBC and complain Arsey.

          Pingu... I stopped and all. I was going through, like, 6-8 cans a day in rehab and getting vile headaches. I'm still drinking too much coffee though. And smoking fags. And eating terrible food with too much carbs. Rome wasn't built in a day though. Do you feel better for it?

          Mollers... there are a lot of injustices in this world. I think it was part of my "problem" really. It stresses me out and worries me and I start to think "Why are we even on the face of the earth at this point". But we just need to put the noggin down and carry on as best as...


            Army Thread Monday 18th February

            Penguin kidnap....omg, they are vicious lol

            I was packing away 6-8 cans a day too. Stopped cold turkey last tues. see if it helps....

            Mind you I'm eating like a horse to make up for it......
            I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

            They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


              Army Thread Monday 18th February

              I hardly ever watch the news Molls. And I don't read the paper. I catch up more on the Web than anything. The news does my head it...

              I'll deal with the twaks in due course. And the grub. And the coffee!!!! And exercise more!!!! But right now I'm going to sit here like a lump on a log! :H


                Army Thread Monday 18th February

                Pingu... I don't have ONE can of soda in the house. Nada... zip... nowt. If the bugger was there I would drink it, simple as that.

                I started on those Mio things for your water but I'm not sure they're much better tbh...


                  Army Thread Monday 18th February

                  what about no added sugar juice - like orange squash...? I drink pints of the stuff every day.


                    Army Thread Monday 18th February

                    I'm on sparkling water. Tis a pisser tho. No wine, vodka, and now diet Pepsi......
                    I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                    They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                      Army Thread Monday 18th February

                      mollyka;1465124 wrote: I've been a lump on a log for nearly two weeks, 'twas a bit of a shock to the system to achully have to work today - it was nice to get back tho - missed the craic tbh -- I reckon I'm very privileged to actually like my job - I was reading bout your discontent Arsey, and I do sympathise - I know how rotten that can be:l
                      Thanks Molls...tbh, it may just be a mind thing - the reality could well be that it's all fine... but I just find it - this job - , for some reason, tiring and, well, bleh! Irony is it is in the arts - i work where there are 2 theatres - i did a degree in theatre for chrissake! But nuff of the venting...just gotta get the noggin down and get through tomorrow... just whinging... It's all fine really.


                        Army Thread Monday 18th February

                        mollyka;1465128 wrote: jeez I don't know Arsey - I s'pose it depends how much concentrate you put in - I know when I'm out I put a wee bit of lime cordial into fizzy water just to liven it up a bit - can't imagine small quantities of real sugar doing too much harm - it's the fake stuff seems to cause the prob
                        ah well... sod it... i'm AF... that'll do for me right now. Happy with me juices for the now. We all have our vices... at least I'm sober


                          Army Thread Monday 18th February

                          RunningCourage;1465125 wrote: what about no added sugar juice - like orange squash...? I drink pints of the stuff every day.
                          This is the new crap. It's better than the old crap but I reckon it's STILL crap nonetheless...


                            Army Thread Monday 18th February

                            Zenstyle;1465132 wrote: This is the new crap. It's better than the old crap but I reckon it's STILL crap nonetheless...

                            Look like penguin eggs - sure there's no a hidden camera in them?! :H


                              Army Thread Monday 18th February

                              Hiyiz all :hallo:

                              Soooo need another holiday (

                              Thank feck im off for few days now am really bollixed

                              Whats a happenin?


                                Army Thread Monday 18th February

                                pingu1997;1465127 wrote: I'm on sparkling water. Tis a pisser tho. No wine, vodka, and now diet Pepsi......
                                Yeah... I hear you. Deprivation it is!!! Have to get off that train of thought tho...

                                I think I may start buying lemons and limes and making a jug up in the morning. I like sweet stuff though and if I used sugar I'd be like the side of a barn. Ach, I dunno... nowt is good for us anymore. Gonna duct tape me gob closed....

