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Army Thread Monday 18th February

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    Army Thread Monday 18th February

    RunningCourage;1465134 wrote: Look like penguin eggs - sure there's no a hidden camera in them?! :H

    You and yer feckin penguins!!! :H


      Army Thread Monday 18th February

      Zenstyle;1465103 wrote: I haven't seen that part. Is the rockhopper swearing?
      Eff orf :H


        Army Thread Monday 18th February

        sweetpea29;1465135 wrote: Hiyiz all :hallo:

        Soooo need another holiday (

        Thank feck im off for few days now am really bollixed

        Whats a happenin?

        Yer seeing it all! I'm on a skive today. And it's cold here, I have the heating on... not very South Florida. And I went to AA, and lunch, and now I'm going to get the lappers and park me widening bum on the couch.


          Army Thread Monday 18th February

          satz123;1465142 wrote: Eff orf :H
          Caught red handed!!! :H


            Army Thread Monday 18th February

            Glad to hear your havin a wee skive Zen reckon ya deserve it

            Molls - cant really afford a holiday-holiday, but am going over to my baby bro in London in July for few days which will be good - he looks after me so well

            How was your first day back ta work?


              Army Thread Monday 18th February

              Evenin' all
              Reckon RC is truly smitten with the Penguins.
              Load up the bus Pingu - we're off to Antarctica :yay:


                Army Thread Monday 18th February

                mollyka;1465136 wrote: Just a thought - well 2 achully Firstly, as I've said here before I really was unhappy in my job up to a year ago, I felt as If I was out of my comfort zone all the time - now I'm happy - is it a coincidence that it came with a decent amount of sober time -- anxieties eased etc. or maybe I'm just used to what I'm doing now --- again - I dunno.
                2nd thought, would you ever think of starting up sort of private acting lessons for kids in your spare time? Jilly used to work for a music school and really hated it, now she's teaching privately - and she just started that in her spare time, and now she's virtually working full time and loves it? Just a thought really, and it would kill two birds with one stone in that it would give you something to do in the evenings, and make a few bob??
                Re yer first thought - well, funny you should say that cos I so say to myself, "are you jist running away from these negative feelings? maybes you should just get going with work and if something at work aint working, see to fixing it, rather than going 'ah feck it all, I'm outa here!' ...." I am trying this, I just feel a bit like "PPFFFFFTTTTT" and I actually felt a wee bit nauseaus this evening with the thought of going back - never get that :H

                Hmmmm.... not a bad wee second thought there...

                mollyka;1465141 wrote:
                Not a lot Peapie --- why doncha think of booking a wee holiday - something to look forward to - ya know?
                Dublin - 6th April. (it's my birthday party :H)


                  Army Thread Monday 18th February

                  Well Lounging Lil - how was the first day of work ????


                    Army Thread Monday 18th February

                    satz123;1465149 wrote: Evenin' all
                    Reckon RC is truly smitten with the Penguins.
                    Load up the bus Pingu - we're off to Antarctica :yay:
                    I have found a new admiration and affection for them. Just get rid of the fecking interfering pervy camera and Dr Who narrating a shite script and I'll go join 'em for an afternoon.

                    P3 has a bus?!


                      Army Thread Monday 18th February

                      Hiya :hallo: PeePea - lovely to hear aboot yer day. Bet yer bolixed tho. You do get long shifts, no?


                        Army Thread Monday 18th February

                        Yer absolutely right Mollers... need summat as a treat. My guilty secret is that I spent a shite load at the Green Market on Saturday morn. I have a load of fruit & veg and doubt I can scarf it all before it goes off. But fuck it, it felt good plonking down money on good fresh food. And, lets face it, its not even close to what I was spending on most Saturdays... HELLO! Then I went off and got a polish change (sheer laziness... how hard is it to changer yer nail varnish?!). I guess what I'm saying is that it's good to treat yourself. Avoid the deprivation.

                        God help us all if I get back into shopping because I am a bargain hunter extraordinaire and I can spend hours hunting down a "find". Hardly a lofty pursuit!!! :H :new:


                          Army Thread Monday 18th February

                          mollyka;1465150 wrote: Oh I LOVE London --- you lucky sod having bro. over there cos it's so expensive for accommodation - that'll be lovely!!
                          Work was great. One of my favourite people was in HQ today, we are usually ships that pass in the night cos she's on relief as well - she used to be such a shy wee creature, but we are such good friends now and we have such a laugh and a bitch together - then spent the evening in one of my fav. branches, so lovely day really!!
                          Aye it is handy having him there and he always has tings planned for me when i go, but i miss not havin him down the road as such too!

                          Makes all the difference when we work wit ones we can have a laugh with, in my place its all the keeps me sane sometimes


                            Army Thread Monday 18th February

                            satz123;1465149 wrote: Evenin' all
                            Reckon RC is truly smitten with the Penguins.
                            Load up the bus Pingu - we're off to Antarctica :yay:
                            Oh feck!!! :H


                              Army Thread Monday 18th February

                              mollyka;1465158 wrote: When I changed my attitude towards work --- that I don't have to be the BEST employee - often that comes with the alkie personality - I relaxed into being a GOOD employee - and it made all the difference. That striving to be the best for me can be so tiring, I had to be the best recovering alkie as well - and my latest one, I have to be the best secretary for AA --- NO I DON'T - I just have to do a good job, and that's more than adequate --- I fight it tho
                              It's hard innit?! It's the bleedin voice that consistently says "NOT GOOD ENUFF!"

                              Tiring - absolutely! ...


                                Army Thread Monday 18th February

                                RunningCourage;1465154 wrote: I have found a new admiration and affection for them. Just get rid of the fecking interfering pervy camera and Dr Who narrating a shite script and I'll go join 'em for an afternoon.

                                P3 has a bus?!
                                Er no - don't think so - but she does love them penguins too

