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Is it that obvious?

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    Is it that obvious?

    Today, at the vet's office when I was paying the bill, the vet tech said are you still losing weight? I said yes trying to loose 20 or so more. Why she said you look fine. we chatted about clothes etc. then she ask me "have you ever seen a therapist? You seem like you have body/ self esteem issues." Well yes, I said,but nothing ever came from it. I know the girls that work there pretty well, being that I have 5 dogs. I feel comfortable chatting with them. but goodnness, am I that messed up? That she did a mini intervention

    Is it that obvious?

    Simey, I have been told that too in the heat of my bad marriage. I equally have been told you look so happy even tho I am still in the heat of the after dispute. I do think people can see inside our heart even tho we think we are hiding our stuff. Funny huh? As things get better they will be sayin how much better you look too. Mark my words. : )
    Gabby :flower:


      Is it that obvious?

      Simey, I tend to think that 'our' world and people in it tend to reflect us in one way or the may be in an opposite image, a mirror image, or something even more abstract..if there is truth in what the vet said (you must have made her feel safe to say such a thing to you), then maybe you can take it as a sign that you are being more honest with yourself..if that makes sense..if people feel like they can take risk by being honest with may reflect that quality in maybe the 'truth' was a little in abrubt..possibly, truth is always so much better than bullshit, don't you think? It took a lot of courage and honesty to come here and to start taking care of give yourself a hug today.


        Is it that obvious?

        gab & dilayne, I think your both probably right. It's true I do have issues in both areas and I really used to hide it. Or try to. Probably never really did. I wasn't offened just taken aback. If she didn't care she probably wouldn't have asked. i don't like to be percived as vunerable. but who does. Still growing and learning

