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My Daughter

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    My Daughter

    It's been a rough couple of days. My daughter has been plagued with chronic sinus infections for the last 5-6 months. I've taken her to the doctor 1000 times. Finally they said she needed to go to an ear, nose, throat specialist.

    She is autistic as a lot of you know and really does NOT like going to the doctor, especially a stranger. We went yesterday, were made to wait over an hour, they poked and prodded her up her nose with a scope that went down to her throat. I had to restrain her. It was terrible. Then they tried to do a hearing test which she wanted no part of. Her school wants to make sure there is no hearing loss that could be contributing to her speech delay. So I will have to take her again.

    The doc said her adenoids were not large enough to be causing the problems she has, he wants me to take her to the hopital to get her tested for cystic fibrosis. CYSTIC FIBROSIS. I immediately started crying and thought I would vomit. He said it was just to rule it out and then we would move on to a cat scan on my poor 3 1/2 year's old's sinuses. Can you imagine this. My only child, my beautiful daughter Sophie, the reason Big Bird is my silly avatar. The reason I keep coming back to this site even when it gets insane and taken over by troublemakers. I am very angry and find myself taking 1 step forward and two steps back with my kid on a regular basis. Just when we found a great new in-home therapist for her this happens and today she was too sick to even have the therapy. She won't eat and is napping, that's how I have the time right now to type this.

    I just needed to vent this because one member said to me in a PM ever so nicely (NOT) "I pray that Sophie has a sane mommie. Work on that". That person gave "offered" permission to post their PM's so there, I did, just one line that crushed me. So I thought that I'd let everyone know that I am sane and taking care of business over here. Just needed to vent because my kid does not deserve this, and frankly neither does my family. I think we've been through enough already.

    I know a lot of you have seen pics of my daughter, and for those of you that haven't she is a beautiful blue-eyed girl with lots of brown curls. She is the belle of the ball at her special preschool. She is exceptional. Please say prayers for her because it doesn't work when I do it. Thanks all, Camper
    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL

    My Daughter

    I am praying for her Happy, and for you and your family.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      My Daughter

      camper,you are a wonderful mother. Who the hell was this idiot?! I'm sure you are tired taking children to the Dr. is not fun in any circumstance. I will pray for Sophie and you. Be positive and lean on us.


        My Daughter

        I won't out the idiot. They are gone anyway, at least they said they were.

        Thnaks for your kind words and wishes, Lushy and Simey. :h
        Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


          My Daughter

          Dear Camper,

          Life really is so unfair when bad things happen to such good & beautiful people as you & Sophie. You just have to ride it out. It is just awful & exhausting, I know. I and others will do the praying & have the faith for you. Sometimes we are just in too much shock & pain to do it for oursevles. But it doesn't matter. The faith & the hope & the prayers are always there & will carry you through. You just get through. There is light & good & joy at the end of this short tunnel.

          And I know you will!! You are of course sane!!! That was quite a cruel thing to say & I bet didn't come from a mother. But said in anger & probably regret. No matter. You are sane and a fine, fine mother.



            My Daughter

            Dear Camper

            All the best to your daughter - I know how it is at the doctors with a young child !!

            You know you are a good mum and so does your daughter - that is enough.

            Sorry you are having a bad day - tommorrow you'll be a bit further away from it.

            Sending my love and good wishes to your baby girl! She sounds very special indeed.

            Love S


              My Daughter

              HC, I can't believe that she could have CF and you not have known about it for three years. Besides that, I used to think that there was the "salty kiss" test that was a sign of it. I hate it that both of you have to go through all this. I'll be thinking of you.



                My Daughter


                Take a deep breath, hug your little girl, together you will take each step one at a time. Many Young children have constant sinus issues, allergies, ear tube issues as they grow. No matter what make sure you get 2nd or third opinions specially for serious stuff.

                Check into natural remedies for some of the symptoms, etc...

                As has been said we are all here for you, and many are prayer warriors...

                We will lift you and Sophie up to the Lord.

                Blessing to you...
                Control the Mind


                  My Daughter

                  Happy, my thoughts and prayers are with you. As a parent and a person, one of the most important things in your life is making sure your your child is happy - and in this case it so hard - there is very little you can do about it (which makes it even worse).

                  Every parent wishes they could wave a magic wand or trade places to make the hurt go away, and I commend you for being as strong as you are being. My son was born with extra fingers and toes, and had surgery at 18 months to remove them. I will never, ever in my lifetime forget the cry that he made coming out of surgery. All you want to do is make them better - just remember that's the goal....
                  Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                    My Daughter

                    Hi HC,
                    I have been wondering were you have gotten to.
                    Why don't you leave the praying to us, while you have your hands full caring for your beautiful daughter. You are feeling overwhelmed right now, but there will be better days.
                    My daughter suffered years of ear-nose and throat whatevers if seems in hindsight. She will get better and nobody doubts your sanity, ever.
                    A hug for you and your little girl.
                    *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                      My Daughter

                      I am thinking and praying for u please give sophie a big cuddle from me


                        My Daughter

                        My heart goes out to you. I know the terror of even going into the doctors office with a child who has autism. The heart wrenching screams and cries and you don't even know if they understand that you are doing this to help them. Then the doctors, if they aren't specialists in autism, then they surely don't understand. They just want your kid to calm down and go through the procedure. That just doesn't happen.
                        I am not sure why they made the jump from sinusitus to CF. Does Sophie have a terrible cough that she can't get rid that won't go away? That is so scary for you and your family.
                        You are a good mother. Remember that. This is the first time you have been a mother to a child who has autism. To beat yourself up won't help, trust me I know. My son is 4 1/2 so I have about a year on you. I am learning too. We just need to do what we can to enter their world and understand them. To understand how they learn. Stay strong Camper you are doing everything right and DO NOT let ANYONE TELL YOU OTHERWISE. Sophie is in my prayers and I am praying for your strength. Hugs.
                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                          My Daughter

                          Oh camper, my heart goes out to you, My prayers are certainly with Sophie ...

                          It seems to me that there are a lot of idiots about just lately.

                          Love & Hugs to you both.

                          :h :l :h


                            My Daughter

                            ray: for dear little Sophie who is as cute as they come, and just happens to love ducks, and the whole camper family. :angel:



                              My Daughter

                              I will be praying for Sophie. :l
                              Enough is enough

