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Army Thread Thursday 21st February

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    Army Thread Thursday 21st February

    just catching up on a telly series ..Michael Portillo going round Britain and Southern Ireland ..currently just left Kilkenny..on to the Curragh
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Army Thread Thursday 21st February


      satz123;1466532 wrote: Feck him Reccie - if you don't want to go - don't
      I couldn't reallly get out of it, satz. On the plus side, the inn where we met was very comfortable and it had a really enticing Italian menu. We were both very pleased with the food, so agreed that in future when we meet (groan!) we'll go back to the same place. For once, my brother was slightly less depressing than usual, so it wasn't too bad a day.

      On the way home I stopped off at Sainsbury's and who should I bump into in the car park, but my former counsellor. He looked rather scruffy and unshaven (in fairness, I'm hardly in a position to judge anyone on that score ). Apparently work is thin on the ground and he's on the lookout for more in order to make ends meet.

      satz123;1466532 wrote:
      How are the Ubermag going ? Any difference ?
      Working too well for me - can't wait to get to bed & can't wake up :H
      I'm sleeping bucketloads, satzy. TBH, it's hard to tell if it's cos of the booze or the Ubermag. What I am sure of is that in the 10 or so days since I started taking all sorts of supplements (multivitamins, multiminerals, zinc, magnesium, and probiotics) the alcohol cravings have greatly diminished. I can last longer without a drink. The supplements have probably paid for themselves already in terms of reduced spending on whisky.

      Did you really get the Ubermag for $10 or are you being kind to me? I'll definitely place an order when the tub is nearly empty, but I'm a little bit worried about customs, cos L-tryptophan is prescription-only here in the UK.

      Quest for the key;1466543 wrote:
      Well, can my day get any worse ?

      Boss just been in and told me to start looking for another job pronto - they're gonna shut this office down in the next couple of months - it was a "don't hang about, if you get an offer to ge next week, go" !!! No notice to serve - just fuck off.

      I knew it was gonna be a shite day today.

      I can't believe my life.
      Shit questie, I'm really sorry to hear that. :l I hope you can find another job soon.


        Army Thread Thursday 21st February

        bloody hell questie..sorry to hear that..must say pretty nice gaffer ..and sounds like a shit chance of relocation or nowt?
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Army Thread Thursday 21st February

          gave in and took migraine tablet

          now making syrup sponge pudding and gammon for tea

          I need a treat.....
          I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

          They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


            Army Thread Thursday 21st February


              Army Thread Thursday 21st February

              Evening troops, just in and fed. Got place to meself

              satz123;1466528 wrote: Questy - I was EXACTLY the same first thing this morning
              I hauled myself out of the bed - throughly pissed off couldn't think of another excuse to cancel out of gym - so went.
              Back home then & pissed off again - (not quite as much though) - that I had to then go to work.
              I have eventually come around - we kinda have to don't we ?
              How succinct. Yes we do eventually come round and we do kinda have to - yer so right Satz. Oi fink oim turning into a very old lazy curmudgeon well before me time.

              Quest for the key;1466543 wrote: Well, can my day get any worse ?

              Boss just been in and told me to start looking for another job pronto - they're gonna shut this office down in the next couple of months - it was a "don't hang about, if you get an offer to ge next week, go" !!! No notice to serve - just fuck off.

              I knew it was gonna be a shite day today.

              I can't believe my life.
              Questy - that is royally shite. When do you hear about the job interview... could that be a silver lining? :l

              Firefox;1466571 wrote: Feeling bit down today too but trying not to feel sorry for myself gets you nowhere. Just having a coffee and watching crap tv
              Just like what Satz said really. But mind not to ignore what is p'ing you off. I know I don't always deal with things and they only get pushed under the surface to fester... inside me... and it grows kinda ugly!

              sweetpea29;1466575 wrote:

              Im just wrecked but wots new!?

              Satz could ye order the universe to bring me another holiday please and maybe a wee win on the lotto?:H
              Satz - gonna do that x2 please? Work tiring you out Chickpea? Or just banjaxed generally? Thank you so much for the PM - will respond :l

              Recluse;1466648 wrote:

              I couldn't reallly get out of it, satz. On the plus side, the inn where we met was very comfortable and it had a really enticing Italian menu. We were both very pleased with the food, so agreed that in future when we meet (groan!) we'll go back to the same place. For once, my brother was slightly less depressing than usual, so it wasn't too bad a day.
              Glad you enjoyed the grub at least Reccie. And that your brother wasn't quite as depressing as on previous occasions.

              Recluse;1466648 wrote:

              I'm sleeping bucketloads, satzy. TBH, it's hard to tell if it's cos of the booze or the Ubermag. What I am sure of is that in the 10 or so days since I started taking all sorts of supplements (multivitamins, multiminerals, zinc, magnesium, and probiotics) the alcohol cravings have greatly diminished. I can last longer without a drink. The supplements have probably paid for themselves already in terms of reduced spending on whisky.

              Did you really get the Ubermag for $10 or are you being kind to me? I'll definitely place an order when the tub is nearly empty, but I'm a little bit worried about customs, cos L-tryptophan is prescription-only here in the UK.
              I am glad the supps seem to be helping the whisky cravings. Are you looking to gradually taper down?

              I know ubermag was mentioned lately as to what it means, but I forget. Can someone remind me. I just have visions of a very large magazine.

              Peeps do seem to be a bit low around here. So (and because it's dinner time too) I have found what was the funniest you tube clip about 2 years ago (I think) for you all... If nothing else it's 2 minutes of giggles[/video]]Ultimate Dog Tease - YouTube


                Army Thread Thursday 21st February

                Recluse;1466668 wrote:
                You are a love Reccy. Seems more than a few could do with one after the day they've been having.
                Shall I get the biscuits out as well.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread Thursday 21st February

                  JackieClaire;1466681 wrote: You are a love Reccy. Seems more than a few could do with one after the day they've been having.
                  Shall I get the biscuits out as well.
                  Someone mention biccies?

                  Havent had me dinner yet but could sneak in a few biccies


                    Army Thread Thursday 21st February

                    mollyka;1466685 wrote: That is just poxy Questy - I am so sorry that happened - and the way it happened - just fucking horrible - really:l I hate when people say this but I'll say it anyways - as you were unhappy in the job, maybe it'll give you the 'get up and go' to find something that you really DO want - could be the job you went for the interview for, or could be something else altogether - in 6 months time - you could be thinking that this was the best thing ever ---- NO shagging consolation today tho - I know that!

                    Sorry you're down as well Foxy -- need I say that drink would only make it all seem so much worse?? Prolly not, but sometimes I find I need people to say things to me that should be obvious - here's another hug for you:l
                    Weeping and gnashing of teeth here too - poor Joey appears to have not got the Canadian visa - not sure why or what the story is - he's virtually inconsolable here, so not getting a lot of sense out of him. I ventured that he had Mum and Dad behind him 100% and could feel his pain - thought he'd give me a box - instead he gave me a hug and told me it meant a lot --- WOW!!! Poor old kid tho, wish he was 6 and I could sort out his worries!
                    Evening to everyone else - sorry prolly missing loads of stuff, but obviously I'm a bit distracted at the mo!!
                    Ah Molls- how sweet he gave ya a hug. He's lucky has a Mam like ya


                      Army Thread Thursday 21st February

                      Awww Molls, time to pull out the stops at Mammyville. Poor wee laddy.

                      Just found a few at the back of the cupboard, Sweety.

                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread Thursday 21st February

                        Good to see ya Arsey

                        Hope yer day was a little better:l

                        Cant blame work on my general state of lethargy as have been off a few days, really dunno what the feck is causing it


                          Army Thread Thursday 21st February

                          JackieClaire;1466689 wrote: Awww Molls, time to pull out the stops at Mammyville. Poor wee laddy.

                          Just found a few at the back of the cupboard, Sweety.

                          *licking me lips*

                          Jacks yer way too good:l

                          Any jammie dodgers in that selection?:H


                            Army Thread Thursday 21st February

                            sweetpea29;1466691 wrote: *licking me lips*

                            Jacks yer way too good:l

                            Any jammie dodgers in that selection?:H
                            I WANT THE JAMMY DODGERS ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME :stomper:


                              Army Thread Thursday 21st February

                              achully, i cannae see any jammies :no:


                                Army Thread Thursday 21st February

                                I spoil yous lot.

                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

