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    Just a query I haven't had a drink for a week but day 3 I started to feel dizzy like when you on a lift, it hasn't passed yet. I was just wondering if this is part of not drinking. Any help would be great :thanks:


    Pyes, I can't say that I can relate but it may be worth getting your blood pressure checked out...
    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!



      Pyes, are you drinking enough water and eating enough? Our bodies used alcohol for fuel - if you are not replacing it with good, healthy food and plenty of water, that could cause light-headedness. Also, are you taking any vitamins or supplements?

      Also, what does 'dizzy' mean? Is it possible you are just experiencing how it feels to not have alcohol in your system? I definitely feel lighter, have more energy, etc.

      If it persists please see a doctor - be safe.

      And by the way, :goodjob: of having 4 days AF. That is AMAZING!! :yougo:
      Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.



        I had that yesterday.....and have had it on occasion as well. While walking, I feel light headed at times and a little off balance. I eat plenty (too much really) and do drink plenty of water. My blood pressure is usually a little on the high side and so I take a lose dose of blood pressure medication. But I will check it, as I haven't in awhile.
        I also will be interested if any members have any advice re this.



          Siren136;1466477 wrote: Pyes, are you drinking enough water and eating enough? Our bodies used alcohol for fuel - if you are not replacing it with good, healthy food and plenty of water, that could cause light-headedness. Also, are you taking any vitamins or supplements?

          Also, what does 'dizzy' mean? Is it possible you are just experiencing how it feels to not have alcohol in your system? I definitely feel lighter, have more energy, etc.

          If it persists please see a doctor - be safe.

          And by the way, :goodjob: of having 4 days AF. That is AMAZING!! :yougo:
          Hi, Pyes

          Sometimes you need more salt when you give up alcohol. Have you noticed that you are urinating more and have less bloat around the middle? If so, eat a bit more salt than normal and you might see the dizziness go away or at least be lessened.

          Alcohol really messes up our metabolism and leads to some eating patterns that don't leave us in the best of shape. It is frustrating not to feel GREAT after 4 challenging days of successfully conquering AL, isnt' it???

          So, eat good, nutritious food that satisfies you and add a bit of salt and drink the AF fluids to flush out the remaining AL metabolites.

          Good luck and Good Job on getting to this point! - NS



            Eating salt increases your blood pressure if it's low, so you should go get that checked out.
            Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.



              Siren136;1466692 wrote: Eating salt increases your blood pressure if it's low, so you should go get that checked out.
              Recent data indicate that salt and BP are linked only in a rather small percentage of the population, believe it or not, and generally in specific ethnic groups.

              This is a pretty interesting summary from a couple of years ago:It's Time to End the War on Salt: Scientific American

              However, it is a good idea for all of us to know our blood pressures and take whatever steps are necessary to control it. Its just that reducing salt may not be the 'cure' we've been told it is.

              - NS



                Oh, no - I didn't mean that salt increases blood pressure to an unhealthy level. But anything that traps water is bound to bump up your BP a few points for a short while. I meant that if you are experiencing very low BP, eating some salt/electrolytes can push it up a bit.
                Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.



                  I just posted I didn't work so I apologise if it posted somewhere else.thanks to everyone who replied I've increased my fruit intake feeling a bit better, my blood pressure is good. So I think it may be a sugar thing

