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Army Thread Friday 22nd February

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    Army Thread Friday 22nd February

    I just read it. what an angry ungrateful individual. i think best ignore her its attention seeking blaming vent/rant.


      Army Thread Friday 22nd February

      Ooh Foxyloxy, don't think I've ever seen you cross. I likes it.

      Did you see the restaurants I found the other day. Just wanted to know if any were suitable.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Friday 22nd February

        Ahhh so it's true about the quiet types.

        Found one restaurant where it where I thought it was 49.50 euros a couple. Thought to meself well that's a canny price. That was for one main course for one person. Note to self read the fecking whole menu.

        I :h looking at menus. So there'll prolly be a new batch coming soon.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army Thread Friday 22nd February

          Mornin all...SERGEANT WHERES MY FUCKIN RIFLE !!!!! Wowee Molls ...ready aim fire!!! fuck me the big guns were out!!!
          Anyway how are yiz all?? that includes all the old people over 50 :H:H:H:.from moi the spring chicken...look Molls chickens!!!:H
          been up since god o far planted up tomato seedlings cauli seedlings, made madams dinner and waved her tatty bye,made three hanging baskets up ,put one of them up ..this hoose looks like a jungle!!, and now making 2 big pans o leek, onion and lentil broth

          Hiya Jacs..looking at yer list of isms...was gonna say you had missed one..orgasm , but thats an asm not an ism ..duh :H
          Guy over the road from me has just had a leccy garage door put in..he is out playing with it now..door goes up ..door goes down.. simples!!!

          Big hi to everyone else MWAH luvvies..thats me stage speak :H
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Army Thread Friday 22nd February

            Hi Army just popping in ( not at!!)...
            I also thought that poster was very resentful and ungrateful and was personally very rude to someone who has tried to help her but then I thought it must be a full time job being that ungratious and rude, add that to the day job plus an alcohol problem that's proving hard to get a handle on.. and whew poor thing must be exhausted. Leave that kind of shit to the youf...
            For me this whole not drinking lark has taken/is taking such a long time to get my head around..but slowly I am getting my head around it.. there is progress.

            Like the Red Thread.. this guy is really trying but he seems like he will drink tonight and he has decided that. I think no amount of soothing advice or hard hitting advice is going to change that and as long as he isn't going to keel over tonight through alcohol poisoning or get into his car or do anything mad then in a way he just needs to be left to do what he has decided to do....tomorrow is another day and hopefully different emotions/feelings...
            What do you people think?



              Army Thread Friday 22nd February

              Oooh Mick :blush: We're over 50 we don't do things like that. We spend our days gawping at the TV or shopping for beige jumpers.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread Friday 22nd February

                Hiya Patrice, ahoy Troopers!

                I think people have to find their own way Patrice. We can share our experiences, but for me, and many here, i need to come to my own conclusion and choices through my experiences, and make a decision based on that. Hopefully these folk are safe.

                JC. You have green eyes? Cooorr.....:h

                Wishing all a safe, sober, and magical weekend.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Army Thread Friday 22nd February

                  Big waves and a yoooooooooooo hoooooooooo Patrice.

                  It's like the question how long is a piece of string. I do know that those who ask for help have a much better chance of success.

                  For me I started looking for help way back in 2001, so it's been about 12 years. Lord knows what I was doing before that. I'm only coming to realise now that I had problems way before then. I doubt I was ever a normal drinker. It was probably the lack of funds and the size of the mortgage that kept me in check for a long time.

                  Mmmm with Red, lets just hope it's a dull roar. Today's another day. I just know that if I was going to drink I was going to drink. End of.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread Friday 22nd February

                    Mr G :h right back atchya. They get greener when I'm angry or excited.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread Friday 22nd February

                      She be watching...

                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        Army Thread Friday 22nd February

                        Blue eyes aged 66 Marathon runner/winner. Alkie who wears very fashionable clothes. Managed to kick the drink and the fags into to touch to enable me to have a fab life.
                        Reporting for duty


                          Army Thread Friday 22nd February

                          anon;1467056 wrote: Blue eyes aged 66 Marathon runner/winner. Alkie who wears very fashionable clothes. Managed to kick the drink and the fags into to touch to enable me to have a fab life.
                          Reporting for duty
                          God you are in great form today - Ms A - delighted to hear it and see you are looking at all the GREAT positives !!!:goodjob:

                          Hi Army :wavin: great excitement here today !


                            Army Thread Friday 22nd February

                            They're a bit darker green but at the moment one of them is blood shot as I've just poked a comb in me eye. (Don't ask).

                            anon;1467056 wrote: Blue eyes aged 66 Marathon runner/winner. Alkie who wears very fashionable clothes. Managed to kick the drink and the fags into to touch to enable me to have a fab life.
                            Reporting for duty
                            Honestly, Mrs A. You should be a poster girl for MWO. You're quite gorgeous.

                            Yo Satzuma.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread Friday 22nd February

                              JackieClaire;1467064 wrote: They're a bit darker green but at the moment one of them is blood shot as I've just poked a comb in me eye. (Don't ask).

                              Honestly, Mrs A. You should be a poster girl for MWO. You're quite gorgeous.

                              Yo Satzuma.
                              Yo 'ol Green Eyes :l
                              I am going here tonight ! Have an 'ol drool JC :H
                              Food & Wine : The Pig's Ear, Four Nassau Street, Dublin 4, Ireland


                                Army Thread Friday 22nd February

                                And another

                                You enjoy menus - for you to enjoy reading JC

                                Brunch Dublin | Whitefriar Grill

