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    I love and appreciate you all SO much. :h. Your posts, your perspective are truly my life line for my journey.

    My hubs and I talked about her this morning and you are right on, Ann. That kind of vitriol will kill her and her business in the end. Also I remembered that she had done that kind of thing before, to another woman who critised her son for being out if control at the gymnastics center. Thankfully many of my children's friends had already left so they didn't see this- the kids were so embarrassed. I did send her a curt email last night stating how dare she do that to me kids in public: she was completely unprofessional (remember this is a teacher here) and her disgusting behavior would eventually loose her her own business.
    I was so grateful that this email was not sent through a fog; not a rant; not a crazy litany of how sick she is... It was just three sentences and it helped my children put her behavior in perspective.

    I think it was Dimension who said ' just because you get sober, life still happens to you...'
    Sounds obvious doesn't it? But honestly this was almost a revelation to me- and not a happy one! I only have a few coping skills and you all know my most favorite one :H last night I walked away...or I tried to. When she started screaming at Matt (poor Matt suffered the most from this liaison ) I did intervene somewhat... Hubs just kept us moving along...
    Still all in all I think we did Okay. Could ave been worse.

    Thank you all again for helping me. I will keep busy this weekend and sleep saying to myself, "I will not let this woman in my ear or heart. I will not be defeated by this " :bat
    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest



      No, you won't be defeated by this, dear Kradle. The weird feelings will persist for awhile, but they'll pass.

      I wish you could get your girls into a different dance studio.... This situation is toxic for all of you. I prefer to leave toxic people in the dust.

      "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey



        Sorry that shit happened Kradle. :l I would question myself as to why I would not pull my children from this school. Only you can answer this of course. It's all a test! LOL Action/Reaction. Cause/Effect
        Psalms 119:45

        ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

        St. Francis of Assisi

        I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.




          Hi Juja. Hi RC,

          I pulled all the children out of there after the Christmas show. Though I wanted them out earlier, I allowed them to perform because despite the nonsense , they had worked hard and wanted to perform.

          I now have them in a much more reputable studio, the owner of which is beautiful, calm and talented...and it doesn't hurt that her husband is manger of one if our areas best Theaters!

          I also found them a wonderful children's choral group, again the teacher is loving, warm and very calm! In fact I'm there right now at their practice. They are learning an 18th century choral piece...quite the difference from Taylor Swift.. they can sing her in the car as far as I'm concerned...

          So I think I have their singing and dancing skills pretty much covered...

          The iiT Factor woman is truly an Abby Lee Dance mom wanna be and maybe if I had been a sycophant, clueless mom I could have tolerated her...or maybe if I were still drinking!!

          I do think one of the reasons this woman is so venomous is she lost three really good clients and a lot of my money ... Her studio was $90.00 a month per child... That's a fair amount per month/per year...and I took some people with me....their choice though, not mine. They all had there own stories about her.

          Thanks again everybody. Maybe when I calm down more and get some distance from this like you said Juja...this will pass... I will post the girls performances. Oddly enough, Madison sang the Christine Agularie (sp??) song 'Beautiful' which speaks to not letting people hurt you with their words... How's that for Karma!
          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
 tool box
 newbie nest

