I love and appreciate you all SO much. :h. Your posts, your perspective are truly my life line for my journey.
My hubs and I talked about her this morning and you are right on, Ann. That kind of vitriol will kill her and her business in the end. Also I remembered that she had done that kind of thing before, to another woman who critised her son for being out if control at the gymnastics center. Thankfully many of my children's friends had already left so they didn't see this- the kids were so embarrassed. I did send her a curt email last night stating how dare she do that to me kids in public: she was completely unprofessional (remember this is a teacher here
I was so grateful that this email was not sent through a fog; not a rant; not a crazy litany of how sick she is... It was just three sentences and it helped my children put her behavior in perspective.
I think it was Dimension who said ' just because you get sober, life still happens to you...'
Sounds obvious doesn't it? But honestly this was almost a revelation to me- and not a happy one!
Still all in all I think we did Okay. Could ave been worse.
Thank you all again for helping me. I will keep busy this weekend and sleep saying to myself, "I will not let this woman in my ear or heart. I will not be defeated by this " :bat