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Army Thread Saturday 23rd February

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    Army Thread Saturday 23rd February

    sweetpea29;1468033 wrote: Oh yer awake:H

    Well last i heard of the wee Arsey man he was headin orf ta work, he mentioned his ex was gonna be there so hope it went well for him.

    Really aways now,

    Satz yer up for me in the cheerleadin tomorrow okey dokey?
    yer on !!!


      Army Thread Saturday 23rd February

      mollyka;1468034 wrote: Sorry - disappeared there - Joe was quizzing me about two very important things - how I managed to get conned out of 50 euros for a chimney sweep and how our youngest son is --- not sure in which order:H

      Ah - I know normal service will resume Reccie - it's a merry-go-round that's hard to get off isn't it!
      Yeah, I achully got an uncontrollable fit of giggles, snots, tears, and the bastards I was working with sorta hid and left me trying to deal with people at the desk -- still snigger when I think of it!!

      OOOOOOHHHH I'm CHIEF cheer-leader then ---- yay!!! Won't be a haggis eatin person to be heard over me:H
      Orf to bed myself. Nighters everyone xxxx
      Here Mollers - see you've discovered Abraham via Hippyman ?
      That's who I am always banging on about. I have all their books & tapes !


        Army Thread Saturday 23rd February

        Lurpacking begins. Dya think if I leave some tea and toast out it'll bring that young whipper snapper out of hiding.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009

