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Army Thread Sunday 24th February

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    Army Thread Sunday 24th February

    Christ - changing the subject for a moment - how can one cat deposit so much fur on the carpet in a single day? It's a full time job clearing up after the bugger. Should never have had light coloured carpets fitted. :upset:


      Army Thread Sunday 24th February

      mollyka;1468357 wrote: I think I may have put that poem up myself Reccie - I didn't know where it came from, someone gave it to me when I was young - The Frog knows who wrote it - I may go look for it!
      Got it! It WAS you!

      Don't be fooled by me. Don't be fooled by the face I wear. For I wear a thousand masks, masks that I'm afraid to take off, and none of them are me. Pretending is an art that's second nature with me, but don't be fooled, for Gods sake don't be fooled. I give the impression that I'm secure, that all is sunny and unruffled with me, within as well as without, that confidence is my name and coolness my game; that the water's calm and I'm in command, and that I need no one, but don't believe me, PLEASE!!

      My surface may seem smooth, but my surface is my mask. Beneath this lies no complacence. Beneath dwells the real me in confusion, in fear at the thought of weakness and fear of being exposed. That's why I frantically create a mask to hide behind, a nonchalant, sophisticated facade to help me pretend, to shield me from the glance that knows. But such a glance is precisely my salvation, my only salvation, and I know it. That is if it's followed by acceptance, if it's followed by LOVE. It's the only thing that will assure me of what I can't assure myself -- that I am worth something.

      But I don't tell you this. I don't dare. I'm afraid to. I'm afraid your glance will not be followed by acceptance and love. I'm afraid you'll think less of me, that you'll laugh at me, and your laugh would kill me. I'm afraid that deep down I'm nothing, that I'm no good and that you will see this and reject me. So I play my game, my desperate game, with a facade of assurance without, and a trembling child within. And so begins the parade of masks, and my life becomes a front.

      I idly chatter to you in the suave tones of surface talk. I tell you everything that is really nothing, and nothing of what's everything..........of what's crying within me; so when I'm through my routine, do not be fooled by what I'm saying, what I'd like to be able to say, what for survival I need to say, but what I can't say.

      I dislike hiding. Honestly! I dislike the superficial game I'm playing, the phony game. I'd really like to be genuine and spontaneous, and me, but you've got to help me. You've got to hold out your hand, even when that's the last thing I seem to want. Only you can call me into aliveness. Each time you're gentle and kind, and encouraging, each time you try to understand because you really care, my heart begins to grow wings, very small wings, very feeble wings, but wings. With your sensitivity and sympathy, and your power of understanding, you can breathe life into me. I want you to know that.

      I want you to know how important you are to me, how you can be the creator of the person that is me if you choose to. Please choose to. You alone can break down the wall behind which I tremble, you alone can remove my mask. You alone can release me from my shadow-world of panic and uncertainty, from my lonely person. Do not pass me by. Please, do not pass me by. It will not be easy for you. A long conviction of worthlessness builds strong walls. The nearer you approach me, the blinder I strike back. I fight against the very thing I cry out for, but I am told that LOVE is stronger than walls, and in this lies my hope. Please try to beat down those walls with firm hands, but with gentle hands - for a child is very sensitive.


      In the final analysis, I am afraid to tell you about myself, my inner thoughts, my secret feelings. Why? Why am I afraid to tell you who I am? Because if you don't like it, that's all I am, all I have.

      Please Hear What I Am Not Saying


        Army Thread Sunday 24th February

        mollyka;1468360 wrote: :H Another reason why I'm not an 'animal' person - spent long enough sweeping up vomits and muck from me kids:H
        I put up the one I was talking about anyway Recs, not sure if that's the one you meant.

        Now must away and get ready for the sprogs -- poor wee Jamie was sick during the week so really looking forward to a good ol' cuddle
        Laters xx
        Xpost molly - yep, that was the one! Great poem! Laters.


          Army Thread Sunday 24th February

          Whizzy - in case you're ever short of inspiration:

          BBC News - 'Oldest marathon man' Fauja Singh runs last 10km race


            Army Thread Sunday 24th February

            Recluse;1468369 wrote: Whizzy - in case you're ever short of inspiration:

            BBC News - 'Oldest marathon man' Fauja Singh runs last 10km race
            Just switched back on and read this.

            When I did the London Marathon thingy last year I met him as I go to the start where all the fast for age and celebs start. He was 101 then, he does not speak any English and only started running at 89!. I spoke to his friends who were going to run with him and needless to say he has never drunk alcohol and only eats small veggie meals but often. He was delightful and gracious.

            Molly I love the poem.

            Hope everyone has had a good Sunday 'cos I have.

            Houseful here now but managed to get out and run 8 miles.


              Army Thread Sunday 24th February

              anon;1468378 wrote: When I did the London Marathon thingy last year I met him as I go to the start where all the fast for age and celebs start. He was 101 then, he does not speak any English and only started running at 89!. I spoke to his friends who were going to run with him and needless to say he has never drunk alcohol and only eats small veggie meals but often.
              Wow! (to all of that!)

              anon;1468378 wrote:
              Hope everyone has had a good Sunday 'cos I have.
              That's good to hear. I've not had a bad day myself...fairly productive in between reading and posting here.


                Army Thread Sunday 24th February

                Reccie I always had a picture in my mind about your gaff and it did not include a light coloured carpet:H

                Glad you had a productive day.


                  Army Thread Sunday 24th February

                  Evening folks :wavin:

                  Thanks for postin that poem Reccie- very good

                  Mrs A- glad you've had a good Sunday

                  Wont mention the rugby :upset: WTF happened there!?


                    Army Thread Sunday 24th February

                    That poem is just quite beautiful.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread Sunday 24th February

                      Hi Jackie :hallo:

                      Did ya have a nice Sunday?

                      Im debating whether to get takeaway for me dins


                        Army Thread Sunday 24th February

                        Back from a mare of a shopping trip - trying to buy trendy jeans for eldest sprogs bday was horrific !!

                        He's 6 ft 4 in (16 on wed) and wide with it - so he's a mans xxl shirt/t shirt and his jeans are 38 waist and 34 leg. Try and find a pair of trendy pants/jeans in that size - FFS - I've spent all afternoon on me knees looking through jeans sizes. It would seem that if you're a bloke with a 38 waist you've automatically got short legs !!! How does that work ?

                        Anyway, did find one pair, but protecting the receipt with me life - I've a feelin ill be back for a refund next weekend - brill !!!

                        Poor love really, he's not fat - just wide - a rugby player with really solid legs so all these nice jeans and pants yer see the young ones wearing he can't get past his knees. Tbh he's a credit to me and his dad - young, fit and healthy - just wide

                        What was the score in the rugby ?
                        Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                          Army Thread Sunday 24th February

                          Do you know I've had a very pleasant weekend. Done nothing startling just pootled about.

                          We're having toad in the hole tonight.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Sunday 24th February

                            Questy, I've got a big lad. 6'2" in his stocking feet. Built like a brick shit house and size 12 shoes. It used to be a nightmare buying clothes and shoes. Thank gawd he buys his own stuff now.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread Sunday 24th February

                              Hiya Quests :wavin: your soundin in good form

                              Jacks glad ye have had a pleasant weekend too

                              Hafta away forabit, see ya's later :hallo:


                                Army Thread Sunday 24th February

                                JackieClaire;1468407 wrote: Questy, I've got a big lad. 6'2" in his stocking feet. Built like a brick shit house and size 12 shoes. It used to be a nightmare buying clothes and shoes. Thank gawd he buys his own stuff now.
                                Dya know jacs he's been in a size 13and half for about 12 months - feel sorry for him cos all the stuff his mates have I just can't get for him. Got him designer jeans at Xmas but they cost nearly ?100 !!! And with 3 others its hard - he's not demanding or owt but I want him to be dressed nice. Costs a small fortune though

                                Awhh where's me manners ? Hiya to the rest of yiz xx
                                Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.

